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Everything posted by Rockoboy

  1. I have some toad skins heading my way (without the inside bits). They're from "The Toad Factory". I will post a review after I have done a bit with them.
  2. I am finding that I am becoming a bit of an edge-nazi! Every time I see a piece of leatherwork, I check out the edge finish. Your edges look a million bucks, and overall a great job.
  3. Rockoboy


    Looks excellent. I really like the way you finished off the binding.
  4. I have never heard of Weaver having a shopfront or warehouse in Australia, but I am in Western Australia. We have about 30% of what is available in the eastern states.
  5. 54 and 2days here. I always say "Getting older is better than the alternative".
  6. With my dremel and all of my routers, I find a light tap on the bit usually loosens the collet if it does not loosen when the collet nut is backed off.
  7. I don't see any little x in that location.
  8. I do like a nice piece of railway line. That might be a result of 4 years apprenticeship with the Western Australian Government Railways. My little piece of 90lb rail pictured below.
  9. I like the "no welt required" axe sheath. Simple and effective.
  10. Could it be just that piece of leather that is a lot tougher to cut? If you have been using this plough gauge for so many years with no problems, there has to be something that you have changed recently that makes all the difference.
  11. From my limited experience, its a lot like thin chrome tan I think. The flesh side is quite rough (lots of fibrous matter hanging off it), and the edge does not burnish easily. The only good things about it are there's no need to tool a design, this lot came already dyed and it sews pretty easily.
  12. This is my latest small offering. A variation on a Tandy project for a swivel knife case. Fish leather about 1.0 - 1.5mm thick, hand sewn with waxed poly thread. Any errors are entirely my own any critiques or advice welcome.
  13. Great looking job. The edges along to top of the wallet look really well cut, nice and straight, but I am wondering if they might come up better if the were dyed and/or burnished?
  14. You have a lot more experience than me if you have re-dyed anything, because I have never done any ... but I have been thinking about giving a few things a new colour.
  15. Great job on the finish. Is that threaded rod (bolt shaft) going to be strong enough to hold the weight, especially if its going to be used in/on a machine driven burnisher?
  16. If you are trying to use the Pritchell Hole as a tool hole, you might find your tool can swivel around. If it does move, you might need to make an oblong tool hole (if square is too difficult).
  17. Can you retouch those pieces that are affected after folding? Alternatively, can you dye the whole job after bending? Maybe some pics can assist with ideas or suggestions.
  18. Very nice tutorial for newbies to get their leatherwork history started.
  19. I like that hair-on-leather inlay, what animal is that from?
  20. I have some gum tragacanth that I am planning to try on the back of some fish skin leather. Its fairly rough and hairy at the moment, and I am hoping it will smooth it down.
  21. You could get them laser cut. No waste if the shape of each blank matches with the next one. The only thing to consider is the scorching along the cut edge, but that could be easily sanded off before finishing the edge. With the clicker die and press, you could cut out 3 or more at a time if the die was made correctly. No scorching, so less work sanding and finishing the edge.
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