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Everything posted by Rockoboy

  1. I believe Toyota stopped making and/or badging any heavy duty machines in 1999, (from what Seiko Japan and their Australian office told me). You could try KMA Sewing Centre in Queensland. Apparently they cleaned out the Southern hemisphere Toyota warehouse when they ceased production.
  2. This is what I meant by a "whipped end". The 1st pic is started and finished by running the end under itself. The 2nd pic uses a separate piece of lace to finish the ends.
  3. If they do offer shipping, I am betting it will come unwrapped and bouncing around inside its very own crate or cardboard box.
  4. In Australia, you get a free kangaroo hide with every box of cornflakes.
  5. As Bmutt said. Start out with one of your older misshapen shields, but try to get one that is at least half decent. Trace around the good half, fold and copy the good half. Cut out a good symmetrical shield.
  6. I reckon you are too hard on yourself (but who amongst us isn't their own worst critic?). Your drawings look great. I am interested to see more of your artwork.
  7. I can put something together over the next couple of days.
  8. Good looking mods, Mjolnir. I do like your accoutrements', undecided and otherwise. Rather than the copper nails in the braid, I prefer a whipped end, but that's a personal choice from my fishing rod building.
  9. I hope I can be as bad as you at drawing one day. Excellent drawing and really great carving. I hope you are able to redo your piece to your satisfaction.
  10. Cheers HS. Same same. There's a canvas & leather repair shop local to me, nice people in there but they are more expensive. All the tanneries in this state have gone, as far I am aware.
  11. Hi there HS, You got that right! Unfortunately!! Where are you based?
  12. No problem. I am waiting to see the finished product. It all looks great so far.
  13. A welt would be a thin piece the same shape as the stitch line of the sheath, and the width of your stitch line. It helps to keep the stitches from being rubbed or cut as tools are placed in or removed from the sheath. How can the straight razor be placed in or removed from the sheath? The mouth of the sheath appears to be narrower than the end of the handle.
  14. If you do feel the dowels are in danger of splitting, you could cut a small length (1 inch or so) of copper or steel tube and place a ferrule on the top of the dowels, then re-screw the seat back down. No splitting then, plus maybe a nice copper accent.
  15. Your articles might be canvas and chrome tanned leather, but your onlay will need to be made from vegtan. I am sure somebody with more knowledge than I, will soon tell you this again. The logo you have displayed looks pretty good. The only slight defect (for want of a better term) is the cowboy's waist. It looks way to skinny. The printed logo shows it better, where his waistcoat vest is wider than his waist.
  16. I like the idea, and your execution looks like its going to be a winner. Are you going to use a welt, especially on the straight razor side? Then again, I guess you would probably need a welt all round ... thinking ... thinking ... thinking
  17. I totally agree, but I am sure this is something the OP will pick up as he regains his previous abilities. Great looking job for a "1st-in-10-years" effort.
  18. Never having done much wet-moulding, I think the steep slope, rather than a square corner, should make the whole process easier.
  19. A good friend has a laser. I have asked him to etch a design onto some vegtan, to save me tracing it. The 1st run (about 2" x 3") for a practice looks great. I can 'feel' a padfolio in my future.
  20. What's the "pull up" mean? I've heard the terminology, but never known what it means.
  21. Wine corks are more fun to accumulate!
  22. I know this feeling! I was at my local?(60kms away) leather supplier last week. They had a croc skin ... I think it was $400 or thereabouts for a nice 3 footer. Too rich for my blood!
  23. Hi there Algor, There are a few Aussies already here. If you put more info on your profile, you might find there are people close to you who can assist you with relevant info. I found a couple of local people that have become good friends, and we swap ideas and assist each other where possible.
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