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Everything posted by koreric75

  1. definitely making progress, looks good!
  2. Good deal, I'm hoping that is the same for me, the rattler is in the solution, hoping a week or so will do the trick
  3. I understand...at the end of the day if I make something and I'm not willing to sign it or claim it, then it's going to file 13. (large box of scraps and rejects that comes in handy when I need to test a stitch or mock something up)..I have done project management and prefer to get the requirement with some key points, then let me work...rather than send me a picture of someone else's work and ask for a duplicate. I don't mind a reference for inspiration, but honestly for a duplicate just forget it... now don't get me wrong, there are many makers out there I aspire to, and my work shows aspects that I've learned or patterns I've purchased, but once it's done it is still mine. What's worse is when someone sends me a picture and says "can you make this exact item, but only charge me a fraction of what this maker sells it for" I usually am quick to answer..."Nope, that maker has a process established, as well as a pattern, and if they're selling in volume likely have a team of workers making parts etc, what I can do is make something like what you want, but you'll be paying for the cost of custom setup, one off materials if req'd, as well as my time" I may have the wrong outlook on this, but I enjoy this craft for the craft part of it, and I do enjoy it.
  4. I'm hoping so, he had been hunting for years and this is the first time he's come across one, It's not a rotten smell but it ain't a good smell either... It's been cool here and I'm keeping it in a sealed bag with as much air as I could suck out of it until I can get the glycerin.... Thanks fellas, I kinda knew this was the case but he's "sure" that salt was all that was needed to "tan" the skin...I explained to him pretty much what y'all said, the salt preserved it until it can be tanned but if I put it on a belt as is it'll be too rotten smelling to wear before the leather even broke in...
  5. Agreed, I played with one briefly last weekend and was not impressed... The size leads me to believe they're catering to a crowd that cuts small shapes, I used the round dye that they have and while it makes a nice circle that's all it is... Was going to play with the tipping machine but didn't have the time... The clicker may be suited to wallet pockets and leather earnings, but the fact you'd have a hard time getting a holster out of it turned me off immediately, also it's a cumbersome setup with out the swing away too, I'd spend the extra $$ and go for the Weaver or similar rig
  6. I'm curious as well...my buddy gave me the skin friday, but all he did was salt it after putting it on the board, i'm not sure if we need to do anything else to it before attempting to make anything with it...i know one thing for sure, it stinks!...lol Can you go back and do the glycerin/alcohol mix tanning solution after drying and salting?, and would that help get rid of the dead animal smell?
  7. that is awesome! I've done a couple of stool covers lately, but just upholstery leather...really would like to try something with tooling and veg and was wondering if a round braid/mexican braid would be good for the seams...the attention to detail and time for tooling alone make it impressive, but the perfect fit for the 3d shape is perfect!
  8. These google searches should cover most of what you have asked...I know i found a youtube video awhile back that had a rough formula for braiding leather starting strip length and ending length doing a 4 strand round braid if i happen across it again i'll follow up here. https://www.google.com/search?q=braided+leather+dog+leash+instructions&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmmNuKrLTeAhULG6wKHQcdBsUQ1QIIxgIoAQ&biw=1280&bih=617 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=617&ei=3IvbW43wEYa6tgXQ2o7gCA&q=strap+cutter+leather&oq=strap+cutter&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i20i263j0l5j0i22i30l4.24803.26601..29910...0.0..0.84.942.12......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0i131j0i67j0i10.7A4ieiGG9hY https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=617&ei=-4vbW6n6Cc6-tQXw0KqoBw&q=wing+divider&oq=wing+div&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0l10.19140.23196..25044...5.0..0.96.1087.13......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0i131i67j0i67j0i131j0i10i67j0i10.T4s8Ov_xVx0 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=617&ei=FYzbW4b2D4a6tgXQ2o7gCA&q=latigo+leather++vs+veg+tan&oq=latigo+leather++vs+veg+tan&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299l3j33i160l2.14466.21880..22289...3.0..1.326.2522.26j1j1j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i71j35i39j0i67j0i131j0i131i67j0i20i263j0i10j0i22i30j33i22i29i30.ao3JojUbDxA https://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=617&ei=LIzbW5C0EsyOtQWbwa_wCA&q=leather+dye+source+new+england&oq=leather+dye+source+new+england&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299.27138.32897..33074...0.0..0.111.2235.29j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i71j35i39j0i67j0i131j0i131i67j0i20i263j0i22i30j33i160j33i22i29i30.u-n8rqjnFpA https://www.google.com/search?q=leather+hole+punch&oq=leather+hole+punch&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3704j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  9. true, my little bro is starting out knife smithing...i'm waiting for him to get his comfort level to work on a new headknife for me, i've made him a few sheaths and a holster so far in trade...lol
  10. Thanks matt, here's the final bag with the pockets....
  11. I may be interested in the press/dies/steel rule dies, will watch for the posting.
  12. How about this, never tried it but curious... https://www.tandyleatheroutlet.com/p-665-eco-flo-pull-up-additive-250ml.aspx
  13. So, I'm working on another messenger bag, this one has two front pockets that are about an inch deep. Instead of using a gusset i borrowed a design from a tandy book and made a printable/cutable template....i used a stoned oil side on my cricut to cut this out, but laser or print, trace and cut should work. The dimensions can be adjusted in inkscape for wider, taller, and deeper pockets...just remember to keep the distance inside the "gouge lines" even. The .svg file is below and the direct link is on pinterest to the cricut project. https://pin.it/nkkrzks5tuuhoc bag-front pocket.svg
  14. is it a button attaching machine? http://ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/singer_industrial_button-attaching_machine.html
  15. well i already know i want some of that havanna cigar color...after seeing sample colors i instantly wanted some, but haven't found an affordable color to match
  16. I don't have their pattern but from the pics looks pretty straight forward, imagine some will be joining lines for pattern pieces of you're printing out on printer paper...
  17. watching as i too will be delving into the inlay of slithering things...lol, have a hat band, belt and maybe wallet ordered...
  18. understood as is, but prices? mentioned but not listed
  19. ditto...sorry old post but someone is looking for one, i have a flaring tool so i'll give it a go since it's been years since i've done brake lines or any flaring
  20. If you don't need that handy junior i'd be interested I definitely agree with this...the adler will sew #207 top just fine, but will not pull it up consistently...#207 top and #138 bottom makes a beautiful stitch and for belts, sheaths or other light duty items is plenty strong.
  21. looks like they're around $20 so i'd say grind away...lol https://www.sewingpartsonline.com/1-8-outside-welt-foot-gauge-singer-120369-1-8.aspx?variant_id=282645
  22. The classes at b.c. tandy are good, but can be hit or miss. Tucker is the one that does the classes usually and is pretty knowledgeable and very eager to help, but don't think they'd be covering boots/shoes, and for knife sheaths you're probably better off using the 2 hrs practicing or researching/reading here.... i'd be more than happy to trade some leather knowledge for welding lol, that is an art form all it's own.
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