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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. Hi Brian That trimming cut is a eye opener I myself would never have though of doing it on a clicker, the attention to detail on all your designs and work is what really stands out from the crowd
  2. Copy of the video would be copyright infringement, the talk has been about how to safeguard people designs on this forum, and then suddenly video's that have been protected by Tandy seem to be fair game,
  3. This https://www.vetrontypical-europe.com/ty-tw1-2-898d2t3
  4. I love the bag but must question a rose design on what looks a heritage bag design, maybe something more indidunus to your location would be a more interesting insert
  5. I think you need to really ask what your potential customers want in a wallet, don't suggest just ask them to list the 5 or ten most important things they would like, I think you will find that the magnet idea is a dud, as Mike states you have invented a solution to a problem that does not exist and therefore only acceptable to a tiny, tiny, tiny number of potential customers It looks like you live in India where you have two main styles of clothing Indian and western, with the western style catered for in the millions, maybe a wallet for the indian style dress would be a better opportunity to have a original design maybe wallets that are hidden from view inside the indian dress jackets or money belts or a combination of both First find out what your potential customers would like, but no prompting, just give them a sheet of paper and pen and ask them to write down what they would like
  6. Intrigued as to what these metal things could be
  7. The king "Charlie boy" i guess you mean, does not collect any taxes, the greedy sods, are the government in the UK, King or Queen have no say in government unlike your president. but to be fair to him he was a bit mad at that time,
  8. Never heard of charge books this side of the pond, please can someone explain what they are used for
  9. If there is not much competition in the number of tanneries , I guess they get away with what they can, and the wholesalers just sell what they recieve , Small buyers have to often take whats given , whilst large companies demand precise QC standards in what they get, and refuse any that dont meet the spec
  10. OK ban all people wearing Leather Gloves, Trousers, Clutch bags, Wallets as they might be killing themselves, Hopefully nylon pop socks act as a isolation barrier and therefore should prevent my wife's feet dropping off as every day she wears leather shoes
  11. I was brought a half ton arbor, and I then brought a 1 metre length of 25mm steel tube, that goes over the bar when needed to give far more pressure, just slip it over the existing bar, not sure what the mechanical advantage is but must be quite a lot
  12. It's up to you mat, I am happy to cover it in oil and put in in my dry garage for as long as you want or anyone else wants, the owner knows nothing about machines you can see the add here https://www.gumtree.com/p/arts-crafts/industrial-sewing-machine/1350644816 I am not the buyer just found the limk on a local search and thought about it and decided not for me
  13. Ok found out its a 45K1 not seized and available in Norfolk for £25 just the head available, I have no need for a heavy machine so if anyone wants it feel free to buy, I can pick it up and hold in my garage for anyone who cannot pick up soon just pm me for instructions etc
  14. For most of us this is 100% true, only the big brands don't really have to do more than put their brand on 'whatever' and it will sell. We on the other hand need to make something so great, that it warrants the customer to brag about it to all their friends That's true but they had to spend fortunes on marketing and presentation along with the right design and flair to get noticed in the first place, companies are happy to spend millions just to get you to chose what petrol you put in your car
  15. You mean you can afford both tools and a Vacation? obviously not buying enough tools or machines
  16. Expecting to hear from the seller today about the actual version number, but she has confirmed it is not seized
  17. Tandy do a guide to making them https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/videos
  18. That's the beauty of a good brand, it still carries the good name sometimes far after its dropped its high quality standards, and others using modern methods produce higher quality in competition, but buyers are still preferring the established brand
  19. With belt loops like this, what are the best make of snaps for strength of sideways pull like these will be subject to, only used snaps so far for fastening with no real strength required
  20. A good few years ago we had a tv program called the troubleshooter, which was about a businessman Sir John Harvey-Jones who visited companies in trouble and tried to analyze where they had basically gone wrong One company you might have heard of was Morgan sports cars, when he visited he found a number of things that could be done different, but the point on one item was, They used hand beaten mudguards running sides and other parts , because that was the morgan way, very expensive way at that, and the management stated "that's what the customers pay for tradition". His reply was that, "the customer did not really give a damn about how it was made just that it was made well and looked like morgan cars should look to their fans". all these hand made parts could be pressed out at a massive saving in labour and time. He also found that they brought in all their engines and gearboxes from Ford, and once the chassis was made the engine and gearbox was the first things to be installed, with car completion many weeks down the line, his suggestion as long as it does not hinder production buy and install the expensive items last and save cash-flow It may well be the same with hand stitching does anyone really care about the difference between hand and machine sewing
  21. The big question is how far does copyright or trademark stretch to If I design a leather pouch just like any other pouch design to hang from a belt, and have a flag design on the flap Does this mean nobody can do the same or can they use a different flag or maybe a image or photo 747 That's the main problem in identifying what is copyrighted or trademarked and what is freedom of design, things can be different but look much the same, Unfortunately the big guys can afford the lawyers the small guy has in most cases just to accept life in unfair
  22. In the UK the laws on copyright have been very poor in some sectors, so that a small design company will make a new dress design and sell it at a few thousand pounds to a few customers and the big clothing companies will bring out a near exact copy but with slightly different material and very minor changes and sell thousands at £20 each, But the general public will see the very strong resemblance and probably call it a copy With many leather items it's hard to make a unique design for the most popular items, a clutch bag or bifold wallet have been made for decades all closely following some one off design many decades ago, leaving very little parts that can be trademarked which seems far stronger than copyright in law Even if designers take action to defend their products they fight a uphill fight unless the person or company copying has the money or assets to make it worthwhile Theft of designs is totally wrong in all circumstances, but unfortunately will never be stopped, just look to history with the similar cars coming out at the same time. But on the other hand there has never been so many designers willing to sell their designs for so little money I for one have learnt a lot by studying other peoples designs but never had the inclination to make a copy Al stohlman made his money selling books and classes, but at this present time his books are available free as e-books with presumably no royalties paid to the family although no doubt Tandy had agreement from the family
  23. Mike I don't think LV even bother as these adverts have been on the web for at least a year see https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/713255718/pattern-fabric-by-the-yard-multiple?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=louis+vuitton+leather&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&pro=1 Admittedly not of a very good quality if image is to go by
  24. Can anyone identify this machine
  25. You will need a written contract spelling out what is required and how things should be on the finished item, Many times customers get the finished item and reject it for some dubious reason and you left fighting a law suite Its just like asking a builder to make you a house, you need all the details and tolerances before they start even down to the colour of the coat locker or design of bathroom taps. the more information you have on whats required the less chance of something going wrong, There should also be a paragraph on disputes and how they are handled Make sure the first few are QC'd by the buyer prior to mass production Good luck and congratulations on your order
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