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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. Your visualisation is correct With the patcher you have a 360 degree head to can fit the head inside a small area and sew if necessary around a badge, have a look on YouTube for some video'son the singer 29K
  2. First class work as normal from yourself brian Once you have sorted out the prototypes, do you have a sub contractor for the actual 3D production or do it all yourself?
  3. So what part is copyright in a holster of which the basic design if from the 1800's or maybe even before as there is nothing distinctive about it that I can see, could be a novel fixing or something on the back though i guess but unlikely Your actual images are definitely your copyright and cannot be copied, but you do not state what is and what is not copyright thereby leaving confusion The actual design of the tooling may we be the items that a copyright as a design part, just the same as a painting or drawing can be
  4. Not really clear on your point Naturally you can make a patter and sell it to whoever you like, but the example you gave below, has no copyright as they have been around for years, and just copies of other peoples idea's, with maybe some tiny modification themselves, with the only difference being the exact measurements, to copyright your idea has to be original, just like a pancake holster could only have been copyrighted by the original person who designed it and i guess he never followed up and let everyone use the basic design I made and sell this. I sketched all those rectangles myself and priced them accordingly https://www.etsy.com/listing/385969090/leather-notebook-pattern-field-notes
  5. The best advice on buying any machine is to try it out, on what you need it for, many people are happy with 29K machines, and use them for a variety of purpose. they have been, and still are in production over 100 years, they can sew inside shoes and boots few other machines can handle. As with all machines some people have duff ones other think they are great only you know the full story of how it works for you
  6. Have you considerd Sole leather at http://thomasware.co.uk/our-products/tanned-sole-leather/
  7. Riem If you have access to a food vacuum machine, another way to do that holster would be to wet the leather, wrap the knife in cling film, then place a piece of wood inside the plastic bag then the knife in the centre of it and place the leather over the knife in the correct position, You then start the vacuum machine and at the same time press around the knife until you have the required fit. then leave it sealed in the vacuum for about 12 hours and then release the vacuum and let the leather fully dry out. when dry lay it over the back panel and sew etc. you will have a very tight fitting holster and the back piece will be flat against your body https://www.aldi.co.uk/vacuum-food-sealer/p/096408298075500?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_NKN_tKb5QIVQuDtCh1JUw8AEAQYBSABEgJDAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. Realistically just like today, every leather worker would have done there own thing with design. no doubt that with relatively little movement of the population outside of their birthplace, fashion would change county to county, and the main cities would see a small selection of the designs, whilst the capital cities would no doubt have a fashion to follow for the richer customers
  9. Thanks bill, but it does not look like anyone else is interested, maybe they all make their own stands or don't see the need
  10. Morally is wrong to trap just for fur as the main goal, and morally its right to kill for food as the main purpose The real question is how you draw the line between the two things, if the main aim is food then most would agree its fine, if you make your living selling the fur then its questionable Unfortunately there is no clear answer
  11. At the end of the day the word "HANDMADE" is just a marketing message that has lost all meaning just like "High Quality", "Made in the USA" or UK, or any other country, (all countries have good bad and indifferent qualities of products) The only time people use the words "Handmade" is often when they are trying to sell something, and trying to make it stand out from commercially made goods
  12. I would suggest in this modern age it would be described as " something you made from the basic to a finished product" meaning in our area, from leather and various components to a finished product
  13. There is a video from Harry rogers who is making his own simple dies, not sure how practical it is, I guess just another skill to learn,
  14. Hi Folk My impression of a Round knife workbench stand, you are all welcome to make, no limits etc Design at present the blade length is 152 mm wide, the depth of the slot for the blade from ferule to bottom is 55 mm I suggest a brim of about 10-20 to give strength whilst making and time to print about 6 hours I can extend dimensions if required Round Knife workbench stand.stl
  15. Looks great, but do people still use cheques, in the UK they are nearly dead apart from some companies
  16. Sometimes the challenge is more important than the financials.
  17. Am I right you want to sell leather and charge to show what leather you are selling
  18. Yes when I started it was my only machine and would sew maybe 2mm veg tan using 69 bonded thread, at most using a upgraded 90 watt motor I think the original was 60 watt, since then brought a 29k and only use that with the 201 in the back somewhere, do you have any plans for the reducer as there is a guy in India who posts about using a 201 that might find it of use
  19. Is that the standard motor on the 201? I guess the 4to 1 increases the torque significantly with your setup Must say a very neat installation, it looks like you also use the original hole fittings on the machine Nice to see innovation is still alive
  20. As you are only sewing the edges, then using a epoxy glue would not be expensive i guess and you can do small sections at a time, my understanding is that epoxy glues are far stronger than normal contact glue, but worth investigation i would have thought Regarding the stitch line, that could be done first and then glued giving the effect you are looking for
  21. I like the stitching showing, but would use a contrasting colour to the leather, so that the stitching is prominent and a focal point
  22. It looks to good to experiment on and also looks like it needs a good conditioner first, As you sound like you are inexperienced, I would suggest that you experiment with some other veg tan leather your saddle stitch first so you can make a nice consistent stitch , prior to starting to sew this back together I would also suggest you might as well do the whole holster rather than bits here and there, and make it nearly as good as when new Lots of video's on "Youtube" about saddle stitching and restoring leather Good luck Addition it looks like a model 94 holster from ww2 see here https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=japanese+ww2+holsters&newwindow=1&sa=G&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Rfxz_9MT6U8NXM%3A%2C-cvl044psg8hPM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQJTxey6jQU2u5jWx_aEMuL3MBHKQ&ved=2ahUKEwi8qsG9nIflAhUJTcAKHWwgC4oQ9QEwAXoECAMQCQ#imgrc=Rfxz_9MT6U8NXM:
  23. Our way seems simpler but still expensive, we have VAT Value added tax of 20% and that applies on all purchases bar a few like food, books and childrens clothes. Each business that is registered basically pays the vat on what it buys and sells, it can reclaim the vat on goods it buys, by offsetting it against the selling vat, and send the dosh to the government once a month, same rate applies across all UK countries small companies and self employed etc don't have to register until turnover is above £85,000 per year, so have to pay on goods brought but dont have to charge the extra for selling Yours seems a bit of a nightmare with different rates etc
  24. Have you considered epoxy glue, I would imagine some of it will be far stronger than sewing and cheaper than buying a machine After all lotus cars use epoxy glue to join the chassis parts together in their cars, so quite strong
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