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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. Don't fully understand your question but if for instance you want to copy a object as accurately as possible to say make a 3d copy in plastic and can use Fusion 360 a free program and have a scanner so you can make images of the original this youtube video from about 41,50 onwards shows how you can do it, all the info prior to this is not applicable. Once you have finished you can make the file into a STL file and have it printed on a 3D printer or alternatively I guess, a CAM setup You can also use photo's front side and top with the major dimensions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnnNB6LEu1g&feature=em-uploademail
  2. Hi Mike They do not come in contact with the leather, I think the vacuum machines are about £30-50 in the UK see this example https://www.amazon.co.uk/Automatic-Sealing-Preservation-Starter-Compact/dp/B07NVM339R/ref=asc_df_B07NVM339R/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309920218458&hvpos=1o5&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3907504002454057720&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044854&hvtargid=pla-680497445189&psc=1 They just suck out the air and seal them up to keep the vacuum also benefit it keeps food fresher and if you freeze them they are a lot more compact (food that is) to store away
  3. One thing i have found wet forming is that using a kitchen vacuum machine, by placing the wet leather over a form inside a vacuum bag it appears to me a much better fit around the mould that just placing with a press down mould on its own If you stop the vacuum just before it completes its cycle, you can really shape the leather through the bag and then continue the vacuum to its limit
  4. Lots of good advice there Mike All to often these days the adverts tell you what the machines can do, but fail in telling you what not to do, assuming everyone already either knows the potential safety issues on using the product
  5. Your shape does not look the same you have a straight edge from the bell shape , whilst the picture shows the curve continuing into a much more bell shape, I assume the row s of stitching is just to hols on the banding close at the top and inside about a inch or so Have you tried using Belly which may be more flexible and also some thinner leather and maybe two or more layers deep stuck together, In those days the sailors would have been experts on using leather, so it might have been made like PAPIER MÂCHÉ, small pieces lining around a mould and stuck over each other to build up the thickness and just a micro thin covering over the top
  6. I have had Toyota, Brother and Barudan embroidery machines and all would sew lightweight chrome leather as long as you changed the pattern to a wide stitch interval loosing some definition, say reducing a 30,000 design to maybe 3000 stitches, otherwise the needle holes have little leather between stitches, you may get away with veg tan goat, sheep or very soft calf veg tan but asking for problems if much thicker, Whereas sewing motors are in the order of £1000-1500 embroidery machine motores and fitting etc may be far far more expensive Repairs for industrial embroidery machines or just maintenance normally means a visit from a trained mechanic and the last time in the UK i called one it costed £400 just on travel costs plus parts and working time on the machine, unfortunately they all know they can charge whatever they like as few mechanics around most towns With a single head industrial machine costing at least £8,000 and multi head machines looking upwards to about £50,000 the owners need to balance the risk they put on the machines
  7. The only Highland Park I know and love is a whisky made in Kirkwall in the Orkney islands north of Scotland
  8. I guess the more excited you get, plus your measurements dictate the weight to control how discrete you want to be , or how proud you are assuming you wear the kilt like a scotchman
  9. With large commercial companies making leather treatment products all at quite low costs, after spending years in development of their products, I am amazed that people feel they can make solutions that are better
  10. If its Chrome leather you can buy a silver pen at Tandy that rubs off, but does not work on Veg Tan If veg tan have you considered Tailors Chalk, used by tailors to mark up a suit before cutting
  11. I did buy the cheap 20 piece tool set from China a couple of years ago but never used them, now looking to try tooling First tools i would like to buy is a set of bevelers maybe 3 and a set of background maybe 3 just to get started probably starting with Sheridan style designs, I understand the chinese stamps are far from ideal but at least something to start with and money is tight at present Suggestions on the beveler set (plain or textured and background set ) would be welcomed and buying from Tandy My problem with Tandy is their images give little impression of size of each stamp Thanks in advance
  12. Here is a thread v needle size chart which may help https://www.tolindsewmach.com/thread-chart.html
  13. After spending about 40 years traveling the world, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Africa, I would suggest you do not place cards in a passport cover, it is far safer to have the passport in its own holder with maybe your tickets and the cards in your normal wallet / purse Both are easy to lose in a strange country by pickpockets, and if all are in one place your up the river with no paddle, you can also just present your passport and a card slips out unnoticed with it, some countries also make hotels keep your passport so police can check who is staying although this is few and far between nowadays Money in a case with your passport can be seen as a bribe in some countries and in other places like Nigeria just taken as a thank you
  14. Look up https://www.google.co.uk/search?newwindow=1&source=hp&ei=Nl3bW7vDKdLgkgWK1KzgDg&btnG=Search&q=mm+to+inch&oq=clipart+or+Vector+drawings&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2020.21071.0.21622.
  15. You can chase a noise by using a screwdriver with a plastic hand grip (not rubber) place the handle just behind the ear and use the tip of the driver to place on expected parts a longer screwdriver is better
  16. https://buyleatheronline.com/en/home/189-aniline-goatskin.html https://buyleatheronline.com/en/laminated-metallic-leather/306-mirror-laminated-baby-calf-leather.html#/26-average_size_of_the_whole_piece-06_m_7_sq_ft_07_yd/200-color-magenta good luck
  17. Can you remove the glue tnen use your own Make a badge shape out of the same leather with a hole in the centre for the plaque, but overlapping slightly the bottom of the plaque and sew as appropriate around the edges The covering over the bottom may offer protection so the plaque is not hit and removed and also adds to the glue strength on the plaque Hard to explain but like a old watch where the glass was held in by a metal strap holding it into the frame Sod it I know what I mean, if nobody else does
  18. Did you see this picture, Rob, ps Famous Grouse whisky over here at £16 per litre what it cost in Sweden
  19. Rob The ender 3 range start at about £153 ish see https://uk.banggood.com/Creality-3D-Ender-3-V-slot-Prusa-I3-DIY-3D-Printer-Kit-220x220x250mm-Printing-Size-p-1278399.html?gmcCountry=GB&currency=GBP&createTmp=1&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cpc_bgcs&utm_content=garman&utm_campaign=ssc-gbg-all&ad_id=332556156911&gclid=CjwKCAjwzdLrBRBiEiwAEHrAYoj-ZiefqfXvvgXzOd_0Cfz5XOdUHQaE6HdHb8UnQhV9Mm6ukc1ymBoC7KgQAvD_BwE&cur_warehouse=UK Its a good machine and regarding software "Fusion 360" is a professional software that's free to hobby users and easy to learn the basics, but the power of it is amazing if you want to go in depther to manufacturing steel or other materials
  20. It also depends on what country you are in, the USA I think still has large import duties on Chinese machines due to the trade war, so if you are from the USA, maybe a Japanese or other country who make machines will be a better price, just worth considering
  21. In the UK between £75 - £150 if very lucky and in good working condition, If you have the stand as well then add another £100 I brought my 29K53 for about £80 in good lightly used condition
  22. I notice from your card holders shown above that it appears you overlap the wallet sections rather than most peoples edge to edge t card style, must say i think your method does look a bit sharper
  23. Many clones will be made from the same factory to the same standard (good or bad) but just badged according to buyers requirements. i.e. buyer "A" buys 100 with "aaa" as name and buyer "B" buys 50 with his name "BBB" and so on The guarantee and local agents if something goes wrong are the most important things to differentiate between them
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