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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. Unless things have changed a lot since i was last in the UEA, I have doubts you will be able to find any machines suitable there and may have to import them from either the far east or europe Wiz has a good guide to what is required on the industrial sewing machine pages of the forum I would suggest the first thing is to select what items you hope to make as a start so that you can then decide on the leather type, thickness and thread requirements to make those items, using this forum for assistance Alibaba.com may be a good place to start for sewing machines from the far east Best of luck and welcome to the forum
  2. Actually my 29K53 is quite happy with 138 but the problem is the silly amount of 138 thread the bobbin will take, maybe 3 foot of stitching before it needs a new bobbin and thats with average thickness on leather, not heavyweight
  3. I would start looking at the driving belt, look into it from the machine side and see it there is a problem with the cam that runs on the inside of the wheel After that walk along the top and bottom paths using the viewing points Try adjusting the stitch length mine has stuck there at the short stitch The stitch turning mechanism with the two wings has a locking screw a third of the way up the cylinder Whatever you do start with a good oiling or do what mike suggests
  4. Not sure where you are on the Earth, but Nubuck is sold in many leather places already done, you can often buy a shoulder as the smallest size about 10 square foot or a complete side, all the ones i have seen are in a natural light tan colour but there may be other colours. The only thing you have to do is cut out the design and sew together if you are in the USA then this link may assist you https://products.weaverleathersupply.com/search?ts=custom&w=nubuck
  5. Have you considered not using a knot, but just thread the needle and leave say a 6 inch tail, if after a while the tail gets shorter then just lengthen it again, makes it very easy if you don't notice you went through the other thread as you can just pull it through , re thread and on your way again
  6. Great work Brian, one question , do you do your own dyeing or is it done at the tanners, I guess you must run quite a large number of workers based on the large number of things you produce
  7. Looks quite hard to do those bottom side stitches, not much room i guess
  8. This was the first time i had hear of the fake machines, and i am sure many others as well did not know, Vanessa I think you have done leather workers a great favour in bringing this to our attention Many thanks and good hunting for the elusive machine
  9. Mike the law in the UK at least is different hence the number of video recorders constantly recording all activity from the house to the road outside or the use of video's in car for recording accidents and any thing the camera is pointing to, the shops watching you with no notice telling you and so on I assume most cars from the UK visiting France also have car cameras operating all the time
  10. What makes your limits, is it price, space, or just like old machines, there can be lots of machines suitable for leather work available depending on the thickness of leather you intend to use, even new juki 1181N at only £700 which has a walking foot and brand new see https://www.industrialsewing.co.uk/industrial-sewing-machines/lock-stitch/juki-du-1181n-walking-foot-industrial-sewing-machine?gclid=CjwKCAjwm4rqBRBUEiwAwaWjjPgjIQXRomBZ_Q6Mhuu9Q8xN-GG_4Cxuun9v5pfEnEzB30VQIDckoBoCEycQAvD_BwE Ebay prices seem stilly money in that they are normally well overpriced and no comback if they have problems
  11. I brought on EBay a pen that has a video recorder built into it and is not at all obvious, it cost about £20, it might be worth finding something similar to have on you when you visit and get a record of all that was discussed in case you get no satisfaction and need to go further to court Clipped onto your handbag or boy friends top pocket you can have clear pictures and sound ps did you pay be credit card in which case you could do a chargeback under not as described
  12. You could ring up and ask this company as they sell most things and i guess your moo moo is one of them http://schallandson.com/
  13. If you look close at the Pfaff name the outside paint is over the p and also the last f, which makes me think its been repainted and the scrapped the pain off the letters Very strange and a bit of a bodge job on the label plate
  14. Did you buy it as new or secondhand, if secondand the retailer may not be aware or responsible for the forgery, they may have just brought in good faith, but still responsible i guess Have you checked the serial number with Pfaff Images may help identifying it Sorry to hear the bad news, it must be a great disappointment to have found out after the happiness of first acquiring it
  15. Sorry all the machines went when the company went tit's up, but darn clever these electronic machines, my large embroidery machine cost £44,000 plus vat in about 1987 but a lot cheaper nowadays relatively
  16. On your video the bar that moves up and down on the left where it goes into a vertical block with two screws has a worn surface just showing where the bar enters the block
  17. You would get more strength on the card pockets if you sewed the edges over the top onto the layer below , rather than stopping just before the top like in your example
  18. The first thing is to establish what sort of leather it is, either Vegetable tanned or Chrome tanned, I suggest you do a search on this forum about the two types If you go onto Etsy.com website and type in Leather tools you will see a wide variety of tools, no doubt there will be locally made tools in India depending on what you are intending to make The "how do I do that" section is of great help on this forum and also Youtube.com has helpful video's on how to make most leather items and what tools are required Relatives in Europe may well be able to buy tools etc and post to india at far cheaper rates then buying direct from web sites around the world Hope this helps and welcome to the site
  19. Does your method of payment have a chargeback facility for damaged goods, so you can do that, and leave it up to Techsew to collect, and buy from a better maker
  20. Don't take that S**T write a letter to the head of the company, enclose the link to this site and keep the forum up to date, bet they soon change their point of view In the UK we have a law that states the received goods must be fit for purpose and also regardless of any makers guarantee the seller is responsible to sort it out I had a land rover with a bad diff after 5 years, i contacted the seller who would not repair it free then land rover and got no satisfaction, then found out they had changed to a new version a few months after mine was made, so i informed trading standards with proof they had known of the fault, and land rover then changed it out for free, they had wanted me to pay over £700 when i first reported it
  21. It's hard to do something and sell at the same time, a salesman normally tells you of the features One way would be to make a sample video of say 3 to 4 minutes of you doing the basic steps of making one product and show it on a large screen notebook or monitor, 3 to 4 min gives a fair amount to show you snippets of the process and quick enough to keep viewers watching, after the first video you could expand it to say Belts, Wallets, Tack or whatever all running one after another, just remember like YouTube its better to have little talking on it, but good visuals Just a idea as I never work fair's and don't know your market, but a video running leaves you free to sell and the screen shows the effort you make in the products
  22. I don't think constantly bumping your product for sale is the correct use of the forum, most seem do do it just once after a few days
  23. Hi sorry folks Constabulary is right its the K8 that has feed Sorry
  24. I buy a sheet or two of brown wrapping paper and use that to make the idea without worrying about seams or anything else just sellotape it together Visualise the final shape and when you have the design you like then inspect it and decide how you are going to make it in leather, will you use hand or machine sewing, sew inside out or as it is, can the machine go around the bends or get in to the edges, single gusset or three part, etc Now make a new pattern based upon the old one with all the allowances applied and where possible marked
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