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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. If you type the machine model into the search bar, you are more than likely to find a heap of results. also there is a post on here that is a fantastic guide to start your search with
  2. Hell of a lot of leather the right size for that money unless you are turning over lots of leather
  3. This video shows the whole ladies handbag procedure
  4. Have you tried tightening the bobbin tension or leave as it is and use the next size needle up.
  5. There did seem to be confusion so I clarified, did you have a few to many tinnies
  6. For our US friends this is the European standard paper sizes, Each size double the side of the next i.e A5 doubles to A4 and so on
  7. Yea right, they make a few thousand dollar handbag and cut corners on the thread. so that's how they build there brand up as high quality
  8. No its a domestic designed for fabric and occasionally use 1mm soft chrome leather you would be wasting your time trying to upgrade it. have a look on eBay for second-hand industrial machines or i thing craigslist in the USA
  9. 69 is a good general all rounder for ladies handbags but 92 for heavy veg tan versions
  10. Just a note of caution, Hi-tech gives you all the bells and whistles you will ever need and can save time in production runs, but also comes with drawbacks in that Jacks (at least in the UK) models are seemingly often changed for something slightly different and that could mean problems say 3-5 years down the line when repairs of the electronics can be very difficult Sometimes simpler can be far more long time buys, a electronic reverse button can save minutes in a factory but offers little over the mechanical lever to someone not in a rush to get the maximum out of the machine. and can be far more reliable like other gismo's
  11. I used to be running computerised embroidery machines and found ten years down the line nobody can repair them, and nobody wants to buy them. these types of computerised machines are for mass production where every second counts over a work shift. they have trained maintainer machines on the factory floor to make sure everything runs smoothly at maximum speed Same reason that luxury cars come out poor in car reviews, not that they break down, that never happens, but the electrics to some part fail be it electric seats, radio , wine cooler etc and they have paid high money for perfection and not car in garage for some niggling fault
  12. Nothing to do with your question , but if as you say your a beginner and starting on LV handbags, one can only hope you have good insurance unless they are your own bags
  13. Life is funny, take cars you can buy the basic car at xxx and the delux model with pin stripe down the side and slightly different seats for xxx +20%. In England many companies a couple of years ago sold sat nav's as extras at £1000 yet you could buy non attached ones under £100. Car makers are expert in upselling maybe 5 or 6 upgrades to a basic car Many leather hobby people cannot afford the price of leather so whilst they are still learning the skills try and sell their poor quality goods at professional prices and then when they don't sell bring down the price to the leather cost price or below There is a huge market out there for professionally made and marketed leather goods, there is also a huge market for mass produced leather goods but only with cheap leather and mass production Be happy as a hobby making goods for friends and family whilst you learn the skills to become a professional and don't rush the learning process and pretend to be offering quality items
  14. There is no legal definition of "real leather" or "Genuine leather "so if made of leather its fine, even if made from reconstituted leather. If made from faux leather then in the UK at least both terms would be Fraudulent
  15. Are you holding both ends of the tread i.e. bobbin and tread ends when you start sewing From the picture the needle thread should not be going through the machine
  16. Right angle screwdriver normally in a Z shape with a head each end https://www.amazon.co.uk/Amtech-L3700-Offset-Screwdriver-3-Piece/dp/B00AMFIRGM/ref=asc_df_B00AMFIRGM/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=222086461140&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4367127408094778141&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006751&hvtargid=pla-420785560946&psc=1
  17. But have you ever seen heavy stitches on Wallets from a quality top company, probably not, yet they can be one of the most heavily used and abused leather items also many canvas rucksacks, backpacks sports bags etc also only use up to 92 thread
  18. Whilst the above is true, its also true that you never see thick thread used on top quality brands like CC or LV and the like, most use 69 or 92 thread and 69 at 11lb breaking strain is near impossible to break just using your hands
  19. Its funny that nobody has mentioned spending money on Marketing and making a brand. Quality is not recognised by many people unless they are told of it, and successful brands spend big money telling the world about the need to buy their brand. Why do people buy Levi's, Snap on tools, LV, and so forth its because they spend millions telling you they are quality items and you need to buy the best What does a advert on Etsy or eBay tell you
  20. The other maker is probably mass producing them, I would suggest you do a trial say making 2 sets at the same time, cutting out, dyeing, edges and so on and see how much quicker it is with little wasted time
  21. Something like this style would probably fit the bill try looking at machines that have 335 in their name like Juki 335 and so on. but second hand in Europe you can find good machines quite cheap https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174333285802?hash=item289712d5aa:g:48gAAOSwGpBeQ8gJ Or https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174759267083?hash=item28b076cb0b:g:ENMAAOSw9Wlg1bq4
  22. Just as in the fact there are hundreds of types of wood, there are hundreds of types of leather there are even veg tan that is then treated as chrome. you need to pick the right one for the job. also the animal and also the cut of leather have different properties YouTube is full of good advice on all leather work but the best is by Nigel Armitage listed below but does incur a monthly fee I would suggest you look at some videos by
  23. This may help https://ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/model-list/classes-100-199.html
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