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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. Any dressing will slightly darken veg tan when applied, I personally tend to like using Effax Balm but there are so many different makes and many will swear there homemade mixture is the best, just look for leather Balms or conditioners
  2. A company like Juki will have inhouse Quality Control to the highest standard wherever the machine is made at every step of manufacture
  3. Never had any thought of leather work apart from making one knife sheath whilst in the Royal Navy in the 1960's. started from fresh three years ago when i retired, watched mega video's on YouTube and Nigel's , now doing the odd belt or wallet and a few chrome leather ladies handbags, presently at 74 going on 75 and discovered on the way i am crap at tooling and doubt will ever be any better, but that's life can't be good at everything
  4. Just found this link, i have the lub piece but never understood where it fitted my machine 111G155 SER NO PB158624 S so I guess one of the last few made in Germany
  5. What a fantastic video Uwe such a clear description
  6. Still the Juki better, the original rather than the clone, but nothing to stop you telling the Juki salesman/ woman you are comparing the two and have been offered extras on the Thor (whoever they are, never heard of them whilst Juke is the worlds first maker of sewing machines)
  7. Actually I got it wrong Janome M7 Continental Professional https://www.google.com/shopping/product/1?q=domestic+sewing+machines&prds=epd:2497606574421111861,eto:2497606574421111861_0,pid:2497606574421111861,prmr:1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjehsOnrf7xAhUUi1wKHWygDGAQ9pwGCAc it £4999.00
  8. Never had reason to look at domestic machines but was aware some models could do many fancy stitches, but many just a few stitch patterns, but in the back of my mind assumed they were quite cheap compared to industrial models Wow was I surprised they range upwards to about £4000 and that's not embroidery models and I though £2000 was expensive for industrial models Now I have a far better understanding the great value of my 111g155 Nothing to do with leather I'm afraid but put it down to general knowledge of the wider world and wasting time on my computer following obscure links on a Sunday morning
  9. With arbore press you can get a lot more pressure by using a extension to the operating bar, just get a hollow bar to slip over the existing bar, but that is a very large stamping area
  10. For the head the only way is to do it right and enclose in a strong made for the job plywood box that has no room for movement and take the table down to component's with a photo of how it all goes together, also boxed
  11. Two weeks is not a long time for them to have meetings, detailed examination of the sample, compare with other products. the bigger the firm the longer management takes to get through all the steps. buyer chief buyer, sales team, management and so on
  12. Just tell us on here what the problem is you are experiencing sometimes a photo helps explain and what you were doing or changed at the time. also the sewing machine make and model numbers It also helps if you put in your place of residence as this is a world wide forum so if you put in your from say Texas USA then people around that area will be best to assist you with local knowledge
  13. If you tell the forum the problem I have no doubt that someone can give you advice on how to solve it Most machines are not special to one make but very close copies of other machines, so any competent industrial sewing machine mechanic should be able to sort it out if required
  14. It looks like a standard Singer 111/211 walking foot but at a very high price not even gold plated. check out Amazon or eBay far better prices and most china versions offer a good fit in my experience
  15. Most likely someone selling something they made themselves and passing it off as a well known brand. Thousands of High end products are copied every day, some to sell at silly prices others to sell at low prices and fool few. just look at so called Rolex watches you can buy for £20
  16. In your position I would just supply samples free of charge or just a token value, expecting the next order to be substantial and having all the profit, but that does to some extent depend on the size of the samples. bvut a small part of a shoulder does suggest small items
  17. Afraid the world is just the same as most small businesses, both have to specialise in their market area of expertise. The USA specialised in Aircraft, Oil exploration, electronics and many high end area's, whilst the Brits went for manufacturing, Technology and services, Norway on technical ships and oil industry, and Germany on high end engineering. but things change all the time with countries dropping out of some area's and moving into new ones. Whilst its easy to look at China for selling lots of goods ( and some are first class) look at the number of airlines around the world who buy US made aircraft, high end computers and other items One thing that's different in the US than all other countries, is that other countries have one set of rules for the whole country whilst in the states each state can make its own rules, or so I understand, which may hinder some companies for example California has very strict rules on goods whilst others are far more relaxed. Just a observation and not a comment on right or wrong
  18. If they had been using thin thread say #69 or lighter then the chances are they also only had a thin needle in the machine and there is no way the top thread could pull up the bottom thread through the small hole Could you buy it on the terms that if your mechanic finds something seriously wrong you can return it for a full refund Me I would take the chance as it looks like operator error and you did not report any strange noises etc
  19. Just found this material apparently using scrap leather and sold to airlines for "Leather" seats, what do you guys recon https://www.eleathergroup.com/what-is-engineered-leather-and-how-to-work-with-it/
  20. I see nothing wrong with the colour your daughter chose, after all a certain company paints its machines a shitty brown so after that any other colour looks great and refreshing
  21. No motor will start at 1 rpm they all have a minimum low speed start up, some will say 100 others about 400 rpm,, the ones wiz likes have little slow speed torque whilst the other servo have good start up torque the choice is yours. I would suggest searching YouTube for the various models and see what you fancy. don't forget most come with 75mm pulley so a 40-45mm is nearly a half reduction and then reduced again with your machine pully so one that states it starts at 400 rpm may be more like 100-200 at the machine with a 40-45 puller, which will be more than suitable for most and far down on clutch motors by a mile
  22. Thoughts with our German, Dutch and Belgium leatherworkers effected but yesterday's floods and terrible loss of life
  23. Here is a UK company that does DMLS that may give you some idea, never used it myself, just read about it https://www.3d-alchemy.co.uk/3d-printing-metals.html
  24. The beauty of 3D metal printing is that you can do quite a few at the same time making it more attractive price especially cogs, worth asking for a quote in your country
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