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Everything posted by chrisash

  1. It looks like its based on the all wood folding chairs that were and are used on ships sun decks for passengers, they fold so they can easily be stowed in rough weather. the leather seat and back make a great version and i would suggest save the leather at all costs as it looks great as it is
  2. But is it a case that demand is there but nobody ask's and just makes do, versatility is often a very good selling point and we are not talking rocket science That 45K solution looks so good, simple and effective, but unfortunately would possibly interfere with any other attachments of the modern machines
  3. The Uwe one looks great and a good solution, but my whole point was the castings or table should be made, to allow a table to just drop over the cylinder arm and be stable without having to unscrew bits as its such a obvious requirement for many users
  4. Looking at these Cowboy cylinder machines and wondering why the do not have built in lugs so you could easily fit a attachment to make them flat beds if required Best part on 100 years ago the Singer 29K models had lugs built in and a table option you could by No doubt many have made their own fittings that fit on , but it should be a simple just drop in existing slots or catches Never had one so only going on images, so may be totally wrong
  5. Actually I like the edges as they are, neat and tidy and not built up to make a statement like some others do with perfect edges but that high artificial look
  6. OK I will bite , What is so special to charge that much for so little, I have never heard of it, so please sell it to me with your wise words
  7. Just to clarify, all the low cost irons seem to have very smooth top and bottom sides but the area which can be improved in most of these irons is the sides of the teeth which can be not up to the same standard as the top and bottom, they tend to have slightly rough surfaces so gently filing /polishing down these sides of the teeth can offer a improvement
  8. Is it not the tray you call the drip tray. this normally holds the oil and under the head there is a oil pickup or a flexible pipe that picks up the oil, though i do not know your particular machine, but do not use it until you know
  9. Wow we dont hear much over this side of the pond unless its a School killing
  10. Spend half a hour with a fine file between the teeth and they will do a very reasonable job like most others. There is only so much you can do with a pricking iron and mainly its the finish that costs the big bucks
  11. Why what has Minnesota done to make you leave
  12. Hi We used to use them on our embroidery machines, the beauty is you just get one drop at a time so never get oil drops and if used on the hook you don't get wicking up of extra oil into the bobbin and the long thin needle puts in right where it should go
  13. I find the needle point oiler's do a great job like this one http://www.ciponline.co.uk/air-and-garage-tools-c184/auto-service-c449/draper-expert-precision-lubricator-model-no-po1-p55402/s57053?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=draper-expert-precision-lubricator-model-no-po1-dra43982&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz93cBRCrARIsAEFbWsj0waQ2mg6bhVaRVBwH7Sv-eqq3kWL2Tc-Ue4tLbjy1Q-IzN-w4desaAqhuEALw_wcB
  14. Whilst edge paint is acrylic I would guess that the makers add a few things to thicken it whilst adding something to it to make it stick rather than just be absorbed into the leather like your appears to have done What Gary is saying is to treat the edge very softly just give it a very fine rub over with fine sandpaper to make a slightly scratched edge so the second and further layers have something to stick to. Look at car paint shops the scrub the car with kitchen type cleaning pads to break the surface before repainting, everything is done gently so each layer has something to grip
  15. Nice work but i think a thinner thread would look better as present is a bit overpowering, Like the way the front and back bend back over the sides
  16. I always carry two extra cartridges in case I shoot and then called a no bird, agree about the strap, but nice effort
  17. Nice I like that round edge and border line, was looking at one of those pinterest today
  18. Very nice work, and at least one Norfolk person is proud of your work
  19. I would do above but repair it as well as it looks like it has so much character. Definitely a good helping of NFO and i would leave for 2-3 days before conditioner Just cut the old stitches and restitch
  20. How about fitting a plastic/ glass screw top jar inside which is removable yet still gives the authentic look outside
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