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Everything posted by wolvenstien

  1. Cant help you on the seats... still working and learning myself... but from talking to other riders... the gel seats are ok for around town use, but not for long rides..... it conforms to your curves, but after a bit, it is hard and un-giving... I do have a card from a gel maker that I picked up at a rally... I will look for it and post it here for you when i find it.
  2. You are a Canuck..... LOL
  3. Sux doesnt it.... a thug state imposing its will upon us all....
  4. Ok, time for me to reset the system....
  5. Ok, thank you Don.... I was thinking it might be on my side.... weird tho...
  6. Has the site slowed down quite abit in the past few days? I dont seem to notice a slow down on other sites, just here.... reminds me of dialup, the pages are very slow to load as are the pix...
  7. Beeza, walk me through exactly how you did the coloring on it please..... Do you have a pebbler Bevel? or did you pebble after beveling? Seat looks great, what model bike that go on?
  8. Welcome
  9. wolvenstien

    New Bee

  10. Welcome to the forum Have you tried Ohio travel bag? Think its www.ohiotravelbag.com great site for hardware.
  11. I have one of those.... and its made by dremil..... LOL
  12. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/product...?number=3230-00 This is the one I own and use.... but like Drac said, use the individual punches. The only time I really use the rotary punch is when I cannot punch it with the drive punch.... Keep in mind that this rotary punch requires the replacement punches ro be round at the base, not hex like my tandy sells. I had one get blacked and I could not get anything to push the leather through, so I had to get a replacement, and it was hex at the base, and it would not sit into the rotary correctly and wobbled.... one of the guys that worked there actually took a tube off his tool and gave it to me because it was round.....
  13. Thats a beautiful bike.... this is comething I thought about doing myself... but I have no talent.... so....
  14. Thank you Drac
  15. K-Man, glad to see you back. Those are very nice holsters!
  16. Very cool, thanks Buff
  17. Honestly it depends on the bike and how you want to attach it..... On my bike, I made my tool bag to attach to the light bar which is horizontal.... but on some bikes you attach to the forks. Most of these use two separate straps to strap dont to the fork tube above the seal.
  18. Hurry up and get done.... I wanna see a finished product.... The bike with the bib isnt yours? Was gonna ask about the air horns.....
  19. Is that Canuk wit I am smelling? Smart arse..... LOL
  20. Side note.... is it a state law thing? I have heard that some stated require the fuel to be pumped by "qualified" person.... I used to work as a cable contractor.... very nasty dirty work crawling under houses and up poles all day. I had a lady customer ask me once how much I made, when i told her I made over $80,000 the previous year I saw her actually falter and almost drop what she had in her hands.... It was fun...
  21. As expected.... you are genius!
  22. I know what Chinks are.... But how the hell did they get that name? Sounds kinda racist doesnt it? BTW, Very nice.... what weight leather did you use on these? Oiled or dyed?
  23. looks very sexy.....
  24. Cecil, you are older than dirt.... Keep on toolin! That is a very strong statement..... not saying you are wrong, just that it is a strong statement.
  25. Cant help ya on the holster.... but you could always tell her to get a vest or jacket with a gun pocket.... they work nice and no one can tell you are concealed when made right.
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