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Everything posted by Smartee

  1. Well if that's just playin' i'd love to see what one would look like if you were serious about it! Beautiful!
  2. Smartee

    Leather Box

    That's awesome! Beautiful job!
  3. Beautiful before and after! You did an awesome job!
  4. For now - take a look at this: https://brucejohnsonleather.com/files/8814/0658/3888/BruceJohnsonLeatherTutorialReinRounderUse.pdf
  5. I dug some out last night. Have to dissect for the details
  6. This is so sad Prayers to all - human and animal. What a horrific loss
  7. Oops! Sorry! Been out of the office and wasn't able to log in from home because I can't remember my password I'll take a look this evening.
  8. There's a Cowboy dealer in Mount Airy, MD if that's not to far
  9. Unfortunately this is happening everywhere. No one cares anymore (well - some people do - but not so many of the youngsters now a days) It's getting harder and harder to find good, reliable help and/or to get good reliable tools, products, etc. The good thing is - those that are good are busy as can be for the people that prefer quality. Unfortunately - again - with all of the "next day" this and that everyone believes - they expect it really can be done and before the holidays! Instant gratification. What's the saying about pick two? Quality, service or price?
  10. A quick "google" shows the book alone to be worth a good bit - I would imagine that this history could greatly increase the value. Of course it would only be worth what someone is willing to pay for it
  11. I might have something at home I can dissect for you. I have/had a couple headstalls and reins like this and not sure how they were sewn.
  12. CB3200 - that's what I ended up going with and don't regret it!
  13. When I was making wedding cakes I had a few different color display boards like one would use for a science fair for a back drop. Worked wonders!
  14. Awesome! Mistakes? I don't see any I'm sure they'll love it!
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