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Everything posted by Smartee

  1. That's awesome! Congratulations! I settled on the CB3200 and love mine!
  2. You definitely hit the floor with both feet! Off to an awesome start!
  3. Some more interesting reading: https://books.google.com/books?id=4WgsMDHdV1wC&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=jones+adjustable+saddle&source=bl&ots=SoZtQn7dwR&sig=ACfU3U11Kvs7wZouvUFzh18s55TnxEi-YA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwim1ufR5Y7hAhUQrlkKHczrCYMQ6AEwCHoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=jones adjustable saddle&f=false
  4. Wow! Absolutely stunning! very realistic!
  5. Congratulations! Beautiful family!
  6. I thought it looked like a McClellan so I did a little research and came up with this - It appears to be a Jones "adjustable tree" saddle. https://petruzzi.wordpress.com/2007/05/30/the-mcclellan-saddle/ https://books.google.com/books?id=5O02DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA68&lpg=PA68&dq=jones+adjustable+tree+saddle&source=bl&ots=fGgCsxfEXI&sig=ACfU3U2rXoW9oC_dtbFaDx6ea2B8LJFa0Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii44CbsuHgAhXRwFkKHTxtBgcQ6AEwAHoECAwQAQ#v=onepage&q=jones adjustable tree saddle&f=false
  7. Local was the selling point to me with the two machines I was looking at. I had never sewn on a cylinder type machine or a walking foot machine. Both dealers were great to deal with my questions, etc. but it was nice to be able to see one in person and actually use one before making the jump!
  8. Thanks learmant! usmc0341 - I went through Ryan Neal at Cowboy/Hightex (330-692-1418) and he hooked me up with one of his guys in Mount Aire, MD - he was very thorough, knowledgeable and helpful!
  9. I just went through the same thing. Brought home my Cowboy a week ago today! Both have great reputations. I went with the Cowboy because I found someone somewhat local to me so was able to go and check it out before purchasing it and I was able to pick it up so saved on shipping costs
  10. Ha ha! My husband is a home improvement contractor/builder. I used to be a welder and have a pretty good understanding of how things work - go together - are built. I love when at a home show, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. and the sales people see a 5'2" 110lb woman come in on her own and say "You need new windows, door, whatever..." I bite and let them go on about their product, method, etc. and then I start asking educated questions In the end they know I'm not stupid (but they might) and they didn't get the job. :D
  11. I have a book on braiding at home. I'll take a look this evening and see if I can find anything in there.
  12. I can't give you any advice but I like it!
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