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Everything posted by Smartee

  1. Morning a good friends sudden death.
  2. Rossr ~ I forgot to also thank you for the key chain! Nice bonus HaloJones ~ yours is on its way!
  3. I think you need to send it to me and start over. Very nicely done!
  4. Beautiful!
  5. They look awesome!
  6. Nice YinTx! They look like belt buckles!
  7. Love the coaster Rossr! Thank you! I didn't do nearly the work to mine that you did - hope my recipient doesn't feel slighted. I'll be posting mine out to HaloJones in the next couple days (when I can get out to the post office). It's the first time I've ever attempted to carve so with that in mind - I'm happy with how it turned out. Looking forward to everyone sharing what to do to better/further my skills Also looking forward to the next swap!
  8. Nice save! Thanks for the share!
  9. Doesn't appear to be in bad shape in the first pic! Make sure the rigging is good! Good find!
  10. I'd look at the CB341 for what you're doing. I had originally looked at that but since my singer would do the lower end of what I wanted - going with the 3200 will allow me a wider range.
  11. Love, love, love the legs/feet!
  12. LOL ~ I'm 5'2" and the table is at a perfect height for me. Of course he set it up for me when I picked it up though
  13. I purchased a 3200 from a rep in Maryland. Got his information from Ryan. The standard table that comes with the 3200 is adjustable in height - I'm not sure how high it goes though.
  14. Nice saddle! When I picked up an old beauty that was super stiff I scrubbed it down good with water and saddle soap then used passier lederbalsam on it and it came out beautifully without darkening the leather. Good luck!
  15. I'm sure it'll be fine for looks but I don't know that I'd rope off of it.
  16. I'll think on it! PM me what you would charge and shipping to the states!
  17. Nice! I need one for my hubby - only the larger one!
  18. I''ve been looking for a crazy horse or similar in colors for bags. Does anyone know where might have them? I'd love to find it especially in a plum color!
  19. Wow! Truly amazing!
  20. I haven't read everything here but wanted to interject that it's not just the leather community. As a horse and other animal person - it is happening to all of the animal sites, farming sites, etc. One must be very particular as to wording on FB anymore. I feed my dogs raw and our buying group has even seen issues. I'm sorry - my dogs weren't born to be vegan nor was my cat or myself!
  21. I'm in! This thread or a new one - doesn't matter!
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