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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. you can paint it up but the spots that are worn off now will be worn off again in about a month. Clean up and restore the important stuff and save your self some time and money.
  2. you have to resize your pictures to a smaller size. see at the bottom max total size is 1.46mb
  3. yea i dont think he would be stitching them they have to fit varying sizes. My guess is just a real tight loop. I round braided a hat band for myself and used a turks head tightly woven around both ends it doesn't slip a bit but can still be adjusted. Hat bands have very little movement or stress put on them so dont need much IMO.
  4. what type of paint? Are there plugs under it?
  5. those are awesome pieces of art friend!!
  6. beautiful sheath i really like that design but you have to show the steel too. house rules.
  7. I use the poly batting that you put in quilts, furniture and clothing they also use it as a layer over the foam padding in furniture and in medical equipment like knee braces and such. It wont break down like foam will.
  8. my cork came free with a good bottle of wine included.
  9. lol oh now i get it! Its one of mine i use a Canon rebel.
  10. Wyoming. it is both, its called the checkerboard here because the gubment gave the railroad every other section of land 20 miles on each side of the union pacific when it was first built in a checker board pattern. they have started back at rounding them up the last few years but its still an iffy subject dependent totally upon politics instead of logic. http://corrections.wyo.gov/home/wild-horse-program
  11. one thing i had to re-do when i built mine was make the jaws narrower so my fingers could grip the needles while stitching and i could use my awl without the handle hitting the vice. and you may have a problem with your thread snagging up on that tee handle. It is a good looking vice!
  12. its another thing you only know one side of sorry i wont debate it. I can drive ten miles and see the results. The management has been stopped and wildlife as well as wild horses are starving to death.
  13. they didn't have to be protected they had to be managed!
  14. The downside of trying to protect a species is how the protection sometimes backfires. Horse lovers have succeeded in getting the slaughter of horses banned in the U.S.A. That means the unwanted, elderly and infirm are now shipped long distances to meet their deaths in Mexico or Canada, or even shipped overseas. The wild horse problem here goes even further they live on crucial winter range for the wildlife year around, come winter there is no forage for the elk , deer and pronghorns so many die off. the liberals have any real management efforts totally blocked at the federal level so they overpopulated. Of the few that do get caught we send some to the honor farm, prison, to be broke and trained then are sold to horse buyers.
  15. why so it can keep up with how fast your money goes? lol
  16. of course it will help no one will get within 20 feet of you. i suggest skunk scent, much more effective.
  17. Wow those are nice indeed ! your color combos are excellent.
  18. man i have just been setting here looking a this for at least 15 minutes, I don't know what to say but it speaks loudly, to me it tells such a story of hardship in its beauty. You surely put your heart into it friend. it is an awesome piece of work.
  19. Those are nice are they the tandy sneaker kit? or a different pattern. never mind i read some more doh. Thanks for the link. Holy cow just saw the price 60 bucks for soles and a pattern at Tandy thats kinda pricey IMO for sneakers.
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