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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. You're right its unneeded info, my biggest peeve online besides all that other covert crap is that little box that pops up wanting your location. I grew up when your address was in a little book called a phone book and anyone that knew your name could find it, no big deal really to me if folks know where I live. In my previous occupation Ive had some very bad people tell me they were going to "look me up" when they got out I've always responded with, names in the phone book but if you come over i'm gonna let my dog on you and if you hurt her then I'm gonna shoot ya and that sentiment applies to anyone I don't know coming to my home. but I understand completely when folks don't want to give that info out its personal and completely up to them IMO.
  2. this particular brand, as well as others, has two thickness blades one very thin flexable and one heavy/thicker and much more stiff get one with the heavy blade that doesn't flex.
  3. What's so ironic is that their exact location and what they are doing is being tracked in multiple ways every minute and they don't even care about that, cell phone, vehicle onstar, every time they run a card, their computer id. LMAO!
  4. LOL yea I used to run up along side of the Antelope and pinch em to see if they were fat enough if so I would just slide a noose around their neck an lead em back to the truck. I really appreciate your opinion of my work and hope to get close to your quality one of these days.
  5. Thank you for the compliment its basically my 1911 pattern lengthened to fit . Yea the dark thread probably wont happen a gain lol. But its pretty stiff due to double thickness on both sides. I wet formed it and the back doesn't show much from the cylinder. Its about 10 oz leather The fat flap might warp a bit and the snap configuration is still being thunk about as it does double duty as a shoulder holster or belt holster, I guess time will tell, after next Elk season I'll know for sure.
  6. Just finished this for a friend. Used my Anaconda as a pattern but its going on a Taurus The only dif is the Taurus is 3/4 " longer.
  7. 2500 grit sand paper on my pounding stone, I just squirt some spray on adhesive on the back and stick it down next to my work but a I have a 2'x2" piece of granite I don't use a strop much on my swivel knives but use the sandpaper the same way. keep in mind that a strop that has say 3 micron= 6900 grit abrasive would take a very long time to polish out a scratch from say 2500 grit while your eyes wouldn't even be able to see the progress, all it does in this case is take off any microscopic rolled edges or burrs. Its very important to know what grit your stropping compound as well as your stone grit if you decide to use it is as they can easily be more course than the stone or sandpaper you just used so if in doubt just use plain leather.
  8. a punch and a straight edge. offset each row by half of the distance of your spacing,
  9. He musta went to the same school as my Grandpa lol.
  10. I asked my grand ma what going through the depression was like one time, she told me well we didn't have much before so it wasn't much different, lol my dad born in 1924 was a mechanic and yea if I couldn't fix my stuff then he showed me how he didn't throw it away and get a new one. I still have most of his tools in fact he was a certified Chrysler Master mechanic and every year would be given a set of gold plated tools of some type, punches, wrenches, etc. Guess where they went, yup in his tool box. not a bit o gold left on any of em.
  11. Lol that is a great story I did something similar with an early sunbeam mixer at a yard sale the guy says it was my grandmothers but might make a good paint mixer or something, I says its gonna make a good food mixer it has run for almost a hundred years and it will run for another, I slapped in some new brushes a cord and some new food grade gear lube and she is good as new and still running strong 10 years later all for five bucks. Not to mention all the attachments I have picked up for pennies. Gotta love the throw away generations mentality.
  12. My sentiments exactly. Some of the older stuff is so far ahead in quality of the new disposable crap it isn't even funny.
  13. That sounds like a great experiment indeed but your wallets will still be machine sewn so showing them off as handsewn? I guess I don't get it, machine stitching looks ok, it is what it is.
  14. Great find That will be a fun and worthy project to work on indeed.
  15. I will give that a try also thanks for the suggestion. you could at least use a gi joe LOL.
  16. excellent job there I like it also, It does make a nice effect. Maybe some antiqueing around the rivets for some grime buildup and just burnish the edges in areas that wouldn't show wear, leave corners rough or maybe sand em to round them off a bit. whack it with a few things while cased to give it some texture.
  17. I can make a holster pattern in less than an hour with wet cardboard and a staple gun, some paper a pencil and a few measuring tools some of this computer crap is just that, a waste of friggin time and a pain in the ass with no better end results. Technology isn't always the answer! Learn how to make patterns by hand, you need this knowledge anyway to make a workable pattern on your computer, and quit dinkin around trying to learn to use software before you can even begin to make the pattern, you will save time, money and grey hair. Just my two cents from a guy that had to learn DOS commands to run his first computer.
  18. Check this out while playing around with my holster I tried my first ever pistol in it, my Fanner 50, it was a bit small and loose but the light came on and I tried my Anaconda wow if it would have been a inch longer at the toe it would have been a perfect fit. This will be my next build.
  19. Here is what I am testing out for the back strap of the rig. The same strap can be used a few different ways as you can see. Around the chest and it is very stable, you could ride a motorcycle, four wheeler pretty hard and it wouldn't move. Over the shoulder to the opposite belt loop or belt suspender style would make it more concealable or my least favorite way around the opposite shoulder and back to itself usable but I don't care for the strap in my armpit. I am leaning heavily on this style just because of the ability to change it to fit different needs, swiss army strap lol, But I may use two shorter straps with more adjustable length and a buckle.
  20. I think those would work very well, the trigger snap doesn't really have much tension on it but it does more holding up my pants than anything else, it basically just keeps the harness from swinging around.
  21. There is also a plan for a stitching horse in the book "The Art of Hand Stitching" by Al Stohlman, it is a free ebook on the Tandy web site.
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