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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. chuck123wapati

    ugly a-- hat

    man that sounds fun ice isn't off the lake yet here.
  2. It works great that how I do mine. nummy! you know chicken tastes like rattler.
  3. chuck123wapati

    ugly a-- hat

    Friggin great hat! I would wear that fishin.
  4. Nice wish we had timber rattlers here, all I get is prairie rattlers, Some get large enough for wallets but most are to small.
  5. Couldn't hang with an education? Atheist ? no wonder your scared. You must mean Chinese new year right that's who really spread it and when it spread globally. There is only one person zero! We don't start many wars but we sure finish them and its why you aren't speaking German right now. You should keep this type of rant to fakebook this isn't the place. I like the LEATHER WORK forum and go here to get away from this crap and don't really need anti anything right now friend why don't we all choose to keep it about leather work. Keep safe, quit blaming start reading, after all you're about to be part of the 5g population control network and one great global community of people under constant surveillance. Isn't technology great? I know you are worried we all are the future doesn't exist anymore.
  6. gimmick! learn to sharpen with stones and don't depend on these types tools.
  7. Both are awesome work!! I like simple and that rough out belt.
  8. That one is about 50 degree angle but skiving knives come in a number of different angles from 90 degree to a slightly radiused 90 and some at 45 or less. It depends on what you are doing with it I guess, I have found that skiving straps/ belt ends and such a 90 degree works about the best, I use a wood chisel for those lol. This does a good job on larger edges, cut out and trimming but if I ever get around to changing the angle it will be at about 40 or I might just round the bottom edge a bit more. I actually made it originally to get glued down linoleum off my kitchen floor but found it works well for many other chores like leather. If I were going to make one strictly for leather work , and I will, it probably would be a radiused 90 or straight 90, with a chisel edge. Shoot me a picture when you finish I would love to see it!
  9. I live there too , I've been looking around but I don't see you anywhere. But Tandy has a nice sale going on.
  10. They look great, should hold a passle of dem galena pills an a green river or two.
  11. I apply then use a hair dryer to melt it into the leather.
  12. I had an art teacher tell me once if you buy cheap paint you will paint something you really like but it just wont turn out as good as if you would have spent the little extra. Do yourself a favor and buy good leather and your projects and learning will be the better for it.
  13. I wasn't meaning an ill intentions either, we are all under a lot of stress now as none of us know what really is happening. Here the population has been told by the cdc and local first responders not to buy masks , they don't help, all the while we hear they are needed for the medical field. I see some countries saying they are told the virus is air borne while we are told its not. Fact here is, although we aren't told this in so many words, if you get sick enough you will get a test , if positive you and anyone in your house will be quarantined in home until you either recover of get worse, once you have full blown symptoms then maybe taken to the hospital if they have a ventilator and at that point you wont see your family again unless you live through it. I just wish the media and our governments would be more honest. I wish you and your family all the best and pray we all make it through this.
  14. They can still be of use to the populace leaving the others for the medics. I agree I will at least make some and offer them to those who would want them with instructions for cleaning in laymans terms.
  15. tandy has their pattern free on their leatherworkers library.https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/category/85/patterns-free-leathercraft
  16. I made mine with a v grind on about a 2.5mm saw blade , the bevel is about 5mm. or roughly 12 to 14 degree angle. about 4" point to point
  17. you need to do some research before thinking this is weird. 5g is using the same technology as microwave ovens and the military microwave weapons, and hundreds of scientists say it hasn't been tested for harmful radiation and is dangerous. Just as we have found older technologies were dangerous to humans we will also find danger in new un proven technologies after the fact.
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