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Everything posted by tnawrot2

  1. Most of the time the set screw gets screwed down on the flat part of the shaft, if you screw it down on the round part it creates a burr and the pulley will be hard to get off. What weight of leather are you using for the dog collars?
  2. I went to the website that had the collar, it seems that everything I mad over 30 years ago has been copied. I made and sold thousands of the dog collars with the ring that settles on the back. They even have the reflective reversible collar I made 30 years ago. http://www.flushandpoint.com/products.asp?id=6&cat=Supplies+for+your+Hunting+Dog|Dog+Collars
  3. Years ago I had field trial GSP that spent the summer in Montana. I made a 2" wide reflexite collar that is waterproof, reflective, and highly visible in the field. They should be available, possibly at Dunn's (if they are still in business). I found this picture, the ones I made were reversible orange/yellow so you can put opposite colors on two dogs in a brace. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.flushandpoint.com/files/Northland_Dog_Supply_Reflexite_Collar_for_Field_Trials_or_excercise.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flushandpoint.com/productdetails.asp?cat%3DCollars%26ID%3D6%26pID%3D520&h=265&w=400&sz=31&tbnid=CA0Dy8F_GtXRbM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=__CgXHlXFfgkX0uQ5_Kpg3IMAVJCM=&docid=epCKbOELosyyOM&sa=X&ei=awN3Ubu6NsGCrAHvr4FI&ved=0CI8BEPUBMAg&dur=480
  4. Are you pulling the thread down into the tension disc? And if you are barely getting the material under the pressure foot, you are sewing the max, I would of used a 7 class machine for sewing your combination of leather and wool.
  5. He is CowboyBob on this forum, and he just posted a reply, if you go to his banner on top it will give you his toll free number. If it doesn't come up, refresh until it comes up.
  6. Does anyone have a phone contact for any of the club members? The webpage show a notice for the last meeting is over two years old?
  7. This place has the size you are looking for. http://www.wwlhardware.com/wwl/Rivets.jsp
  8. Does "Superior" have a website. When my computer crashed, I lost all of my contacts. I am looking for an industrial sewing machine parts company that offered a smooth feed dog for a 111W155. They even had different feed dogs for different size needles. I believe they were headquartered in the Tennessee or Georgia.
  9. Did you try the machine with the thickness of leather you use on holsters? What make and model sewing machine did you buy?
  10. You call it a "inside stitch" yet in your last post you say "there is no stitching at all". I went to your website and looked at the long round lead. You definitely can see where the outside sleeve was sewn inside out, then pulled within itself, so the grain side is on the outside. I guess then you would pull the cord through.
  11. I think Bona Allen outsourced the saddle to Schoellkoph. In the late 60's TexTan was selling the Bona Allen saddles, and incorporated the Schoellkoph machinery into their plant. So you have a Bona Allen design saddle made by Schoellkoph.
  12. Schoellkoph of Dallas was know for the "Jumbo" trademark. The saddle was made before 1969, as Bona Allen was bought out by Tandy (TexTan) in that year. The saddle should have a rawhide covered tree. How is the leather, is it dry and stiff? If is soft and pliable I would guess it could bring around $500.00. What type of stirrup buckles does it have, Al Ray or Blevins, the cheaper saddles had Al Ray buckles in that era.
  13. The Pete Gorrell series on saddlemaking was in various issues of Leathercrafter journal. They have been put together in booklet form and are now available. Here is the website..........http://leathercraftersjournal.com/specialoffers.html
  14. Could you take a picture of the label, so I could see the manufacture and model?
  15. Clutch Motor Bogging Down On Skiving Machine ? Can you see or hear the motor loosing RPM, or is the belt slipping on the pulleys?
  16. Klenda has a pattern for Arizona Chaps http://www.klendasaddlery.com/patterns.htm
  17. Try this http://parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/96-10_12_16.pdf
  18. I think your prices are too high for a stitched wallet, it might be OK for a braided wallet.
  19. It's a great machine, large bobbin and reverse, but it will go too fast for leather work, It has a clutch motor with a large pulley. You should get a servo motor (about $125.00) to slow it down. It won't be good for horse tack, only good for wallets and such.
  20. Refleeced with sheepskin from Weaver. $200.00 Restringed and new leather conchos 60.00 New flat plate rigging, reused hardware 100.00 New rear, wider cinich. Reused hardware 75.00 replace stirrup leathers with new blevens buckles. 125.00 New latigo, hobble, and cinch keepers 15.00 New rope strap buckle n/c New latigos both sides 40.00 You have done a great repair/restoration job, I know you use quality leather and the saddle should last for years. I know you are figuring the cost of material and labor, but you must remember the tools and sewing machine required to complete the job.Not everyone has a Cobra 4.
  21. I would get in contact with the seller and request the numbers again, I believe it should read 136w101. This is what I found about a 136w http://www.industrialsewing.co.uk/industrial-sewing-machines-used/singer-136w104-post-wheel-feed-industrial-sewing-machine-d-d-g-136w104.html
  22. In my opinion you will need two machines, a 441 clone, either a Cowboy CB4500 or a Cobra Class 4, and a triple feed walking foot flat bed machine. As you can't buy one car to go to the dragstrip and off-road, a sewing machine used to go through 1/2" - 3/4" leather for holsters would have a difficult time to sew 2 oz. lining material, the opposite is also true. My suggestion would be to call both Toledo sewing machines and Leather Machine Company and talk to them, both of them are very helpful.
  23. Once you mark the location of the holes with an awl, do not try to center you punch over the mark. put the edge of your punch on the mark. This way you will have uniform spacing.
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