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Everything posted by Gezzer

  1. Great idea , I have double cut seams in other materials in the past but they were flat and large enough to really get a bite on the straight edge . I am afraid I couldn't do that on this particular item , my seam would look more like a zipper unless I could clamp it all solidly some how . Thank you and the double cut does makes for a tight seam .
  2. Finished finally I like it and hope the guy will too . I had 2 colors of paracord to pick from , this and orange . 5 bight 3 lead Turks head
  3. Yes , I think it would have been better to skive the ends . I just didn't think of it but will be mindful of it on future projects . At this point maybe trying to hide my misstep with a Turks head top and bottom might help ..... I'll see . I thank you for the kind words , no great work but certainly a challenge at least for me . I had done a couple of wraps before but they were on smoother more constant shapes .
  4. Thanks guys !!!!!! I have gotten to a place that I am satisfied with it . @tsunkasapa put me on the right track , with a sponge I started wetting the center directly opposite the stitch line , and kept at that until the water migrated almost to the stitch line . I was afraid that if say I just dunked it in water my holes would tear out , but this let me get as much stretch as possible . Still had to use the fid and tighten twice but managed to close it up pretty well . Again Thank you all for helping !!!! Side note : My hat is off to the saddle makers every where !!! Whole different thing trying to tool something that is not flat and you don't have to "stand on your head " to get the right angle
  5. Gezzer

    Viewing Fish

    Here is a thought from left field , what if you used say painters tape to lay out the scene ? You know cut out fish shapes , coral pieces , where ever you are going to tool , paint the background , once dry remove tape and then do your tooling ? Blocking out for tooling somehow I would think might give the results you are after . I bet you will get it figured out
  6. Those are very nice , I love the Turks head knots . Lace would be a good option except he wants a little carving on the wrap . Thanks 3 or 4 oz would be better but I don't have any . I'll find out tomorrow if I can alter the staff , if not I will try your idea ( except maybe I have a piece of 5/6 0z big enough ) . Thanks
  7. I did this for a fellow and I am not happy with it and I doubt he will be . The shape of the staff did not lend itself to a constant taper ( which is what I have done ) , it seems to have been choked by a vine. So it has many different diameters . I wet formed 6/7 oz and once it dried removed it and punched holes for stitching , loose stitched it and slid it back in place . I was sure to mark everything so I could get it back where it was . Used a fid to tighten up the stitches and this is how it turned out . Is there a better way to do this ? How would you go about it ? If I could talk him into letting me remove a little wood under where it goes and get a more cylindrical shape to it I think I could do a nicer job .
  8. Gezzer

    Viewing Fish

    I think you have captured the aquarium look very well . NICELY DONE
  9. Second attempt , at least I didn't use the ball end stylist . I also decided not to over run the pedal on the border .
  10. If I am understanding you right .. no dye just oil for color and resist , antique and sealer ? I used olive oil with that process on this one . I'm sure there are other options this is just what I do .
  11. I had to laugh at myself as well but the truth is the truth !!! Just think how much cheer I bring to my wife each and every day
  12. Busted ..... Yes Sir you have hit the nail on the head . I don't have a seeder but often use a very small hole punch for one , why I didn't reach for it I don't know but I grabbed a ball-end stylist and knew after the second impression it was wrong. At that point I didn't know how to fix it and continued on . And the flower pedal was SUPPOSED to extend outside , I just goofed ! Actually you and your wife were on my mind as I did this , to me the 2 flowers represent a man and his wife with the love of Christ between and binding them together .
  13. Still damp from tooling Finished ( 4 light coats of oil and a sealer )
  14. Like Pastor said Welcome and very nice work !
  15. While I thank you very much , unless I did a little " sleep tooling " that is not mine . But it is very nice as is your stuff ! I have figured this master carver stuff out ..... quite simple lots of time and even more leather Well right here is a CLASSIC old man moment ..... I thought the picture you posted was something you thought I did . I started to redo my post but I want all you younger folks to know what to expect down the road
  16. OK, I see and I should have been clearer in that I was asking about surface burnishing . Well as Dad use to love saying " don't hurt to ask " . Thanks Fred
  17. Looks better than I can do , I will leave the what's good and not so good to those who know
  18. Thank you Sir . Thank you Fred . Yes I know it is going to stiffen up , My question is more will it burnish and or stamp better or worse , I am not really talking about a big project where you would need to keep it cased . I guess I am trying to get corvette performance out of a rambler ( HO performance out of import leather ) .
  19. If you case a piece of leather and THEN let it return to completely dry then case it again ( day ,week ect. later ) , does it burnish better or make any difference in the way it tools ?
  20. Great to hear and what a glorious day that will be brother
  21. Looks right and tight , good honest wear just makes stuff stand out !!
  22. Gezzer


    Yes WELCOME !! #3 on my list to see " the great white north "
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