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Everything posted by AlZilla

  1. Reading back through here, it seems like you want very precise control of your stitches, as did I for leather work. I was in your rabbit hole not so long ago. Went to the servo with a small pulley. I wanted more reduction so I added this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/164574739671 I understand you're not in the US, but you should be able to find one like it. This is a 3:1 reducer - a 6" pulley to a 2". My handwheel pulley is about 3.5" and I counted 26 stitches in 30 seconds. My servo bottoms out at 200 RPMS, even though it's advertised as 0 - 5000. All this is on a Singer 111w153, so along the lines of what you're looking at. Has anyone mentioned https://www.blocklayer.com/pulley-belteng ? Now, there's a rabbit hole. Honestly, just do both at the same time. You have to remove the machine head and flip the table up twice if you do one and then the other.
  2. For what it's worth, I have 2 machines with servos and speed reducers. I can land the needle anywhere I want, in any position. Never tried a positioner but I think I like it to stop where I stop it.
  3. The tan wallet with that nice rolled under edge is by far nicer than the raw edge on the green one. Especially that inside corner where it's all scrunched up on the green one.
  4. That is quite a document. I'm going to spend some quality time with it this week, for sure. Thank you.
  5. That is some really nice looking work. It must be quite satisfying. I *think* I recall you saying you hand stitched. I'm curious how long it takes to make one of these and wondering if you cut the straps as needed, have a bunch of lengths precut or maybe just order lengths of strap. Also curious if you're working with pre dyed leather or dyeing it as needed. Lots of questions, I know ... Thanks
  6. Well, I'm late to the party, but very nice work. The edge binding, the welt, all make a nice looking holster. Mostly, I haven't seen or heard of prototyping in foam sheet. I have got to try that out. I bet it's a much better stand in for leather than poster board. Oh, and the oak leaves are worthy of envy, too ...
  7. I've gotten quite a few accessories from Chinese vendors, including presser feet for my 111w, and been generally satisfied. I think part of the key is the specific vendor. Most of my purchases have been through amazon or ebay and the seller has been either Cutex or CKPSMS. Yeah, I'd pay more for a good quality US manufacturer, but as you say it's usually not an option.
  8. My favorite method for many things ...
  9. Absolutely, I intended no criticism. The scene itself is quite nice. Just trying to understand. The whole laser thing is on my backburner as maybe a way to mark or cut out patterns.
  10. Curious how deep this laser engraving runs? Is it detectable to the touch? Or is it just flat? I don't care for laser engraving on firearm because it just seems like flat, lifeless Paint By Numbers. Maybe laser engraving on leather could be further tooled?
  11. Yep, that's how I'd count them. The first hole would be zero, basically. Now you know it's dialing all the way back. As for why it's hanging in the other direction ... I haven't a clue, sorry. The Sewing Machine Sages here will have to sort it out. If it were me, I'd start by looking at the chain of things that happen when you're adjusting the length. There's got to be a burr or some roughness in whatever it is that adjusts the stitch length.
  12. @cynthiab Have you set it to the max stitch length and counted the stitches? Maybe you're getting 5 but the indicator doesn't go all the way. That's the case with my 111w153. You could just run a few inches in paper or cardboard without thread. Locking up on the other end, I have no idea.
  13. That is a great idea. I think I'll use it but I'll have to look for a used drill press since the one in my shop tends to be covered in oil most of the time. I can see it being very useful.
  14. AlZilla

    Enjoy it

    That is a beautiful edge finish. Thanks for sharing it.
  15. AlZilla


    Yeah, be real careful about taking their temperature. I lost a little pal a few years ago and I really, really wouldn't want a reminder of that loss. I've cried more over that little guy than any human being I've ever lost. I still do.
  16. Yeah, rolled handles are on my short-list wanna do, too. Those worked out nicely But ... umm ... I'm a little shocked that you appear to have a "Hello Kitty" stamp in your arsenal.
  17. I know @kgg is looking hard at that missed thread guide, but the raggedy/torn look of (I think) that chunk of bobbin thread at the end of the video is nagging at me. I wonder, @Frodo - when you forced the needle down, did you maybe gouge the crap out of something that's eating the bobbin thread? How about that needle guard on the hook? Could it be way out of shape and tangling with the bobbin thread? Will it pick up the bobbin thread, if you start from scratch?
  18. Where is the bobbin thread in these pictures? At the end of the video, it looks like a broken chunk of it is hanging in one stitch, then the static picture lower down, that tangle of thread all looks like top thread, too. I'm guessing the thread nest in the lower pic is because you pulled those 2 layers apart? May I assume you rolled the machine over by hand and observed the hook going around and grabbing the needle thread? I'm really curious what's happening here. Could there be a nest of crap under the hook/bobbin case area causing it to drag? As soon as I read "I forced the needle to go down" in your second sentence, I cringed ...
  19. @Keevin This should get you going. Alternatively, you could do a Youtube video and just leave a link.
  20. Oh, my. What a very cool old machine. I think many members here would swap their second born for a chance to own it. Following people - click on their user name and you'll see a "Follow Member" button towards the top. Click it and you're instantly a stalker! I believe there's an option to not let people follow you, so you may not get the follow button.
  21. When I want a picture to upload somewhere, I text it to my email address. Text pics tend to be fairly small and they're automatically in my email. I use GIMP but it's not really one or two clicks and done.
  22. I'm interested in lasts but I'm in the US and I bet the shipping would be a killer. 10.5 EEEE for me, if it somehow works out. I'm following your adventure in the other thread with all the machines and kind of envious ...
  23. I like this a lot. Strap handles like that are on the short list of things I want to learn.
  24. For your Singers, these 2 links may help you sort out your old machines and their original purpose: https://ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/model-list/index.html https://ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/singer-sewing-machines-for-manufacturing-purposes.html
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