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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. IP address resolves to Venezuela. OP has last visited this site on last Saturday. Has only made this one post. Tom
  2. That brazing job was less than adequate! Need to get full penetration of the bronze into the complete joint. Only way I know to do that is proper preparation. Grind the parts, at least one side of the break to form a vee that you can then get bronze right down into the joint. Tom
  3. Reduce your file size to about 800 x 600 pixels and you can post 100 or so photos in a single post. Lots of photo resizers out there on the web. Do a quick search here or on Google and you will find many options of how to do it. Tom
  4. I think mine are S type. Depends somewhat on what your suppliers have available. Away from the shop for a few days! Tom
  5. It will improve the back a lot. But it will never look as good as the top side. Hammering the stitch line with a smooth hammer will also help a little. Tom
  6. Are you using leather point needles? They slice and don't blow out the back so much. Tom
  7. Has he used leather for holding the battery in before? Reason I ask is that there is always a little acid around most batteries (lead acid) unless they are really sealed well. The acid will degrade the leather fairly quickly. Tom
  8. Manuals are readily available online as well as videos for your specific machine. https://www.google.com/search?q=consew+226+manual&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Tom
  9. The bobbin is not threaded correctly either. Off the right edge of the photo is a small slot the the thread needs to be pulled through so it passes under the spring to provide bobbin tension. It then should come around the front past the latch opener (the triangular shape in the lower right of the photo). Re-check your manual or look at YouTube videos for your machine to see correct threading. This machine is threaded the same way yours should be even though it is a different mfg and is a cylinder arm instead of flat bed. Tom
  10. Vegan's are totally against anything that is assumed to harm an animal and in general will not use any animal based items. Vegetable tanned leather is a method of tanning, not related to Vegans at all. Vegetable tanned leather uses tannins from various plant sources to tan leather. Vegetable tanned leather is able to be tooled and molded into various shapes as opposed to other tanning methods. Do a little research, look up vegetable tanning on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanning_(leather)#Vegetable_tanning Tom
  11. According to his IP address @LeatherV is from Sofia Bulgaria. I recommend that all members add their location to their profile so other members can give the best information and help relative to the area they are from. Tom
  12. Bent shafts and broken hand-wheels are common when sewing machines are not properly supported and packed. Many items get dropped a few feet during shipment for one reason or another. Insurance might help, but sometimes very hard to get the parts to repair or to straighten a bent shaft. There are stories here too about cracked or broken beds. The lesson here is to ensure the shipper knows how to pack and packs it correctly. Otherwise, may be best to skip the "great deal" and wait for one closer to home. Tom
  13. Yes, and with $1000 compared to $30, the choice is easy unless it is going to save you a few hundred hours work or produce an item that is 30 times more valuable and will still be saleable. Tom
  14. There is an old saying about penny wise and pound foolish! Tom
  15. The visible crystal structure is not from stainless steel. I also don't see why a manufacturer would use more expensive SS when CS will do the job quite adequately. Tom
  16. As you are no doubt well aware. striking a steel tool with a steel hammer is going to mushroom the end of the tool over time. It will also knock any plating loose. Do you want to have to dress the ends of your tools every so often? Wouldn't you much prefer the ends of the tools to maintain their appearance? With regards to stamps, another factor you may not be aware of is when little flakes of steel or what ever plating (that likely contains some iron) drops onto the surface of damp leather, you will get a reaction between the tannins in veg tanned leather and the iron, causing blue/black spots to show up on the leather. When you are using a cold chisel to shear off a rivet or bolt, you have to use a heavy steel hammer to provide the force and impact to do the job. You expect to dress the head and cutting edges from time to time as part of your normal tool maintenance and to replace them as they become useless. We are not dealing with the same issues with leather! Should only need to touch up the cutting edges every so often. You really can't compare these disparate applications. Tom
  17. @Blicax Moved your post from "Help Wanted" to "How do I do That". Help wanted is like classified ads in the newspaper where someone is advertising to hire employees. Everything posted in Help Wanted requires a moderator's approval before it can be seen by the rest of the members here. Tom
  18. I used an original wooden mallet made by my grandfather for many years. The one thing I didn't like about it was it would drop wood fibres every now and then which would get embedded in my beveling if I wasn't careful. It also gets quite a dish in the face over a period of years. So I kept one side flat to tap down lacing or stitching and the other side for tooling. I still have that mallet. I bought a bunch of tools from a pawn shop some years ago. It had a poly mallet and a rawhide mallet. After trying them out, I decided the rawhide mallet was the best of the three. For heavy punching or large stamps like the 3d stamps or makers mark, I use a deadblow hammer. It doesn't leave a double image that you get when a regular mallet bounces. Tom
  19. Nice job! I like the numbers on the 2nd clock much better. I suppose they took a lot more work than the stamps! Tom
  20. https://www.aaronmartin.com/list.php?catview=136&s=Sewing+Machine+Needles+%26+Thread&noSub=1 Tom
  21. Note there are limits on file size. Many people go directly to upload without paying attention to the file size. You can reduce the file size to 800 x 600 pixels and will be able to post many photos in the same post. Tom
  22. If the cam is out 180 degrees, the person that fiddled with it paid no attention to the tapered pin, just lined up the holes and drove the pin in. Still it has to be driven out by driving on the small end. Usually, one solid whack will start it moving. People have been known to drill out tapered pins too! Then anything can happen! You can obtain tapered drills to fix it if there is enough meat left to work with. Tom
  23. @ThereseMoved your post to leather sewing machines, even though your machine is not for leather, but you need info for what can be used for leather. Tom
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