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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. @TonySFLDLTHR Can you post this on your Youtube channel and provide a link to it? Tom
  2. Looks like it was shared on Facebook. If you use Facebook, try logging in to it and see if it works for you then. What kind of error or message do you get when you try to view it? Tom
  3. That is good information to know. That may be the cause of other multiple posts that we see from time to time here. Thanks. Tom
  4. @Zsuzsu Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. You will get more help here than in Help Wanted. Help wanted posts require approval of a moderator before they can be seen by others. Help Wanted is like the classified ads in the newspaper where you advertise looking for someone to work for you, or if you are looking for work. (And multiple posts are not required to get our attention. It may be accidental if you hit submit more than once. Give the server and internet time to process and return your response.) Tom
  5. Have you done a search here? I remember reading a thread with some recipes. Tom
  6. Seems like the trees go missing, A search for "RANCHO SADDLE LAMP KIT" turns up some interesting photos as well. Tom
  7. A google search "leather saddle lamp" turned up these, plus several others. Tom
  8. The needle needs to rise about 1/4" from the bottom of its stroke. It is still buried in the material. NOT 1/4" above the material. Tom
  9. @christine1ca Moved your post to leather sewing machines. Better chance of more help here. When reverse stitching/back tacking, don't hit reverse until the needle has past bottom and has risen about 1/4" so the loop is caught by the hook. If the hook misses the loop, you get missed stitches and bird's nests. Tom
  10. Location based on IP address is Houston, Tx, USA It would be very helpful if all users listed their location in their profile. It helps to get information relative to your location and might even find someone just down the street that may be able to help with problems. Tom
  11. Your bride might not like this! Better to try bridle leather. Tom
  12. Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. You'll get more response here. Tom
  13. If you have a business name and registration, Tandy will give you a wholesale account which gives elite pricing, and sometimes some better pricing than elite. They have a preferred customer flyer that has sales at much lower than elite from time to time. At least that is the way it is here. Tom
  14. @fbmini Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. You will get more help there. Help wanted requires a moderator to approve every post on the thread. It is typically like the help wanted classifieds in a newspaper, usually looking for someone to do some work for them. Tom
  15. Go to the top right of the screen and click on your user name. Slide done and pick account settings. Then under Other Setting, pick notification settings. Tick the boxes you want, un-tick the boxes you don't want. Tom
  16. Is it for a large man, or is he adding a bunch of padding to get to that size? If he is really that large around the waist, I would seriously consider using 2 layers. Reminds me of my grandfather many years ago. He asked for a belt for his 56" waist. So I added the 4" for the buckle end, and 8" for the tongue and took it to him. It just met, could not be worn. I didn't have another strip long enough, so he never got his belt! Tom
  17. That's known as a bar grounder. And yes they take quite a bit of practice to keep it even. That is one of the 2 backgrounding tools I started out with many years ago. Tom
  18. A higher quality contact cement should hold. Read the label and follow the directions. Don't stick together until both surfaces are dry. You may need 2 coats on the leather if it absorbs all the cement. Thin coats are better than heavy. Good quality contact cement will grab as soon as you bring the 2 surfaces together. No chance to re-position if you get it wrong. Press, use a roller, or tap with a hammer to get good contact and adhesion. I also like the idea of upholstery tack/nails. The decorative style. Tom
  19. For me, the larger diameter barrel fits my hand better. But after watching people show how to make fancy curves, tight curves, I think a smaller diameter barrel is what I should be experimenting with even though I don't like the fit. So really, the only way is to try each and see what their performance (and yours) is like with a bunch of practice. Cheap handle, good blade would do you well for a couple years. Then you can get the fancy handles, ball bearing swivel and the whole works. Tom
  20. @Zonker1972 first pointer is to not hit submit more than once. Slow server or slow internet connections result in multiple posts. I have deleted the extra post. Tom
  21. That happens. I'm not sure if it's because the server that LW.net is on becomes a bit overloaded at times, or because the internet connection between you/us and the site gets bogged down at times. Once you hit submit, the command goes through. Multiple hits can go through and produce several posts with the server responding to each one. I saw 8 repeated posts one day! Like our parents told us many times, patience is a virtue! Tom
  22. There is a pulldown list next to the box you enter your search in. Change it to "all content" instead of "this topic". I got 3084 hits for "neatsfoot oil sun tan". Or if you like Google searches better, try "site:leatherworker.net NFO neatsfoot oil sun tan" without the quotes. The "site:leatherworker.net" limits the search to this site. Is usually faster and better than the site's search function. Tom
  23. @Silverd Wow, 4 posts! Please give the server and internet time to respond instead of hitting the submit button over and over. I will delete the "extra" posts. Tom
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