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Everything posted by robbied

  1. You appear to have gotten a bargain, the prices on this model are now over $4k delivered to Adelaide. This is from the same people you got yours from @dikman. Funny how a year later I find myself looking at the same thing.
  2. Not that I like to drag up old threads, but after doing the sums and chatting with the supplier, you folk here have put my mind at rest with the decision for me to go ahead and get the 4500, over the smaller versions.
  3. It does indeed, i'd never played with that part until you asked. I'll have to start using it now. I drew a complex shape and used the 'linked offset' feature. It allows you to drag an expanding (or shrinking) copy of your shape away from (or towards) the centre of the original.
  4. I use inkscape for all my 2D design work. Ivydraw is a good mobile version for tablets (when you just have to sketch it right now)
  5. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Love the lines of this one, the moulded area breaks it up nicely.
  7. That's one heavy duty tool bag. Very nice.
  8. Out of the park! Nice work indeed
  9. robbied

    Aviator helmet

    It may lose some of it's shine in a day or two, but that looks amazing. One of these is definitely on my list to make, maybe with Bluetooth headphones for use in the workshop
  10. Nice combination of colour and pattern. That tri weave is an eye catcher
  11. I should have cut and stitched it back together to make it look patched!
  12. Sketch book cover from Veg tan, hand dyed and stitched. I had an issue with the left inside piece, it had shrunk enough after dying that it no longer fitted, so a patch was made and attached. There is a little residual wax on the surface that is visible in some of the pics.
  13. Nice work! i'm about to take pics of a sketch book cover that has a pretty similar closure.
  14. The tab idea is quite clever indeed. Very well executed.
  15. Looks pretty sweet to me
  16. Love it. Any Aussie would be happy to own something that nice.
  17. Thanks for all the nice comments! This is a picture of the inside. The sketch book is the heavy art kind, so I didn't want to bulk it up any further with pen loops. The spine is big enough to hold all but large markers.
  18. A friend of mine was going to buy a leather sketch book cover - pretty sure the place she was looking at was importing sweat shop versions. I told her I would make her one and she only asked that it had her initials on it. Made from veg tan, hand carved, dyed and stitched. Don't mind the mess.
  19. What a design! That fish still looks like it would take a chunk out of you. Good luck with the colouring!
  20. That certainly looks the business!
  21. These aren't recent, but I was inspired to post based on another I saw here. I was loaned these two razors, and made cases for them as a token of appreciation for the owner. Both done in veg tan, with the addition of a plywood tube for the tube style case. These were done early on in my leather work.
  22. Nice work. I like to see straight razors in a nice leather case.
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