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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. Yeah, that brand is a bonus! Never seen that before. Was it latent? Only showed up when you stained it? Nice job on all the projects. Jeff
  2. Yep, at least 3 light coats of Resolene, 50/50. FIRST you have to buff all excess dye off. Jeff
  3. Wow. I have one machine. He's got me beat! I can't imagine anyone has more than that. Jeff
  4. I find that once I work with something long enough, I don't smell the material any longer. I have definitely found that to be the case with leather. If I stick my nose right against it, I can still smell it. I kind of miss it. Jeff
  5. This one is my favorite so far! Excellent work. You think you could feel the fur on the paws. Jeff
  6. I've heard bill-fold, but I've never used it. It's been a wallet all my 65 years. The bill-fold may be a hold over from the 20's, 30's, 40's? When bill were referred to as "folding money" And truck/pick-up are interchangeable when referring to a pick-up, something bigger would be a truck. And, whatever happened to "lorry"? US peeps have been told for a long time that a truck was called a lorry in UK. Don't even get me started on military and aviation abbreviations. Here's a meteorological for you all...LTGICCCCG. Lightening in cloud, cloud to cloud, and cloud to ground. Yeah, ground school was a challenge. Jeff
  7. This can go both ways. I think I have "sorted" figured out. Or as some might say, "sorted". Next is "ETA", or "edited to add". Everybody feel free to join in. Jeff I realize this is all available with variable ease on Google, but this may keep you from having to go to the "dark side" during your time on the forum. Jeff
  8. As I've been using American abbreviations, slang, and such, it occurs to me that a LOT of the users on the forum don't know what I'm talking about. So, I'm starting a list of common...in America, abbreviations, slang, short cuts, et cetera, that maybe our "overseas from us" members are scratching their heads over. First, "BTW". It stands for "by the way", or "for instance", or "case in point". Or maybe, "what I mean to say is..." I frankly don't know how other countries say it.
  9. Stetson's #1 sounds like a good idea. That might be my new policy! Also, the thin "glue tape" that Tandy, and maybe others sell, is really great for this stuff. It's thin, it doesn't need to dry, and it really bonds the two layers for stitching. I'd almost forgotten about it for a while, then I saw it hanging on my wall, and tried it again. Worked great! I'm back to using it. It seems to stick to the needles less, too, than contact cement. Jeff
  10. I dremeled a slot in my foot (you know THAT hurt!) so I could see the line to the needle. Sand smooth so thread doesn't snag. Having said that, I find that when I don't get the tensions just right, there is a slight loop that can...and occasionally does, loop over the foot on the right side as I'm looking at it. I think it's only when I am trying to adjust the distance to a corner or point in the stitch line. I know I'm likely making my move to adjust in the wrong point in the travel of the universe. Oh, and on that line to the stitching, I'd thought that one of those laser line things would be great, but I did some research and the line is at least 1/8" wide, maybe more. I don't have that kind of slop built into my stuff. When I was still working for a living, in the dental radiography business, the laser lines were adjustable for distance, and from hairline wide to whatever you wanted. Of course, the price was WAY up there! Jeff
  11. I glue the pieces around the edge, stitch, skipping the part in the middle. That way, you can stitch from each to the beginning of the center gap, then do the other side. No stitches for me in the middle. Jeff
  12. If you want to know where the tang ends, you could drill some tiny holes in the handle, starting from the end of the handle area progressing towards the blade until you hit metal. I think you'd be safe with that 3/4" to 1" we're talking about. Don't quote me on that, of course! Jeff
  13. What does your clearance look like where it goes through the needle guide?
  14. I was able to shave a piece of Horween CXL really thin for a wallet, and that stuff stretches! The piece started at 9oz and I split a 3oz piece off. With something more sturdy, I would think I could get a piece a lot thinner than that. What you don't wan't to do, is get almost right, but need to shave just a bit more off. They don't seem to be able to handle that too well. Take some scrap, pull it through, measure it, and adjust if needed. Also, make sure you have enough length so you have something to pull on! You have some distance between where the cut starts, and where you can actually grip the piece. You'll see what I mean when you get the splitter. Jeff
  15. I haven't had one of JLS patterns that didn't fit just right first time. Assuming I used the one for the right gun! Using his instructions for a home-made pattern, they always fit, too. After, all, when you wet form, the holster fits right anyway! Jeff
  16. Do you have the gun to use as a mold? If so, JLS Leather on the forum has instructions for making your pattern. I've used them and they get the job done. Jeff
  17. Fantastic sheath, plinker! When your pics get hazy from lightening, you can sometimes add contrast and get it back to where it doesn't look foggy, while retaining the benefit of lightening. There's likely a better, more appropriate way to do it, but this is what I do. Sometimes you can use "exposure" if that slider is available, but it works differently in different programs. Jeff
  18. Well done all around! I've got that background tool, but haven't actually tried it yet. Most recent tool purchase. I need to pull the trigger, so to speak. Jeff
  19. You can't have enough bobbins. Or colors/types of thread. Jeff
  20. I've found that with Resolene, you need to let the first coat completely soak in, before doing anything else. Then another thin coat if it needs it. The stuff soaks in unevenly, so it may just look like it needs touch-up. Jeff
  21. I forwarded this to my Harley biker buddy, he was very impressed! And, that was with a minimum of chrome. He's all about chrome. Jeff
  22. Wow! I just re-read your initial post! One summer? That bag looks like it's been through decades of use! Congratulations on your devotion. Talk about goin' a wanderin"! I am impressed. Jeff
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