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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. Outstanding! And, THAT is why I never throw anything away.
  2. alpha2

    kids belt

    For a kid, I'd use no more than 3/4" spacing, and 7 holes with enough billet after the last hole to allow for growth. 5/8" spacing might even work, think of it as spacing as a percentage of total belt length. A little difference in a kids belt will be more as a percentage as compared to an adult belt. Jeff
  3. When I got into this a few years ago, I bought the Elite plan at Tandy, because there are 4 of them in my general area. My first purchase was the Ultimate starter kit. Best money I've spent. The Ultimate kit has a lot of tools that are far superior to Tandy's other tools. If I'd done it on my own, I'd have bought cheaper tools to get by until I upgraded. Big mistake to go that way. Not a day goes by that I don't thank my lucky stars that I went this way. I'd have bought two or three sets of tools by now instead of the Ultimate starter kit. If I'd started with the low cost, beginner tools, I probably would have bailed on the whole leather thing by now. I HAVE upgraded some higher grade stamps, and tools, but most of what was in the kit is still in use on a daily basis. BAD tools are no bargain. Buy once, cry once, as many have said before me. Buying the Elite plan saved me a TON of money over the last few years. But, I go to Tandy more than many others, I guess. Cheyenne store in Wyoming is really close, and the three stores in Denver were very convenient when I was working down there every day. For others, online orders will still give you good deal. The Veterans discount is even better. Now I have a business account, but that is another story. Now, as soon as your husband can, start buying leather from anywhere other than Tandy. High prices for crap leather. I bought some from Tandy to practice on, then switched to online vendors of good repute. Far less waste, better leather quality, and better prices. Hope this helps. Jeff
  4. Welcome aboard from Ft. Collins. Jeff
  5. Good work! LOVE the colors. Smith BG380? Or, what they're calling the M&P380 now? REAL close to the same size and shape as the LCP. In fact, the Hunter pocket holsters are almost interchangeable. My trophy wife uses a Hunter for the BG380 as her purse holster for her LCP. Jeff
  6. Found these pics on a French site, "out of stock".
  7. Hey, complimentary delivery by Xmas! You just can't please some people! It's all about the "value-added". (Not to be confused with VAT, which only adds taxes, not value). Jeff
  8. alpha2


    I found that, given enough time for drying and such, if you work in some neatsfoot oil it will even out the shading, but not applicable to everything. NFO has other effects, too, though, not always desirable. Always though, going darker second coat has saved the day more than once. Jeff
  9. Lucky boy! I didn't realize you could still buy cap guns. How'd they let that slip through? I fondly remember my Fanner 50's. Now, there was some firepower! Jeff
  10. I saw that too! You beat me to the obvious post. How's those resolutions going, Santa? Jeff
  11. Wait, Fredk, do you mean 4 mm to go through the buckle? 4 cm seems like a lot.
  12. Thanks, that's just what I needed! Jeff
  13. I need to know approximately the circumference of an average ladies western hat, for some hatbands. My client doesn't have the hat, as it's for her daughter in another state. I could take an average size and add a couple of extra holes, but don't know what size an average ladies western hat would be. Anyone? Jeff
  14. The belt strap cutter one is fine, but if that's all it does it's very limiting. The clicker, if there was an opening in one side or the other, just enough to slip a strap through, it could function as a belt strap cutter too! That should leave plenty of steel to take the 4 tons of force. Jeff
  15. Well, there you go, it's a scam, by scammers. Don't encourage them.
  16. My CowBoy 4500 has locking wheels, and I can't imagine not having that feature. Also, the machine and stand is really heavy, and a good quality wheel is essential. This is not a place to scrimp. Jeff
  17. After the sticker is removed by any means, I wonder if DeGlazer would get rid of the adhesive? Haven't tried it myself, but that stuff is pretty potent, and shouldn't harm the leather.
  18. For some reason, my Cowboy 4500 started missing a stitch, after clunking, in the middle of a long line of stitching. At first, I thought it was a needle issue, changed needle, no help. Then, I thought it was an issue with the roller guide forcing the needle over into another part...nope. Finally, I sought help online. There are a couple of sites that have videos by supposedly knowledgeable people...that may be, but a totally out of focus image, after they acknowledge that the image is totally out of focus, and abysmal lighting, after they acknowledge abysmal lighting, and I was through. Then I remembered Uwe has videos on youtube. Seriously, great lighting, ALWAYS IN PERFECT FOCUS, and a running commentary via text on screen. Yeah, buddy! I managed to totally re-time my machine and am back to perfect stitching. Uwe does it right. Check it out if you need help with your machine. He restored my sanity today, and that is no small task, on the best of days! Jeff
  19. Absolutely! In fact, that is the loooongest phase!
  20. Wow. That IS a trip. That also requires a GOOD friend! Road trips are like a trial marriage. Assuming there was such a thing, which isn't a bad idea, come to think of it. The thing about starting a major clean-up, re-organization, etc, is to actually start it! Mission accomplished. Jeff
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