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Everything posted by Mattsbagger

  1. You can get the angled stitch with a stitching chisel it's all in how you do it. Unless you want to awl stitch. I don't know anything about pricking irons I use chisels. Idk if this helps or not. You might want to check out the Sewing Leather section. There are a few tutorials on here as well for hand stitching.
  2. Ive done black on brown on a few. I have issues with some bleed through on the brown.
  3. I use an old smooth plastic pen. Pretty much anything smooth that fits will work.
  4. I was gonna post a question about cleaning the burnisher. What do you use. I just got a 'bolo burnisher. I had a problem with dye transfer with my hand held Tandy one one so I used a 2nd hand held for natural. But that be a bit pricey with a motor burnisher. Lol
  5. I agree with Mutt. Also you can stitch and rivet the straps. I have done that and like the look.
  6. In pricing it says Super pump upgrade. $2.00 so I think it has a pump.
  7. Length dosent matter really. You just cut it off anyways. So look for your diameter and get the longest ones. You can always make shorter but adding length is impossible. Lol
  8. Aussie is a good substitute. Beeswax based.
  9. I got my burnisher last night. Seems very solid. And good workmanship. Tried out on a few pieces and seems to work nice. I'm running it on a HF drill press at slowest speed. Will update if I have any issues.
  10. I am waiting for a burnisher for my drill press from same shop. I will do a quick review when I get it and have a chance to run it a bit.
  11. This is the $20 PX4 Storm off eBay. It looks new to me even though listing says used.
  12. USMC has WAY more pigment in it. More than ever needed.
  13. I would not use usmc unless you really like buffing. It is the bane of rub off from what I have read. I use the Pro/oil (which has no oil). With good results. Do a search on here on the USMC and you will see what I mean.
  14. I got one. When I get home I will check it and post a pic.
  15. Check your spelling on your title. And look at the "things that cut", there is a splitter just put up for sale.
  16. If it's contact cement you can rub it off with your finger or an art gum eraser.
  17. High end! Its amazing when something so simple works so well.
  18. Yep looks good. Weave is right size. To scale by my eye.
  19. I don't do dye prep usually. I do dampen the leather as dye seems to penetrate better. If using glue or contact cement ANY on the surface will block dye.
  20. Nope. And on some things I do in brown then stitch and dye edges in black. Just do all of your edging first and sanding then dye. I use a dauber or qtip for the edges depending on thickness of the leather. Go easy if doing different color on edges because it soaks in fast like the end grain of wood. Some me included sometimes dye the edges with Sharpie. I burnish with saddle soap and/or gum trag. Finish with a beeswax/paraffin 50/50.
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