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Everything posted by Retswerb

  1. I assume you’ve tried buckleguy.com? I can’t quite picture what you’re referring to, a pic would help. Welcome aboard!
  2. Retswerb

    Plague Mask

    Looks like that turned out great!
  3. That’s a real beauty @CrustyOZ! Thanks for the pics. Fantastic workmanship.
  4. I visited my local re-opened Tandy this week, seemed mostly normal operations. Mediocre selection, mediocre prices, but no wait or cost for shipping and at least you can pick your pieces out yourself.
  5. I’d say you’re succeeding! Looks great all around.
  6. I don’t have any helpful suggestions but man is that ever a nice game table! I’d love to see more of it, shame it got marked up.
  7. Lol, that sounds about right. The thing with a nice burnished edge is that if it’s there, the average person *might* notice and care. But only a leather worker knows to look for it and miss it if it’s not there.
  8. Thanks for posting, @Spyros! Definitely time for me to give Kemovan another look, I’d say.
  9. Great to hear, @Spyros - you can be my guinea pig. Looking forward to hearing your impressions!
  10. Just curious if anyone has purchased from Kemovan Craft and would care to comment on tool quality? (https://www.etsy.com/shop/KemovanCraft) A quick search here turned up one self-promotion and not much else. Etsy pics look nice enough to me, and prices are reasonable.
  11. I’d love to learn this as well. I bought some pasted back leather last year from Zack White Leather for a commission of some coin purses and man was it ever nice to work with.
  12. Yep, that’s the stuff. Also heard it called centerline tape as it usually has a guide stripe down the middle. It’s like magic for some repairs, I’ll bet it works great as you say for a little extra grip!
  13. @brisma, I’d guess you’re going to need a list, some better pics, and some info on brands if you want much interest for these.
  14. Had to look this one up (I know it as fusion tape) but that’s a good idea, I’ll have to try it.
  15. This is great @Danne, your pics and description are nice and clear. Thanks for the resource!
  16. Hi @Mynkibird! First the good news: all are welcome here and I don’t expect anyone to tell you to get lost. Plenty on here from your side of the pond too. And the bad news: the likelihood of you being able to lighten this couch and have it survive the process looking like something you want to keep in your home is very very low in my opinion.
  17. Looks great! That’s a lot of detail work in one little coin purse.
  18. Well I had to look up ‘fettling’ but now that I understand it I agree!
  19. Aww, now you’ve done it. Just looked at their site and now I have a favorite tool that I don’t even own yet.
  20. Adapt your needs to what they can supply. They are a vital source of help and information and by buying some from them you'll work up a very useful contact Have you asked them specifically about what leathers they might be able to get for you on special order? I wonder if they might be able to at least save you some shipping $$ by throwing in something for you alongside their regular orders from their suppliers.
  21. I’ve definitely seen the same at my Tandy, their leathers vary widely even when nominally the same. Thickness is often way off as well. It pays to be choosy and poke through the whole stack to find the better pieces at a given price point. Or buy from one of the various reputable online sellers.
  22. Retswerb

    Cue Case Build

    This has a lot of different elements, each requiring different approaches and skills. Looks like you handled it nicely.
  23. I’m no sailor either but if that’s what you have in mind I don’t think I want to sail with you!
  24. Welcome back to leather working! The sheath looks good, nice looking knife as well.
  25. Love it! Thanks for sharing something that’s totally different from the standard fare here. With the basic shape set, shouldn’t be too hard to make some relatively minor changes to do other animals as well.
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