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Everything posted by Carson

  1. If you you trace around the scissors then take a compass and mark 1/2 or so from the edge.
  2. If you want I can do more cuts than8 to make it like round the one I will make will be smaller but I can give you the pattern and you can upscale it if you like.
  3. Well if you watch someone make a wet molded pouch they cut these little noches in the leather so you don’t get “ bubbles” and that is what you could do on something like that and just put two holes in one set and put two sets or even three sets of holes and saddle stitch them togeather and maybe have eight or so and so it would look somewhat round I can make a totarial later tonight when I get to my shop so you can check then about 9 mountain standered time and I will have something up about it. The leather would be cut from one piece and stitched and glued togeather.
  4. Yes you could make make something like that but have 2 inch walls and the thing is that no wet molding is required to do that. That would be a good size for a coffee table tray and you could do two sets of stitches bottom and top and just cut it like Wilma flinstones dress.
  5. Pen cases ,comb cases and folding knife slips
  6. I don’t know probably barge is you best bet with tackie time
  7. Buff with something and apply a finish like Aussie or tan kote and sno seal and other things... your perfered finish
  8. Like mjolnir said braded lomething or soft rubber in the middle and leather outside
  9. I use barge cement and ruff up the leather before glueing with sand paper or a knife or scratch all and one coat does me plenty but I am stitching it together. hope it helps
  10. Ya I’d figure in the middle of no where there isn’t much but we just got hit with a foot and 18 inch drifts
  11. Holy $&*t that is way better than what I can do!!! Nice job on the belt and cover
  12. I think that a number 3 would do you good for heavy leathers and 2 would be good for medium leathers (5-7 oz) and 1 good for light leathers (2-4) oz hope it helps
  13. If I am thinking about what you are thinking about than old Tandy ones from the 70s are good and sharp but the new Tandy ones are good too hope it helps
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