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Everything posted by kgg

  1. Welcome mcbleatherneck you should find this forum and list members a wonderful resource for all your needs. Personally I prefer the Browning Hi Power from the Belgium factory, not the military version, over the Colt 1911 but both are excellent guns. kgg
  2. Matt, I think it's their overall support, availability of accessories, video's for their machines, video's for different projects and the quality of their machine manuals that are will written and presented in English making them easy to follow unlike some others. I still think their equipment is overpriced through. kgg
  3. If you don't have the Elite membership at a cost of $150 US the regular price at Tandy of the machine would be $1499 US. If you like the Sailrite line of machines and support you could get an industrial machine, Fabricator, for $1495. hum kgg
  4. For that price door is open for many other more suitable options. My thought is that it is still just a portable walking foot machine not an industrial machine that has lost it's portability. kgg
  5. Did you thread the thread through the hole just above the needle in the needle drive shaft before threading the eye of the needle? kgg
  6. Have you checked the way the bobbin is installed? The bobbin thread needs to be coming off the bobbin in a counter clockwise fashion otherwise weird stuff can happen to do a quick check hold the bobbin case in your right hand between your thumb and index finger, grab the thread with your left hand and pull the bobbin must rotate counter clockwise. kgg
  7. Some of your problem also be that you are using an oversized needle for your thread size. Try a size 18 needle. kgg
  8. On the surface the Tandy machine made by Sailrite seems to be a version of the LS-1 put in a small table with a Sailrite servo motor. The price would deter me. In Ontario for about the same dollars you can buy a industrial Juki 1541S c/w full size table and servo motor. Am I missing something? kgg
  9. I do have experience of owing / using the Reliable Barracuda 200ZW and really had no problems with it but understanding it wasn't a industrial machine. It preformed the tasks I asked however I would recommend that you purchase a heavier flywheel (Monster) kit. If you think the Sailrite portable could do the job then the Baracuda will probably do it as well just easier on the pocket book. As far as budget goes new it would run you about $500 US. If you are looking at attachments like a binder for the machine the two mounting holes in the base will have to be tapped to accept the hold down screws. kgg
  10. Actually the machine looks like an older Merrow 3 thread overlock crochet blanket machine like a model A-3d w3. kgg
  11. Did you check this place. https://www.gwjcompany.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=64 kgg
  12. Maybe ok for a collector not a machine I would consider usable. kgg
  13. I did see a post bed machine once with a removal table attachment that the person had mounted a binder attachment similar to the swing away type that Sailrite sells which can be had elsewhere like ebay. As far as a slowly it down more a servo motor I think would be the best method and you can check with some of the vendors on the forum who should be able to suggest the best wattage and accessories for your needs. kgg
  14. Out of curiosity have you tried not to raise the needle the 1/4 " before lifting the feet but having the needle buried deeper so you can just clear the material. The reason I ask is that with so materials, the bottom layer of material can sometimes be sucked/pushed down under the feet dog slightly depending on the material, how aggressive the feed dog is, how high the feed dog is set and how much pressure the foot is applying to the material. This with the material being twisted may cause the thread to catch slightly. An example of this would be thick ripstop on top and say a terry type material on the bottom. The terry will definitely get sucked in slightly.
  15. First question to answer would be have you decided whether you are planning on hand stitching or machine stitching your items that you plan on making. kgg
  16. I am not familiar with the thread you are using as it compares to "V" size but since you are using a #18 needle I am going to assume it's V69 or max V92 equivalent. If it thicker you will need to go up to the correct needle size. What I found best for my Juki 1541s was to have the needle on the upstroke, stop the machine raise the foot off the material using the knee lift and carefully turn the material 90 degrees so as not to bend/deflect the needle also will I keep my bobbin tension normally a little more on the high side of tight. kgg
  17. Two things you can't get way from Taxes and Death, that's right they have a tax on that to. kgg
  18. Try Chris at Japan Sewing in Richmond Hill Ontario CA (905) 764-0100. kgg
  19. This I think is a mechanical problem not a needle problem. Techsew should help guide you through correcting the problem.
  20. The one on the right appears to be the same as the one in my Juki 1541S (I have it in my hand) however it could be the angle of the photo but it appears to be missing the flat bluish coloured tension spring that puts pressure on the bobbin. The one on the left maybe specific to the Consew line or someone changed it. I agree with Wiz that the mechanic should be notified and he/she has made a mistake. kgg
  21. If it is a Glaco-Astra machine I would check with Texas Sewing Machines Distributors in Texas as I think they are sold them. kgg
  22. I think the forum overall is pretty damn good and the slow access periods are mostly on my end. Depends on what else we are doing both on/off line (me/son/wife) are doing at the same time. Some of the slower responses are probably more dependant on the number of registered users/guess users that are accessing the site at one time, their method of accessing the internet (phone lines/cable/cellular/ etc), computing power and whether the users provider is throttling back because of the number of users on their system. There are just so many variables taking place behind the scenes that a user may not be aware of why access sometimes to a particular site is slower that day then last week. kgg
  23. For the presser foot issue is this similar to the problem you had previous with this machine?
  24. This is really nice work. True art. You and your wife should be proud of it. A lot of work and stress as if it didn't come out right you may have been moving to the dog house. kgg
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