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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. a guy posted a site on another thread here just yesterday. this thread.
  2. Be aware however that as you do whatever it is to draw a crowd part of that crowd will want to steal your stuff. Big crowd and putting yourself in a position of not being able to pay attention are two things that don't really go together well if all your stuff is out in hands reach. I was just thinking a person could set up a video, small tv hanging behind you showing you stitching tooling or whatever, the noise and video would surely attract folks while allowing you to pay attention to the customers and your products.
  3. i would explain to the person looking how the leather gets that beautiful patina and how to make it even out. After all if they buy one it will darken also. it would be easier to darken the light than to lighten the dark.
  4. straight for two reasons, it will wear the belts out on the sides and the pully's but more importantly the offset will cause pressure on the shaft and bearings of the motor front to back instead of straight up that could in time ruin the motor. here is some info hope it helps and it applies to any v belt setup alignment and proper tension are critical. https://www.plantservices.com/assets/wp_downloads/pdf/111025-Ludeca-guide-pulley-alignment.pdf
  5. yes you can use fabric of any type you want it is glued at the edges and sewn the same as a leather pocket would be. a lot of folks use a very thin leather inside however. i think in the picture you are showing the two inner pockets are sewn together at the bottom before assembly. the outer/top pocket is deep for money. it appears also they are cut into a vee shape which is hidden below the top edge of each pocket to help reduce bulk. Hope this helps, you can do it all at home, search this forum for hand stitching its not a hard thing to learn. Then show us your cool project.
  6. beautiful work!! i made a pair just about like that for myself. They are comfortable for sure.
  7. i could use a good stiff belt. lol.
  8. i'm familiar with metal stamping raised plates as we had a license plate factory in our prison that made raised numeral plates. There is space for the steel in that case but the two plates only raise the outline of the numerals, there are no special designs on the raised numbers or letters as may be the case with leather. So wouldn't you have to provide some ability of the plates to also stamp the picture, logo whatever also, maybe a millimeter deep impression? if you just made the space the same thickness as the leather then you would only get a raised blank impression? in my new thinking you would want the perimeter difference the same thickness as the leather but on the top there would be space amouting to the depth of the image wanted minus the total thickness. here is an example of what I'm thinking lol 2mm leather raised 2mm with 1 mm deep stamped impression = 2mm space around all the edge of the 2mm thick bottom plate with only 1 mm space on the top to press the impression into the leather 1mm. the top plate then would have to be 3mm deep to provide for the 2mm raise plus the 1 mm impression. The bottom plate could be blank and work just as well couldn't it?
  9. i dont know a thing about the process, why would it be better than just one plate? do you want the impression on both sides? my puny mind says make them fit exactly together and the leather will form to them wont it, just like it conforms by stamping?
  10. Great looking holsters . The slots change the angle , cant, of the holster. Some folks like to cant the holster more than others for holster placement on the body while still being able to draw the weapon rapidly. this site has a pretty good description of the canted holster history. https://aliengearholsters.com/blog/fbi-cant-holster/
  11. beautiful picture! Nothing quite like an early morning sunrise or evening sunset. Makes you feel like you really do exist. We may live miles apart but we all see the same sky.
  12. make the wallets without or dont sell its your option, your money, your life. But he will then buy them from someone else his option, his money, his life.
  13. Stitching is part of the process its not separate in any way. Hand stitching when learned and done correctly isn't tedious or hard to do imo but it sure was before i knew how. In fact it makes a guy feel good to see the personal improvement just as any of the processes are plus there are some things that the average machine cant sew. If you plan on being competitive with Walmart's products neither will help you. If you plan on being competitive with other crafters with sewing machines then you will need a lot of practice some are veeery fast and time learning the machine is part of it also! If you plan on being competitive with hand stitching you still have to say its machine sewn, that's an apples and oranges argument. As with all tools there is cost in purchase, maintenance and time learning that needs to be included in the final cost of each product so you have to add that just as you would the extra time hand stitching. "I'm new to the entire concept of leatherworking and am looking into buying the basic equipment I need to get started." A leather sewing machine isn't basic equipment imo and i'm sorry to say but only friends or family would buy your first few saddles, folks who go out looking to buy them want guaranteed quality from well known makers.
  14. if there was i think it would be on shelves everywhere and on every hide tanning blog ever written. sorry no majic solution i have ever heard of turn on some good tunes open a beer and get to work i have found a lot of needless work goes into the process while the hide is still to wet for the breaking. If you do find one though let me know i have three elk hides and two deer in the salt right now.
  15. why would you want to? it would make it uncomfortable imo our bods aren't perfect in shape so the leather conforms instead.
  16. heres how i get around the belt no belt problem. The back flap will stick in your waistband or even your pocket, the snap allows you to take it off or put it on without taking off your belt too. Use two layers on the flap to make it stiff.
  17. Any person with a functioning brain cell would realize that is free and very good advertising for them. i wouldn't call that brain fart "evolving" lol.
  18. be sure you make it so you can throw the tote and keep the pistol. Make the pocket on the outside and to the body for what ever hand your customer needs. My daughter bought a cc purse but had no idea how they work. She had no idea that they are made so you can throw the purse or hand it over to distract while pulling the iron. And as said really good straps.
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