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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. Figured i would make new awl for myself. my old awl wasn't the best by any means. so then I had to make a new haft as well. lol came out ok it fits my hand nicely, the awl is 2.5mm and makes some nice lookin holes. I was gonna post this on the awl sharpening thread from the other day as thats what led me build this. I had no way of really knowing how to sharpen an awl with this blade shape so now i do lol. I both formed and sharpened the blade by holding the blade still, in a small vice, then using standard needle files formed the blade. After hardening and tempering i then finished sharpening and polishing with the same method much easier to keep the shape IMO than trying to move the blade over a stone. I used sandpaper glued to ice-cream sticks for the final sharpening and polishing. Only took two band aids lol its sharp alright.
  2. YW I'm glad you like it, you can also reshape the tip if you need to make a creaser of any shape you like.
  3. these work ok but they soak up more product than you use on the edge itself.
  4. You could make a poke, small leather pouch for money, hang it around yer neck and use it the same way as they did before pockets were invented. Many a bad folk were educated by a poke.
  5. lol one of my key fobs is a monkeys fist with a 12 gauge lead ball in it.
  6. great idea I've got about 6 Junkers I need to look at, never gave it a thought of redoing them lol.
  7. i use the wrong end of a small paint brush, just the handle held sideways puts on a nice even coat not to thick and right where i want it.
  8. sew it on. but i agree with Dwight try and get the rubber or silicone, whatever they are cases.
  9. Frodo gifted me one It is a great lil knife holding up real well so far all I've had to do was touch it up a bit. I use 2500 grit paper glued to my pounding stone.
  10. great looking strap!! You might think about wadding material its also called batting for quilting wont break down like foam.
  11. That came out really nice. I like that cam lock system especially.
  12. I'll bet sharpen em lol. I use the inner tube out of an old high pressure sodium lightbulb for my disposable blades and as a steel for pocket knives.
  13. That's nice work there! Do you have plans you are working from? I was thinking of making one this winter.
  14. dull chisels ? omg lol yer scaring me now. at least get a 1500 grit belt for your belt sander then you can let it do the humming.
  15. i made a set last year but i didn't have a pattern either had to make one, it wasn't much just a pattern for the back piece. They are pretty simple to make, just straps mostly I can post some pictures if it would help.
  16. You take care of it the same way you would a saddle for example , veg tanning is thousands of years old so its been put through some rain storms. I use neatsfoot oil and water proofing on my stuff before hand as well if they do get saturated i dry them well then apply some more neatsfoot oil then re water proof. I wouldn't think your hunter friends would want to get thier ammo , guns and knives that wet either. Personally my belts are under my rain gear when its that bad or in the tent lol.
  17. LOl kinda ironic statement since people have been working leather since the stone age. I sharpen my disposables too No need wasting the earths valuable resources is my outlook. But to each his own is my motto. I use so many different cutting tools that its a necessity kinda like washing dishes imo just hum a tune while doing it and its over before you know it.
  18. wow working great here seems much faster now also. Thank you all for this wonderful forum!!!!
  19. I got this same thing sent an email to admins and also posted but no response so far. I had to go into my browser settings I am using edge and allow the site. No problem now loading it but stills shows as an unsecure site.
  20. when the time comes and if you still feel you need a prenup then dont do it, marriage is about life , love , and sharing everything good and bad. Been together over 40 years lived together about 7, 6 kids, before we tied the knot and it is the greatest thing i have ever accomplished .
  21. getting a site not secure problem today ( NET::ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_VERSION) Some pictures wont open. Every time i click on something i get the message and have to override the warning. i can still get on obviously but its jacked up a bit.The connection used to load this site is TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, which are outdated and will be turned off in the future. When these are turned off, you won't be able to load the site. The server should use TLS 1.2 or later.
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