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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. oh i understand now. Here's my bike can you put this set of forks on it VS here's my bike can you put a set of forks on it. yea no wonder.
  2. Great start its gonna be a nice knife and a good learning experience. Yup you can sharpen back down to the temper easily if needed just take your time.
  3. You want something like urethane plus make it replaceable. It's used as packing for electronics and such so you may be able to find it being discarded or you can buy it. its also used as personal flotation or those swimming pool toys.
  4. Your very welcome. And also lucky you are right handed lol i didn't think to even ask.
  5. LOL well you sure made it sound complicated or your bike mechs did. Our world is often hampered by the modern human brain always trying to overthink things. Kind of like building a jig to punch holes when a scrap of leather can do the same thing just as well.
  6. Maybe alot of expensive bikes out there but not out here lol. My town is only about 7000 so just not enough high end business. If people seeing you riding a bike here they think you lost your drivers license lol. Front fork easy peasy, first off clamp your suspension fork so it doesn't move up or down then adjust the length until you get the feel you want, the bike doesn't know geometry so it doesn't care a bit lol. Then get rigid forks that length.
  7. Japan. It's the one place in the world where the present is as fascinating as the past. Labels: Americana, history posted by VD @ 8/13/2020 05:36:00 AM Mailing List signup 0 comments Very cool story I always watch shows about Japan for that reason people there still feel that doing things the proper way is more important than the money or the time. Work there is still a very personally rewarding experience and those folk take great pride in their jobs.
  8. I tried setting up a bike shop after i retired but in this part of the US there is little interest. To cold to ride for 6months of the year and most of the bikes now are so cheaply made and disposable that its just not worth it for people to pay to have them repaired. You can go to commie mart and buy a bike cheaper than you can replace the innertubes for. Very sad thing they, big business, have taught our young folk that the only way to live is to buy brand new and then throw it away instead of keeping it repaired. Why i love my MGB i can still buy every part for it and fix it myself. Back on topic Why not just make a template out of leather shaped just like a belt with the holes and end cut to shape, lay it down on your belt blank and mark the holes trim the end and your done.
  9. If i'm correct you said you already punched the holes in your bottom piece. Form your gusset with extra leather for trimming, glue your two pieces together then you will have to punch through the existing holes on the bottom piece with an awl or some such, sew it together then trim the edges straight. Thats about the only way i can think of fixing your problem. You can pre punch leather if you are using a pattern and diamond chisels but even then its ify especially of wet forming.
  10. original Campys!!!! I about died. Serial number shows it was built by the original founder was custom built back then for each person. I registered it on their sight. It was to big for me but my son fit it well.
  11. you would love my 70s azuki ten speed. I also had a Roberts from England given to me for free cleaned it up and gave it to my son it was pristine the only thing not original was the saddle and tires and they were going to throw it away.
  12. I respectfully disagree.
  13. I had an old driller once, oil field slang, That told me once Boy your workin faster than you can think when things start going wrong go take a break before you really screw it up. I didn't know how right he was till i tried it.
  14. Are you slipping that horse a few sugar cubes on the sly? Or maybe sewing a couple inside the lining lol.
  15. Awesome, tooling and the coloring is really nice. Nice western take on an 1911 holster. Maybe some skiving at hose bends would help?
  16. i was just wondering if anyone skived each end of the round holes, one side on the front and one side on the back of the belt so the prong wont deform the hole as much instead of making an oval Like we do with belt loops on pancake holsters.
  17. Scribe a line down the middle of you piece from one end to the other, Then drill small pilot holes on both ends of each oval, then drill out the pilot holes with the right size bit and finish with needle files.
  18. most tool rolls have holes in each corner to hang on the wall. it could take care of a bunch of your tool storage at once.
  19. Something like a tool roll maybe if you have more than one.
  20. those are excellent. I see a set screw in the top of the body are they adjustable in length?
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