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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. Lighting is very important as well as seeing i use a pair of reading magnifiers under a magnifier headset lol. Your leather shifting is also a consideration.
  2. lol literally far less than 20 minutes to this point where I will fine tune it. No computer no 3d printer, no cad program, no waste of time building a piece of plastic that wont last a week. I will go out on a limb here and say all of the older stamps were made just like i made this, with hands and a hand tool. You can see in the op picture where each was stamped as there are places where the stamps didn't line up such as the area right in the middle of the picture.. PS excuse my stamping i didn't allow enough time for thorough casing so the ridges didn't stamp in well.
  3. Beavertail makes beautiful leather! Anyone would love that.
  4. across the points of the x, the tip of each point is the corner of the rectangle of the stamp. i would bet that the original was a hand made stamp if the chair has any age to it.
  5. let me see what i can do then i'll send you a message tomorrow. Can you measure it for me?
  6. Great looking, That would be nice to have in winter for sure. Looks like Deer hide?
  7. I hold my beveller so its a bit above the work just a hair or lightly on then the force of the mallet drives it down then i move and tap move and tap. Then i go back over it by just sliding the beveller along with some force to smooth it out. But I'm not the best at it either lol. Just takes practice. Do you have your leather held down so it cant move?
  8. I've never seen one for sale but you can make that design with a file pretty easy IMO . I count six file cuts on a rectangular blank. Use a triangular needle file on some soft steel like a bolt head or some such Very cool and I'm gonna make one lol. It could have even been made with/ on a wheel stamp
  9. I'll give you my nomination!! LOL looks like it'll cut to me.
  10. That is really good work!
  11. Yup I understand. The difference is probably due to the acetone turning to a vapor or possibly a certain needed sorbent that the A-1 doesn't have. Another thing when picking a respirator you need to pick the respirator that protects you from the worst of the chemicals so in this case would be Acetone and anyone responsible for selling you or picking the right filter will pick that one no matter if there is only one drop of Acetone in the whole gallon/ liter whatever. You will note those are one use filters. Here is the info from 3m on their filters. https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/738488O/filters-for-reusable-respirators-selector.pdf I don't know if it will give you an answer or not but well worth reading.
  12. I agree completely Tug and was the fundamental intent of the first part of my comments they cant compete so have to submit to selling the same junk. Sure they could but at what point is trying to compete with American tool makers that have already a following in a very limited niche market, that being providing tools for professional use, going to be profitable. We have to see Tandy as we see ourselves.
  13. Here is what the msds i found says about the product you are using renia syntic total . " With correct and proper use, and under normal conditions, breathing protection is not required. If technical exhaust or ventilation measures are not possible or insufficient , respiratory protection must be worn." again that is if your exposure is above the pel or personal exposure limits.
  14. The boiling point is simply the point where a liquid becomes a vapor if I remember right and has nothing to do with boiling the chemical. And is why Acetone is used because it evaporates quickly. The respirator can protect you from all three no matter the boiling point it protects you from the vapors. Full face shield could be because the MSDS says it is an eye irritant or there is danger to your eyes if splashed. Personally i think you are over complicating things, you have said you just do watchbands and its just for a few minutes glue up time. If your glue can says use in a well ventilated area then ventilate your area don't hang over the work huffing it while the volatiles are evaporating and be done with it you will be safe. Here is an important part of the MSDS for Acetone that i pulled up. "Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded and engineering controls are not feasible, a half-face organic vapor respirator may be worn for up to ten times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. A full-face piece organic vapor respirator may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-face piece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres." The keys words are IF the exposure limit is exceeded and ...... . They put acetone in nail polish and you don't see people donning respirators to paint thier nails lol.
  15. Great conversation indeed. Here's my take on Tandy as well as the problem. They, Tandy, are going through the exact same problem we are. Trying to compete and survive in a global market that has been taken over by China and the Mega giant internet selling agents such as Amazon and Walmart that are making TRILLIONS off of selling the world disposable crap made in China. Tandy cant do anything but resell Chinese products or they simply cant compete and that's the bottom line. How many people could afford to buy their kids a CS Osborne basic seven kit like Tandy used to sell ,cheaply, as a Christmas gift for example. that's how thousands of young people got into leather work or the boy scouts with limited funding? Right now Tandy is fighting as we all are years of bad trade agreements that have created a super industrial country that uses their people like slaves. No one can compete and right now there is exactly one person on the globe in power that understands this. We all see it but refuse to believe it and why is that? Because a very few people with a lot of money at stake are doing everything monetarily possible to convince us he is wrong. Right now I'll bet anyone form any country that's on here can go to their eBay site and find Chinese products being sold and shipped from China selling cheaper than the exact same Chinese product being sold in their country by local retailers on ebay. The problem is right in front of our faces yet we refuse to see, why , because we are doing it too. How many of us are wearing shoes right now made by a local company or a fellow leather worker here? Tandy isn't the problem. One recent post said we spent the first part of the thread saying people were stupid. People have had the exact same brain capacity for thousands of years so no more or less stupid than any other generation of people! What is different is what we have been taught or how we have been taught to use our grey matter. Universities used to be called schools of higher learning for a reason. They taught a person skills that could be used to better them selves personally no mater what career course they took in life afterwards. Now they are used to teach people how to be a good employee and a good socialist ready to do their best for the mega buck company that funded their education. When you see companies wowing you with the monetary support of your local college they aren't doing that for the personal good of the student but to fill their company with employees who can hit the floor running. Plain and simple the educational system of most of the world has been corrupted in this manner and that too is right in our faces, we go to college to get a "better job"! A better job? what is that? Its what your parents never had! lol What load of crap we are being served and we eat it up and send our children to those schools so they are taught to eat it up too. As far as a craft every craft is taking the hit. Its no longer cheaper to make your own than buy it and that's where crafts started, people making their own clothes, food, shoes, quilts, whatever. I can t make my own jelly for example cheaper than i can buy it why because i have to buy the jars, canning lids, sugar, pectin. All these items have been priced up to sell to the public by the same companies that sell the Jelly they have "DEALS" with the makers of those items or own them outright. Same with leather crafts. So what is the solution? That's very complex but i would add to the solution by saying Buy locally and from small business, Buy quality, Get involved with your community and create diversity in your areas you don't have to teach someone personally u tube shows us that but you do have to instill the "want to" in a generation that is being mis-led by their cell phones. Attack bad laws that hamper the small business man. Right now I'm setting in Wyoming the heart of Beef country, eating beef from Mexico and buying leather from Bolivia. Why is that? Because of bad local/ state government regulations put in place that prohibit ranchers from selling their beef to me or even to a local butcher shop. No beef sold here no tannery just that simple. But there is a Walmart and I can order from Amazon lo. Wouldn't it be cool if my, or your, local Tandy could buy tools from local tool companies and local tanneries and still be competitive with CHINA.
  16. Is there some way to this without Fakebook? Maybe on this forum?
  17. A ton of leather making and using info is stored on this bad boy Foxfire 6 on shoe making is awesome.
  18. LOL heck yea i would love a set of those to go with that belt.
  19. oh yea I also noticed Carla emerys book of country living I'm on my second copy we wore the first one out and now the second copy is held together with duct tape lol.
  20. Good idea no more pliers to get the lid off lol.
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