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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. lol I notice it has the foxfire book collection, great set to read just for the stories and history even if you don't use the information.
  2. Anyone remember The little " Please allow 4 to 6 weeks" at the bottom of the mail in order forms we used to use before the net. We are a spoiled lot now days lol.
  3. 58% England , Wales , northwestern Europe 31% Ireland and Scotland 7% Scandinavian plus a few others but Ancestry has changed the percentages a few times as they get more info. When I first added it I was much more Scandinavian lol. Its an amazing thing that the good lord could give us the knowledge and ability to understand our roots, I think the world would be a better place if everyone knew where they came from and who they really were.
  4. WOW that was some project! Its is beautiful!
  5. Wow that's neat info indeed. Its a great book so and discusses real facts about the history of the GP from Spanish exploration to government policies of the time. I too am a genealogy nut to the point of having my dna on ancestry, a person would be surprised where the old blood line has been lol.
  6. I'm reading a great book right now, The Great Plains by Walter Prescott Webb. It breaks down the use of weaponry during the years of westward migration. With the invention of the revolver being one of the primary reasons we could begin to establish ourselves on the great plains, and why the the Spanish gave up. Before 1840s, roughly, all weapons' were single shot and most folks were advised on their weapons of choice by the people who put the wagon trains together. The Texas Rangers proved the worth of the revolver as a mounted weapon of choice that put them at even or a bit better than those they were fighting. Before that the Indians, and i mean no disrespect, had the upper hand and simply waited till the single shot was fired then rode in a filled their enemy with arrows. Its a great read for those wanting to understand the real reasons the west was won.
  7. Wow a great bunch of info for these trying times, I have about six totes full of books on most of these subjects ,and I've read them, that no one can censor or delete from the cloud lol. I used to get ribbed alot on social media and FB until folks couldn't buy paper to wipe their butts a few months ago.
  8. chuck123wapati

    Shell Hunting

    I love those both, great work!!
  9. I haven't had a problem as yet. You probably should change if its affecting your business.
  10. Womens belts you could possibly line with fabric.
  11. i use several methods depending on the type blade and the work it is doing. Most often to put an edge on a typical knife i use oil stones after that i use very hard Arkansas stone then go to a steel, or 2500 grit sandpaper. It is possible to make sharpening a knife so complicated it becomes overwhelming, I don't do that.
  12. you did a great job. did you use acrylics? I have seen that somewhere, maybe on a flight jacket or something of military origin.
  13. That's awesome work especially if tis your own design.
  14. I would say its possible but i have never heard of it happening, doesn't mean it didn't. There are many prairie rattlers here but most are small enough that typical boots are high enough to protect you . I have killed a couple four footers in my life but they are rare.
  15. you could use the same beveled cutter they do for the matting if you leather is thin enough. Possibly go to a framer and see if they will cut the bevels for you.
  16. i thought it was because the scots asked for AHEM but the seamstress thought they were just clearing their throat. lol You have some cool knowledge friend.
  17. Thats good most folks dont know what an MSDS is. i found this quote might help. Since tiny gas molecules such as Acetone and Formaldehyde will pass right through HEPA filters, air cleaners Acetone removal must contain advanced gas filters besides just efficient air purifier HEPA filters which catch the tiniest of particulates, but not gases.
  18. . You need to get the MSDS, material safety data sheet, for what ever product you are using This will tell you what personal respirator you may need as well as what you need to use to remove the fumes, You may not even need an extractor you dont know until you read the MSDS and in the case you don't need to remove the fumes for safety concerns but simply want to remove an odor you don't like then you can get by really cheaply. Get the MSDS they are free online or on the company site, here in the US they must provide you this info. and read it then you will have the knowledge you need to buy the products you need No one here can really help you until you know this info because they don't know either.
  19. LOL Yea my Clan side went to Ireland, County Donegal, first then my great granddaddy came to the US in the 1840s. Had to be hard to move to Wyoming in the 1840s from a famine to the wild west and the same weather lol.
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