I wasn't meaning an ill intentions either, we are all under a lot of stress now as none of us know what really is happening. Here the population has been told by the cdc and local first responders not to buy masks , they don't help, all the while we hear they are needed for the medical field. I see some countries saying they are told the virus is air borne while we are told its not. Fact here is, although we aren't told this in so many words, if you get sick enough you will get a test , if positive you and anyone in your house will be quarantined in home until you either recover of get worse, once you have full blown symptoms then maybe taken to the hospital if they have a ventilator and at that point you wont see your family again unless you live through it. I just wish the media and our governments would be more honest. I wish you and your family all the best and pray we all make it through this.