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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. this will work just fine. i cant tell from the pic either it may be the back loop also covers the slot. like it would resemble the whole triangular back shape from your loop edge all the way around the slot and be the reason the slot area is sewn in the picture/ your belt would go directly into the loop section from the slot if you get my meaning.
  2. It went great i slept right through it. no barby for me today finally stopped snowing lol stayin indoors with a good cold beer and some nice hot stew.
  3. i use both too don't get me wrong but not on belts that go through loops and flex all day long neither will wear well but they have their place for sure.
  4. i understand your frustration but what's nice is you don't have to use either one if you don't like em.
  5. i wont argue the point the book is correct. its a cool book but i wont use tar as a liner for my bottles, i will take my set of foxfire books over this one any day, especially the wheel wright section. Most dairy farms don't have bulls at all, so no they aren't really 50% of the herd, at least not more than one, they are useless to them and cost money, especially if they smell the neighbors cows. Beef cattle are sold at two to three years old that's where the majority of leather comes from. The young male dairy cattle and beef cattle are sold at two or before also don't have calves so their hide isn't ruined by either fighting or breeding. beef ranching is a whole different concept than dairy farming. biggest is and what your not getting is they don't keep the females to have calves over and over. they sell the cows after one, or two, if they want to expand, then raise the calves. they also don't impregnate the whole herd every year they stagger the breeding so they can stager the cash flow as well see the idea is to make a living. Bottom line is you dont make a living selling old tough beef you make a living selling young tender beef and you cant sell old hides either apparently. The money is made on the animal not the milk, you simply cant feed a beef cow for years and make a profit, they have one calf then off to the feed lots if a rancher wants to increase his herd size then maybe two calves so there are very very few "old" beef cows if any at all. After being sold by the rancher they are then fattened up in a feed lot.
  6. it appears to be a double loop stitch in most of the Stohlman books.
  7. Beef cattle are sold at a much younger age usually two/three year olds. they breed them once usually around puberty. dairy cattle live for years up to 15 and have multiple calves thats how they stay producing milk. the book is correct.
  8. yes you can!! you dont really need a skiving knife at this point any knife will skive, you can use a lot of different household item to burnish also, denim, canvas, glass, come to mind also you can use a regular cutting board from the kitchen to replace the mats If you plan on staying in the craft buy all those things! if you don't just search your home for good equivalents. finishes can be as easy as nfo and a good clear shoe polish, mink oil water proofing is what i use. The natural color will darken with age and amount of sunlight it gets, a lot of folks just use the nfo then lay it out in the sun to darken naturally.
  9. or maybe skive it down to nothing and fold it in or glue it together.
  10. to me it looks angled(cut at an angle) so you see more of the cut edge could you simply angle it the other way or cut it straight so it doesn't show as bad from the top
  11. take your sheath pattern( forget the loops at this point) and lay a ruler across it at the angle you want your belt put your belt loops at right angles to your ruler. the sheath in your first pic wont lay at the same angle as the second sheath pic it will ride at about 45 degrees and most of the handle will be way above your belt line.
  12. That looks like the perfect holster for a white tie affair !!!! Very cool indeed. i could see James Bond wearing that.
  13. what is interesting is that bitumen is used for lining the bottles, cups and such.
  14. it would be gone by now! good luck friend!!
  15. I used to feed my dogs rawhide chews they aren't unsafe to eat unless they plug them up, some are bleached with nasty stuff however. my male would unravel them and swallow them lol they don't digest so came out looking the same!! we switched to carrots believe it or not our three bullies love carrots. organic or not lol. i do have some truly organic hide, we tanned it our selves! brain tanned wild elk and deer. sustainably sourced and ethically harvested. need any more buzz words lol.
  16. ok organic milk is processed just the same as non organic milk. organic beef is processed exactly the same as non organic beef. hides from these organic cows are processed exactly the same as non organic hides are, with the same chemicals. get it? so that being said then veg tan is about as close as your going to get. to "organic" leather. if you buy and pay more for organic leather than regular you are buying a pig in a poke.
  17. Good luck to you and i am impressed by your willingness to look out for others in such a way. one would assume that but i highly doubt it. 1. most have them made by a third party. 2. they just don't care its not an issue people don't eat shoes so they don't need to be organic. Now you need to think about the conditioners polishes and other nasty things your going to smear on them lol.
  18. I don't enable people to be scared of their own shadow, its become the norm since the phony pandemic. I try and show them there is still some common sense in the world. how many billions of shoes have been made in the history of the world with how many leathers, plastics and "man made materials"? how many children have you ever heard have died from chewing on them? do the math. I've raised six kids they don't eat their shoes! some worries are just stupid. sorry.
  19. i would worry about the sugar in their processed foods first, its the main factor attributed to all the health related diseases they will endure for life. And it is a toxin they do put in their mouths and LOVE to eat. Did you know it is in infant formulas at twice the amount as in soda pop in some brands.
  20. yup what they said, i will add your forming is great!!!! tape something to your pistol from the back sight to the front sight so a channel is created when you mold it. I usually use bamboo skewer sticks or a thin strip of leather about the same size as the front sight.
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