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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i use a cotton buffing wheel to burnish the handles or as the pastor says a piece of canvas will work, clamp your knife blade in something and go to town like you would buffing a shoe.
  2. i can go slow enough to place the needle in a crease and still out sew myself ten times over. An edge guide is on the list as well.
  3. that's about what i am getting also but it isn't as reliable at that thickness as i would like it yet. That thickness would be great i would have a lot more options. I'll be getting the longer needles next as you can in your photo that thickness is almost up to the taper of the needle, on mine if i go any thicker it sticks and raises the foot
  4. Seems it works pretty well if you use it in lighter leathers. i see it as a way to get a better machine by utilizing it within its abilities. Then maybe mine will collect some dust too. lol but i doubt if i get it dialed in to a certain task i will get rid of it.
  5. soon as possible i need something to sew today lol. I'm a lefty so i'll have to tweak it, hopefully i can make it for both hands if i can. Thank you for taking the time!!
  6. Anybody have a pattern? If not i'm gonna be making one if i cant find one.
  7. thank you for that info i did that today .
  8. very cool machine!!!! where is your thread spool located.
  9. after you glue it up then you have to compress it so it gets hard wet it like you would to wet form then compress it and let it dry before shaping and finishing. I sand it then burnish it with a polishing wheel. after that you put any sealer you like i make mine in sections then soak them and compress them in a vice between two pieces of wood. cut your slots to fit your tang use your tang to glue up your pieces in line to make two or three sections, take your glued and dried sections off your tang and then wet and compress them after they are dry then you can clean out the tang slots slide the sections on(glue them now) and the last step of putting on the hilt should compress those seams , shape, sand and burnish and seal.
  10. I'm sorry i should have looked closer at your location and your product yes what you have is contact cement it will work perfectly! Thanks Pastor
  11. that will be next i imagine , i have another order in for thread and the longer needles. Thank you i am sure i will be asking. i am lucky as i had all the polishing equipment to do the job, everything important polished to 1000 grit. even the floor plate which helped a bit on the turkey tracks, i think i will be making a longer floor plate and a new foot a little wider with smaller teeth.
  12. i have found regular contact cement is the ticket. glue up your pieces then let it dry for a day then wet and compress your handle.
  13. i've had one for about a week, watched all the videos, polished , lubed, greased and adjusted it. Put it back together and it sews with the thin mono line crap it came with flawlessly. I bought heavier thread t135 and size 22 needles and it sews thin stuff 3/16th" or thinner very well, two pieces of 10 oz nope at least not with the 135, the top thread snaps. i have ordered lighter thread and will let you know on that. What i have concluded in my short session is its a machine i will set up for one thing/ thickness and pretty much leave it alone lol. You need to realize It is made to patch shoes which are usually pretty thin leather so making it sew something it isn't designed for wont work any better than trying to do the same with a 1500 dollar machine, it has its limits . I am still in the tinkering stage however and may come up with a workable way to sew a little heavier stuff. I'm trying for two layers of 10 oz, i think that's about the max you would ever get it to reliably sew One thing i did notice that i haven't seen on any video is the thicker leather will actually hit the taper of the needle causing it to stick in the hole and then it lifts the foot. But i have also seen that you can adjust it use the longer industrial needles so that may not be a problem just more tinkering lol. 1.It has a place in the world of leather and It will work but not for every thickness of leather just the same as the spensive ones. 2. you will know the basics of how a sewing machine works. Good luck!!!!!! Ps it sure sews heavy canvas to leather really well so i see some oil cloth back packs and haversacks in my future lol. and it will prolly pay for itself plus a better machine with this strategy in short time.
  14. there are a bunch of threads on the subject just search a bit.
  15. Very cool!!! i love watching stuff like that it proves what the human mind is capable of accomplishing. Sad to say but we have educated ourselves almost out of that ability here in the US. the tire he is using is called retreading if you know what that is, they take worn out tires grind off the old tread and put new tread on.https://indagrubber.com/home/retread that part of tthe tire has no wire or anything in it.
  16. there are pictures in the links in the above comments. even a pattern or two.
  17. Maybe you have my friend I'm not busting a gut Dwight but i am serious about the subject. Why? I've just met people and seen things in life that most of the good people in the world haven't. A good healthy man wanting to take away any size gun, on a clip only has to grab it long enough to give a decent yank and its theirs. i cant in good conscience say other wise i think as holster makers we should be able to discuss openly and freely gun safety and the ability of your holster to keep your weapon safe and secure in a down and dirty tussle don't you? After all its the main job of the fighting type holster and the responsibility of the concealed carry owner. God bless you Pastor.
  18. Awesome work how do you keep your tooling so crisp around the bend of the wallet????
  19. very nice!! is that carved or stamped?
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