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Everything posted by DieselTech

  1. Is that what they consider a plough gauge/draw gauge? Whatever it is, it looks well made to me.
  2. I like polycarbonate/lexan for making templates/patterns. Kinda pricey stuff, but makes nice patterns that basically last forever.
  3. The Consew 206rb-5 sounds like quite the sewing machine. I'm almost wondering if I would get more use out of it over a Cobra Cass 4. I have read that some people step down 1 needle size for a given thread size & they say their machine sews/performs better. I get lost when it comes to the different needle series for different types of machines. I appreciate your help & knowledge. Wish sewing machines weren't so dang expensive. Thanks.
  4. That's Sexy! Them 2 colors look great together. Nice work. I like it!
  5. Thanks Hags I'll look into it. I'm looking for a inch or so bigger stamp, with just my name & location. Or maybe they offer free design session & I'll get something fancy. Thanks for the help.
  6. Guys & gals who could I purchase a custom makers stamp from? Something I can set with a big maul? Preferably a stainless steel or brass constructed stamp. What does something like this cost? $100+ dollars? Any & all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Where you located? U.S? What would it take to own it? Do you got idea what it's worth. I like old stuff like that. Thanks.
  8. For your belt length, use a online belt length calculator. You will need to know all your pulley diameters before ordering a belt using a belt length calculator.
  9. I was wondering if the 206rb-5 would handle 207 thread. Basically if it's got some wear the 206rb might sew with a 207 thread is what you are saying. Thanks. I appreciate your input.
  10. Thanks for sharing your expertise on your bag construction. I appreciate it.
  11. Thanks everyone. I appreciate your time and knowledge. It looks like a Consew 206 RB-5 will be my next major purchase. Thanks everyone.
  12. May I ask what that machine was originally built for? & what era was that machine. That's soo cool seeing that machine in action. Thanks.
  13. Just awesome & beautiful work. May I ask how you got your side corners of the bag, formed at 90°? Thanks.
  14. Thanks I appreciate your input, I'll look into some clay Miller stamps for figure carving.
  15. That's the 1 I keep leaning towards. Is 138 thread size max thread size on a Consew 206 RB-5? Thanks for your input & knowledge.
  16. Your belt Looks great! & yeah I've been teaching myself & watching a lot of tutorials on floral/Sheridan style leather carving. For my 1st project I'm thinking oak leaves & acorns for a belt. May I ask what all tools you used on your belt? I know you probably used beveler stamps for sure, but what else style stamp/figure carving tools were used? Thanks.
  17. Forgot to throw in the Consew 206 RB-5, Maybe this machine might fit the bill as well.
  18. Guys & gals what would be a good sewing machine to buy that is 138 thread capable? I was looking at the Artisan 797 or a Cowboy 797, maybe a weaver 303, or maybe the Sailite leatherwork machine. What sewing machine would be good for 138 thread & sewing wallets, card holders & other flat work? I'm looking for a smaller machine to compliment my Cobra Class 4 I'll be getting in March. Are there any cheaper sewing machine alternatives to the machines I mentioned above? Thanks any & all help greatly appreciated.
  19. That was unreal !!! What machine was that they were using to sew thru a coin. Plum Nuts!!!
  20. Nice work. Looks great! I love it.
  21. That looks Great! Nice work. Tooled belts look soo nice.
  22. Welcome to the group! Cant wait to see some of your upcoming projects. Bunch of good people here.
  23. I think I understand what you are telling me, & I will try it when the stamp shows up. Hopefully Monday all the stamp tools I ordered will be here. I'm just itching to try them.
  24. I would contact leather machine co. & see if they could walk you thru retiming it. I watched a few videos of the class 4 timing & on that machine there is 3 seperate adjustments to set timing.
  25. Welcome to the group! Bunch of good guys & gals on here willing to help out.
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