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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. That sounds better. Couldn't see how you would be able to line up precisely to etch after paint or dye. Makes a lot of sense. Tom
  2. Take a look at Jim Linnell's website and his video on how to make feathers. https://elktracksstudio.com/collections/videos/products/3d-feather-workshop. You will learn what leather to use, how to make all sizes down to earring size. I think you will find it well worth the $30US. As soon as I get past a bunch of renovation work, I want to sit down and start making feather earrings too. Tom
  3. When you visit his website http://paintingcow.com/content/index.php?cID=193, just below the banner on the left side you will see a menu selection "RIP, Paul Burnette". I don't think you'll find any new lessons from Paul. Tom
  4. See comments with your other post at http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/77165-selling-tons-of-vintage-and-new-large-small-buckles-cochos-hardware/?tab=comments#comment-510325 Pricing in USD, shipping, your location ... Tom
  5. Please review the marketplace rules. http://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/70-announcements/ Provide pricing in USD, shipping, and your location. Tom
  6. Definitely. I like to tryout patterns or make new patterns using paper or light weight cardboard. I staple the edges together to check shape and fit. Adjust as necessary, then go for the leather. Sometimes will do a second prototype on cheap leather to see how it really turns out. Tom
  7. Using Adobe's measure function, the widest part of the pattern is about 8.75 inches. Check your printout and see if it matches. Tom
  8. Your PDF viewer should have some options in the print dialog box. Depending on your viewer, it could be under "zoom" or "print handling" or similar description. Select tile pages or split pages to multiple sheets. It will split the drawing up into multiple sheets, you trim and tape them together. Print at 100% scale. Play with it a bit and you will find the right settings for printing tiled images. Tom
  9. Only if you are too heavy handed. Peening should be done with light taps, not slams like trying to ring the bell at the circus. Work in a circular pattern to evenly peen the stud. Don't hit the washer. Tom
  10. Doing the beveling like you did, inside versus outside, is called inverted beveling. There are various inverted carving patterns around. It can be advantageous to use for a different effect. Tom
  11. A Canadian source for Angelus paints is http://www.longviewleather.com/angelus-paints/ Located in Longview, AB, about 30 minutes or so south of Calgary on hwy 22. They have a web store. Tom
  12. Use right twist for the outside thread. I recall reading a couple threads on this subject if you want to search for more information. Tom
  13. Here are links to a few threads here on LW. http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/74742-ever-seen-this-vacuum-setup/?tab=comments#comment-491611 http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/27904-leather-holster-forming-vacuum-versus-press/?tab=comments#comment-175367 http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/72326-wet-molding-pressing-in-hydraulic-press-etc-holsters/?tab=comments#comment-473131 http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/22164-cheap-holster-press/ If you want to do a search here, you will find more threads with good information and photos. Tom
  14. As soon as you get a the gel antique on, you have to start scrubbing it off with a wet sponge. If you don't it stays on thick, darker, over the whole item. As an example, saddle tan turns the whole item a dark red. George Hurst has a short video showing how to use it. It would be really nice if Tandy would actually put some instructions on the bottle! Then I might have half a chance of not ruining my project. Don't use gel antique and antique paste on the same project. Tom
  15. Moore Leather --- Can you update this thread with photos that have gone missing due to being linked to a sharing site? Seems they have been deleted, moved or otherwise changed permissions. Please add them to a new post here, or to a gallery here. If you need help to do so, PM me so I can help. I can even stuff them into the original posts if you make them available to me. Tom
  16. Good stuff! Sandpaper works for roughing up the grain side before gluing. Also, use a contact cement. Water based or solvent based. Tom
  17. For many machines, reverse after the needle has started to rise. So the hook has caught the loop. Tom
  18. To create a new Album, go to the Top menu bar, Browse, and click on Gallery. This will show a a number of gallery areas. Click the "Add Images" button. Then select a category. A couple of them are "More Leatherwork" and "Tutorials and Lessons" that might be what you are looking for. Select the category. On the left portion of the screen, there is an area to Create a new Album. (On the right side is an area to pick an existing album. You can access existing albums from there later, or from your profile.) Name the album ---- Add a description ----- Set the ownership (place your screen name here "RockyAussie"), privacy and album features you wish. Click the "Create New Album" button. Now you can drag and drop photos (files) from Windows Explorer (if you are using MS Windows, can't tell you for a Mac) or click the "Chose Files" button, which will open a dialog box where you navigate to the folder location and files you wish to load. There is a limit of 100 files. For each photo that is loaded, select the photo and add a name, tags if any, and comments.. Then click the "Save" button. I have just created a new album for test purposed so I could step through this procedure. I'm away from home so do not have access to my photos, so have loaded a few samples off the web. You can navigate to your photos through either the main Gallery, or through your Profile. Since you have created an album, you will now see the album in your profile where you can manage your photos and add more photos. Click on your photo so it displays larger. Right click on the photo and pick "Copy image location" and paste it into the post. It gives you two options. Display as a URL or embed. Pick embed to have the photo displayed rather than just the URL. (It worked!) Tom
  19. Northmount

    Toms Test

    For test and demo purposes, used to show how to create an album and copy photos into a post.
  20. Northmount


    From the album: Toms Test

    family brands from about 1920 until 1970 approximately.
  21. You can email Matt and arrange purchase and delivery through Houston TX if you wish. Both books are well worth while. If you have Australian connections, you will find them especially interesting. Tom
  22. Create an album, name it, load your photos into it. Then copy the URL of the photo you have in your album, and paste into your post. You may have to reduce photo size, but I have noticed that the system allows larger photos in your album than when you post in a thread. Tom
  23. Northmount

    Cowboy 227r

    Please read and abide by the market place rules http://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/70-announcements/ Tom
  24. Northmount

    Draw gauge

    " I usually round over the point at the top. I never cut with it and that is what has bit me when I have reached across. " See this thread http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/38698-tips-on-how-to-use-a-draw-gauge/?do=findComment&comment=240356 I've never clipped myself, but figure Bruce's comment is quite wise. Voice of experience. I like to reduce risk where I can. I'm a little adverse to slashing my wrist. And you really don't use that top 1/4" as it's not accessible to cut with, other than your wrist! Tom
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