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Everything posted by David8386

  1. Welcome to the forum. David
  2. Looks nice and matches the saddle. Good job David
  3. Very nice looking work, thanks for posting it. David
  4. Welcome to the forum. David
  5. Very nice, I like the color and lacing on this one. Good craftsmanship. David
  6. I use the roller knife also just make sure the ruler has cork or something on the bottom to keep it from sliding around. For tight curves I cut it first with a swivel knife and then follow that with an razor knife. For wide curves I usually use leather shears then clean it up if needed on a sander. David
  7. I like this one with the strap better I think. Both are good looking. Good work on them. David
  8. Congrats on the award. David
  9. I took mine to a knife guy, best 15 dollars I have spent in a long time. Took about 10 minutes to fix what I had done to it. David
  10. Good tutorial, thanks for posting it Frank. David
  11. I done some rubber cemented to plexiglass. Usually on belts and such I use packing tape. David
  12. To strop just get some rouge on the edge of a piece of thin cardboard like the back of a note pad and drag the edger down the rouged edge on the cutting edge. David
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