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Everything posted by snubbyfan

  1. I've been getting lotsa orders in lately. Unfortunately, with my peripheral neuropathy, cuttin' leather can get to be a bit of a challenge. I decided to try using my bandsaw. It worked rather well. Just gotta be careful, it cuts through leather almost effortlessly.
  2. My old digital camera's about 20 or so years old. It still works but the battery cover just broke. Actually, I need a decent digital camera and I decided to dip into my gun funds and get me some updated technology. My old camera used 4 AA batteries, the new one's rechargeable. I figger It'll pay for itself in no time just in battery savings alone. It's a Samsung WB35F. It's small, light and it also takes video. It'll be my CCC, concealed carry camera. Zachary volunteered for a test picture with the new camera.
  3. Looks good Rohn. I'm sure he'll be happy with it.
  4. Very nice. If stitchin's makin' your pinkies sore, that just means you need to do more stitchin'. Build up some nice pinkie calluses.
  5. Generally I use 9-10 ounce for holsters depends on what it's for. This holster's 9-10 ounce. The reinforcement piece is 7-8 ounce and the retention strap's 9-10 ounce. 7-8 ounce rough side out for this pocket holster. That's to help it stay in the pocket when the gun's drawn.
  6. That's interesting. My experience was quite the opposite. I use Fiebings professional oil dye for every other color except black. Seemed like the black didn't have the coverage I desired. For me the USMC Black works better. I buy it by the quart.
  7. Fiebings USMC black. Let that dry a couple of days. Buff off the excess then give it a thin coat of Neatsfoot oil. Give that a day to sit and soak in, buff it then apply some Tan-Kote and wipe off the excess. After that dries for a little while, give it a good buffing.
  8. Inside the waistband holster with an offset loop for a Ruger LCR.
  9. Just finished buffing Backside That's a big knife
  10. Nah, it's got a close up setting. Just gotta remember to switch it on.
  11. The sheath and welt are 9-10 oz and the retention strap's 7-8 oz. Thanks, I found it kinda tricky to get it to come out just right. The knife belongs to some fellow in town. He's left handed and needed a sheath to go with it. I do have a knife that I'm working on. Maybe one day I'll finish it.
  12. Just finished this one. Mahogany dyed friction sheath with an extra hold down strap for extra retention. That's a big knife. For some reason my gratuitous edge shots keep coming out blurry. I gotta check my camera's settings.
  13. I'm always trying to find different ways to improve my leather work. Some things work, some not so much. Personally, I like to leave my old stuff as is and try to improve my next attempt. That looks like a good, sturdy usable shoulder holster. I'm embarrassed to show my first attempt at a shoulder holster. It wasn't anywhere near as nice as yours.
  14. Stitching grooves aren't always necessary. For something like that I'd just lay out the stitch line with a pair of dividers, Punch the stitch holes and stitch it without a groove.
  15. I like it. If I made lotsa belts, I'd havta make myself something like it.
  16. You made me run and check. I've since dyed that leather black and the ink line doesn't show. I haven't had an ink line show...yet, and I really don't want that to happen. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. Yup, practice, practice, practice. My first attempt on the left and a bit later on the right. From my YouTube Channel. I've since gotten a better camera.
  18. The laser for the .380 Mustang's a Lasermax according to the Colt websight. http://www.colt.com/Catalog/Pistols/380Mustang®.aspx A gun blank of a .380 Mustang with a Lasermax Laser is available at Blue Guns. http://www.bluegunstore.com/PrivateLabelMold1-ColtMustangw/Lasermaxlaser.aspx
  19. What he said. I'm still waiting for my multimillion dollar Nigerian award.
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