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Everything posted by snubbyfan

  1. Looks very nice. I personally prefer running my stitch lines a little closer to the edge.
  2. On Photobucket, I just go to share links, click on the URL box next to IMG, it's says "copy" then I just paste it into the text. No fuss no muss.
  3. I'll wallow the needle around and stretch to hole a little, it'll close right up when you hammer your stitch line. I've also used a fid to open the holes a little.
  4. I do mostly belts, holsters and knife sheaths.On this I used Fiebings saddle tan oil dye. I allowed the dye a couple of days to dry then buffed it. I did all my edge work then stitched. For the final finish, I gave it a light coat of Pure Neatsfoot Oil and allowed that to dry for a couple of days. After I give that a hand buffing, I applied 2 coats of Tan Kote, buffing between coats.
  5. Very nice. There aren't many people that're willing to hand stitch more than one belt. I'm with you, I find hand stitching leather relaxing and I've hand stitched several belts. I do most of my stuff 6 spi. I kinda like the way it looks.
  6. Very nice. I was thinkin' of diggin' into my scrap bin and seein' what I could come up with.
  7. Shoot, I'd like to see more of that sweet rod. Is that a Duvall windshield?
  8. Here's my take on hand stitchin' And yes, I have sharpened my awl.
  9. Very nice for a first holster. Much better than my first pathetic attempt. That's either a 26 or a 27. The 19 has a three finger grip.
  10. Nice holster Pros23. I just had a vision for a belt to go with that holster and mag carrier. Black ranger belt with brown billets and a stainless buckle. Something like this except with brown billets.
  11. Looks good, good stitch line, it has a nice even finish and I like how you burnished inside the belt slots. Personally, I like to make my flashlight holders open bottomed so the flashlight can fit all the way in.
  12. Looks very nice. I've been thinking of trying olive oil. Do you use a top coat?
  13. I'm with Rohn. I use Tan Kote as a top coat on most all my projects. Except first I'd apply a light coat of pure Neatsfoot oil and let it dry a coupla days. However, I cut my own straps and do my own dyeing. Certain dyes can dry the leather. I kinda like the finish it gives me.
  14. That looks fantastic. Nice straight stitch lines. I like that two tone dye job. One thing about the basketweave. I like to overlap my stamps, it tightens up the pattern and I think it looks a little neater.
  15. I give it overnight, sometimes a couple of days. It'll look blotchy until it's completely dry.
  16. Looks great. I agree, it's just beggin' for a big shiny concho.
  17. Wow, that looks great! And I thought I was doin' good, makin' my own moccasins. I also have workbench envy.
  18. Very nice. Nope, have yet to have anyone ask for a 45 degree sheath.
  19. I've always made stuff. Sculpting, mask making, airbrushing, woodcraft, jewelry making, leathercrafting, stuff like that. I've also been a rollerblader, mountain biker, backpacker, rock climber and stuff like that. In the last coupla years, I've developed a peripheral motor nerve condition which has really reduced my physical abilities. I'm not able to do a lot of the stuff that I could do before. However with a little experimenting, I've found ways to still do leathercrafting and my doctor says it's good therapy for my hands. It just seems like I gotta be doing or making something.
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