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Everything posted by toxo

  1. I had a quick look and got fed up almost immediately. There are errors on the site and it doesn't flow nicely. As has been said, the pics aren't great either. I would advise condensing the site and make it more user friendly. Only put up the best and most popular items and add to them as time goes on and don't even think of including items that won't pass close inspection.
  2. OK the reason for a machine Vs handstitching is well established and accepted but in answer to the question "when do I buy one ", I would say "When you're sure about what you want it for". After faffing around trying to sew light stuff on my Adler I dug out mums old domestic and I love it. It just does the job. No complaints, zig zag, buttonholes. It does the lot and goes through two layers of thin leather easily. I'm not suggesting you buy a domestic for leather, I'm just highlighting the fact that if you want one machine to do it all you'd better be sure about what the "all" is before you start looking. I know what machine Ill be sewing handbag lining with in future but I won't be getting rid of the adler or the Durkopp.
  3. These clones are really confusing. I have a black one but I think I paid around £90 for it. Some are sold for a lot less. Are they the same? When I first got mine I struggled but once I found it's limits (and mine) I'm quite pleased with it and the different sized rollers make it quite versatile. I think matching the bade to the work is important. At first I struggled to find the thicker blades that you can actually sharpen because they must have the two holes. Then I found this. Problem solved. https://www.amazon.co.uk/GLASS-CERAMIC-SCRAPER-CLEANER-Replacement/dp/B07BH7CNC3/ref=pd_yo_rr_rp_1/262-3653917-8140800?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07BH7CNC3&pd_rd_r=bb669e5c-56d0-40b4-9ad9-c33f52c38b28&pd_rd_w=BJJ5N&pd_rd_wg=aHcSF&pf_rd_p=8a2b88d0-ae09-45b1-af48-973e10ea57a3&pf_rd_r=97X2XFHGNFKYBVVJ61A0&psc=1&refRID=97X2XFHGNFKYBVVJ61A0
  4. I like that a lot Matt but it doesn't look like you can do edges with it.
  5. toxo

    TandyPro Tools

    I also have a couple of sets like this. If you're using em with an arbor press don't forget the magnet. makes it really easy to use.
  6. I have the cheaper black version of this one, although saying that i think I paid a lot more than £46. I must say I didn't hold out much hope but I get more impressed each time I use it. The trick is don't try to take too big a bite.
  7. https://www.leather-patterns.com/shop/bag-patterns/2
  8. It was the first piece of leather i'd ever bought. I think they called it pull up oil tan. I bought two shoulders and I still have one waiting for the right project. Because I don't do tooling I'm leaning more and more toward chrome tan.
  9. I did his Motoko 3. Great value if you buy Motoko 1/2 and 3 together. This was my first ever proper leather project.
  10. toxo

    TandyPro Tools

    Well said Tug. Tandy doesn't figure in my leather world. Here in the UK they've closed all but one store and that one is too far. But as you say, if they're trying to pick up they'll need peeps to give them a chance. I'm willing to bet there's a few peeps around who owe them something for the help they got when starting out.
  11. Forgive my ignorance but I can't see where the belt comes into it if the holster goes inside the trousers (pants). And if the thing comes loose surely the gun/holster would fall down the leg rather than on the floor? What am I missing?
  12. I had trouble with thinner thread through my Adler 69 so on a whim I dug out my old mums little domestic to see if it would do ripstop nylon. After oiling and cleaning I was pleasantly surprised. OK the small motor needed a turn of the wheel to get started and I don't think I threaded it properly (anyone got a manual?) but it had no trouble with two layers of pigskin lining or eight layers of ripstop nylon.
  13. I found a bigger drum does a quicker job plus different profiles for different jobs. The emery paper was cut on the slant, skived and glued. the elastic bands just help to keep it there but I've never known it to slip.
  14. It seems unbelievable Fred but it seems your suggestion of using duvets for filling is the cheapest thing I can find. I can get em for £6 in the high st so using them and what's in their current beds shouldn't hurt too much. My dogs are spoilt Fred but I like spoiling em. they keep me sane. My youngest Westie is worse than a mischievious child but she's also very loving. When I'm watching TV she'll often park her arse in the crook between my head and my shoulder, sometimes pushing my hed over to one side. Does make me laugh. Even before she was born she's made me laugh. Her mother was 10 days overdue and showed no signs that there was anything in there. Then out of nowhere she started shaking. Then I thought maybe there was someting in there after all and it had died so I rushed her to the vet. Now picture this. There was this Spanish female vet and me and a young english girl whos a trainee ande we were looking at an Xray. She was explaing to me that there was one puppy in there and it was alive, It was a large puppy because obviously it had been eating all the pies. After looking at the Xray for a couple of minutes I said to the Spanish vet with a straight face, "Has that big puppy eaten all the other puppies?" With eyes like saucers she said "Oh no". The English girl was cracking up as was I. I won't say why she was telling me to hurry up.
  15. Thanks again Folker. I guess I'll have to try to envisage what I might want to bind in the future and then what size tape and how many folds etc etc . I'm really surprised that I can't find a comprehensive article/video explaining what does what and why.
  16. Amen to all of that Sheila. I have two Westies that are getting on a bit and two younger ones. I also have a big ol Staff that's ancient. His mind and eyes are still A1 but he's a bit stiff these days. I massage him every morning to get get him kick started and he's ok after that. He always used to run away from puppies but he bonded with my last one, she's about 2 1/2 now and she's taken years off him. You should see the pair of em rolling around on the floor biting each others legs I plan to make these beds completely enclosed with just the top layer detachable/washable. I'll get five beds out of five meters of this stuff (well done Fred). Do you think it'll need anything on the back of it to stabilise it? I guess whatever it is needs to be machine washable. Any ideas? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fur-SHERPA-FLEECE-Sheepskin-Material/dp/B00LND5FOO/ref=nav_signin?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00LND58J6&pd_rd_r=18462703-5c26-42fe-8bcf-a16205534d5c&pd_rd_w=EwI0m&pd_rd_wg=16wO6&pf_rd_p=91679b4c-230c-4b41-99ee-c0eec98b90bb&pf_rd_r=EKQ53AWJ8X1CK4F979CV&refRID=EKQ53AWJ8X1CK4F979CV&th=1
  17. I'll look at anything that's cheap Fred. I'm even rethinking the shearling. would work out expensive at nearly £4 a ft.
  18. Instead of keep buying new beds for my five dogs, I should be able to make a decent fist of making em myself. I'm thinking just a padded boxed rectangle with a shearling top that snaps off for cleaning. What would be the budget waterproof material to use? They do occasionally scratch and tear the thin fabric types
  19. Nice idea! If it get's those constructive juices flowing it'll do.
  20. Thanks Folker but what I need to know is what type of tape/binder is used for what application? Some raincoats for my dogs using ripstop nylon are gonna need a different setup than binding leather surely? And binding tape with a raw edge (that you cut yourself) would surely need a double fold right?
  21. Anyone? I've done some looking but there seems to be a lack of info on these tape turny things.For starters I'd like to make some raincoats for my five dogs but I don't wanna be buying stuff that's gonna sit in a drawer.
  22. Thanks Glenn. Appreciate it. Everything arrived this morning from KHsew. Took awhile but if it all works as well as the packing I'll be pleased. Just need the tape turny thing now. Do I have to buy one for a particular tape width or are there ones that will cater for various widths? And does the tape come with a finished edge or a raw edge and does the turny thing cater for that? What should I be looking for?
  23. You'll no doubt be aware that the chessmen in that picture are the wrong way round. Bottom left hand square must be black.
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