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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Love your face on this one :-)
  2. Hi again :-) I can se that they have croco in black, brown and cognac (in the reptile section). I don't know any others yet...Il'l be back if I find any others :-)
  3. I buy from these people from time to time (Denmark) http://www.laederiet.dk/products/custom-skins/c-24/c-533
  4. To get a nicer light purple/lilac color, try mixing in some light pink...drop by drop :-)
  5. Hi Mike ;-) I really like your work here, power tools or not. I do agree on the prices of tools here in some parts of Europe, simply to much. I still have tools (Dremel) from the US i use here in SWE, a big converter and 'Bob's your uncle' ;-) I even used that converter on my sewing mashine before converted it properly in to 230V.
  6. I don't think this is stamped...A good artist with an eye for details will be able to make this with: a swivel knife, bevellers in various sizes and some good modeling tools ... Plus som background tools too ;-)
  7. I have also used them more than once but not for leather...yet! Just hardware, some sealfur and tools. Very easy people to deal with (I use the phone and the english language :-) ) I transfer the money by IBAN code and get the package to Sweden quickly. ps, I just remeber that I even sent for stuff from them when I lived in the US...
  8. Love your little mermaid :-)
  9. For hot foil stamping try these people out: http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Magnesium_Dies.html I have my Makers mark stamp from them and I'm really happy with the service, the price and the stamp :-)
  10. I found interesting things on your website (which was new to me) but..I do really want some prices on there, to ask for quotes is just a step to much :-)
  11. I have tried a few black dyes and the only one (in my book) that gets that desired real black color is from Angelus called Jet Black. It goes on easy and buffs easy too :-)
  12. Here's what I found...Or just make a search for "food safe resin" http://www.ebay.com/itm/EPOXY-RESIN-FOOD-SAFE-CRYSTAL-CLEAR-COLOR-STABLE-HIGH-IMPACT-COATING-24-OZ-KIT-/310123985135
  13. The pictures looks exactly like a patience and casing problem. You have to wet the leather enough but also WAIT long enough to start the beveling. 1. Let the cased leather sit overnight in a bag. 2.Take out and then let "dry" until the surface looks and feels dry...Very important! 3. NOW is the time to start your work. These steps should take away your problems :-)
  14. Hi Izabel and most welcome to the forum :-) There's load of video clips on Youtube, very useful, both on carving/tooling and to sharpen your swivel knife and much, much more. Here you do get support, just ask in the forums by starting a new Topic :-)
  15. 6 months huh? Good work there :-) Belly=stretches easy so really not the best part. Did you make the boots from scratch too?
  16. Well, not really...The turnbacks (I have 6 of them) is working like bevelers in curby/wavy places like pettle shapes. Pear shaders will not get you that defined steep edge to your swivelcuts as a turnback tool makes :-) Barry King has turnbacks... http://www.barrykingtools.com/page6.htm
  17. If my memory serves me right this place will have your soles: http://www.ohiotravelbag.com/
  18. I use a desktop publishing program (DTP) from Serif called PagePlus. I'm sure there's a lot of others to out there that can be used. Here's a link to a free starter version at Serif's homepage that can be downloaded: http://www.serif.com/desktop-publishing-software/?MC=ISPPCFDPP&gclid=CMaOk9Win8ICFeXNcgod5kQAKQ
  19. I use all of Angelus finisher and I like'm alot :-). The ones mostly used is the Satin and the Matt finishers. I also have the old Tandy gloss at home but it only collect dust as I found it to shiny and easy to crack when dry. I have the pint bottles and if I remeber right it also comes in quarts at Turtlefeathers.net.
  20. The only one I know of is Hide House... https://hidehouse.com They have a " Designer Latigo 6-7oz 22-27 sqft", in a whole range of colors.
  21. You're more than welcome :-) I do use a modeling/spoon tool loads, on the face and more. Please post a picture when you're done, always nice to see it finished//Tina
  22. Here's an example of one I've done. The real size of it is around 2x2 inch. You really have to "think" 3D when tooling :-)
  23. Finally the knot in my stomachache is going away, slowly...Daughter had her surgery last week (being awake loads of time) and they got everything visible away of the tumor from her head. Now we are just waiting on the MRI and pathology results. Mama is a very happy camper right now:-) I would also like to Thank each and every one here for all your support, it means a load to me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cem


      That's great to hear Tina. Best wishes for the little one and you.

    3. JREESER1


      Hang in there. Hug her for me! Been there!

    4. hobbihorse


      Hope path report is good. Blessings!

  24. Tina

    Edge Tool Help

    Varnish??? Personally I would not like having varnish rubbing of on my leather work...
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