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Everything posted by DrmCa

  1. Ditto! It does look like a cupcake and will make a great present.
  2. The correct treatment for cat urine smell is dilute muriatic acid but I have no idea what it would do to leather.
  3. Could you show us the 3/4" side of it?
  4. See if a fabric liner would work. Fabric is not as heavy. It does not make the bag to stiff either. Most mass-produced bags use fabric liners for these two reasons.
  5. Did anyone buy these? If you did, what did you get? https://www.zackwhite.com/30-Piece-Belt-Strip-Package--Z923030_p_622.html Their description sounds kind of vague to me, and the picture does not help either.
  6. I never wrote that which you are accusing me of: that they "all" are. To deter wasps.
  7. Nope, I was not generalizing at all. It was not my intent to imply that. I was only specifically referring to the scum of the world. Besides that, one has to consider long-term demographic effects of illegal immigration: high probability of poverty and ghettoization that in the subsequent generations cause high risk of 2nd+ generation youths leading criminal lifestyle. Border controls that had existed, until recently, in most developed nations kept tabs on that. US does not have border controls for many decades now. US authorities do not know who enters their country, so you especially have no way of knowing it. They may be ISIS operatives, Taliban sympathizers, Moro fighters, Somalian and Nigerian pirates, Columbian cartel executioners, drug mules, or whoever else imaginable. No control means no way of knowing who comes and goes. So it is irresponsible to assert that everyone who crosses the border are good, hardworking individuals.
  8. I use a drill press because it can be set up once, for the whole part, using the quill limiter.
  9. Not even a BP cap and ball? Eastern US probably explains it
  10. What makes it a wallhanger?
  11. How would a sewing machine operator in a factory know left twist thread from right twist thread when having to thread their double-needle machine? Labels have a tendency to fall off cones, after a while, and not everyone's vision is good enough to see the twist, especially in low light that some factories have.
  12. I have a book by W.C.Double "Design and construction of handbags" in PDF format.
  13. Flies, they grow on us, to the size of a penny. Not that Canadians have pennies anymore. (And probably never did, if you understand what I mean.)
  14. This should never occur. What brand of a car? I have a car with 17 year old OEM leather wrap, and its gray coat has only recently began to rub off along the seams, exposing the original die on the leather. Neither have ever bled on hands or clothes.
  15. As long as you are confident that the pressure from it does not transfer to the card's chip area, it should be perfectly fine.
  16. +1 for synth oil. They are specially designed for retention in a thin film. If your machine is used for leather, at low speed, and infrequently, it make little to know difference what you use for lubrication and how often. 1 drop of oil once a month is enough.
  17. Very nice! The only thing is that in the long run the snap bottom may damage the cards.
  18. Why do you need a pattern for an essentially straight piece of leather? You can model it out of corrugated cardboard and do just as well as with a store-bought pattern.
  19. Flies don't need that much firepower. 1-3 oz is plenty enough for them. Heavier stuff splashes them into ugly splotches (or busts them into ugly blotches?) whereas lighter leather leaves them nicely knocked out but intact for sweeping.
  20. Sounds like a furniture item from Ikea
  21. Wow! Nice machine! How do you turn its head?
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