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Everything posted by Burkhardt

  1. 4th try, bottom one.
  2. Veg tanned is a raw unfinished leather so some people add a little soap in the water for stamping and also carving, the soap works as a lubricant. Yes, oil the leather before you dye it so the alcohol in the dye doesn't make it stiffer and the dye will absorb more evenly. Any veg tanned leather should be oiled at some point to prevent cracking and falling apart.
  3. I think they were the bottom banner yesterday of the five but it didn't say anything on their profile.
  4. As @Wizcrafts said take off the bottom cover by the base where it bolts to the stand where you would adjust the timing. There are I believe 3 spots to oil that you have to rotate the wheel to be able to get each oil spot accessible and leave paper towels or rags in for access oil as there are parts to oil above them also.
  5. I can do 2 pieces of 8-9 no problem after drilling out the 2 holes on the bobbin and needle plate using 207 thread. That;s having very little tension on the bottom and the top really firm. It's a art form getting the bottom arm the right distance and adjusting the hook needle clearance and the cams set right. It takes along time to get right but once you do it's easy to get the adjustments right.
  6. Using a 135x17 needle on the softer leather will magnify your problem because it doesn't even on soft leather cut it clean as it pierces through it. It will push the leather down through the needle plate vs cutting through it clean like a 16 would.
  7. You forgot the part about Ebay because Aliexpress and Amazon sell better stuff.
  8. The soap will act as a lubricant slightly. By handling and making what you are will loosen it up and make it pliable and the oil will work in deeper. Eventually you'll have to add a conditioner to make it last but the more you work it the better it will get. Just do it in baby steps don't force it. Another reason not to dye it first is that it will make it stiffer. You can take about any leather that lays flat and dye it and it will curl up and become stiff.
  9. Did you mean 135x16 or 17?
  10. You can get a set of cheap stitching chisels off of Ebay or Amazon for 10.00 for a set of 4. 4mm is pretty universal size.
  11. You either have to start using a leather that's waterproof/weather resistant or start treating what you have with like mink oil or something to treat the leather. What your doing now is fine for stay dry all the time products. Check leathers like a harness leather or equivalent that's hot stuffed with oils and waxes.
  12. Thanks, I've never seen a stamp that is that tight of a V vs being more rounded at the bottom.
  13. Looks very good but I have to ask what in the world did you use on the back for the design? I can tell it's stamped 4 times(?) but what stamp is the question?
  14. I've never heard of the Sieck brand before, I'm sure the more knowledgeable other people on here have. To me according to after looking up the site/brand the model doesn't match up with what actual 441's are. A CB4500 has a 16 1/2 in cylinder arm whereas the Siecko says it has a 270mm/10.63in. They don't give a lot of other information. http://www.sieck.de/en/machines/sewing/arm-type-machines/?produkt=5562
  15. https://www.stecksstore.com/plastic-slide-with-line-24-snap-1270-00/
  16. Man you have some hysterical instructions.
  17. Do you have a picture of what specifically you're looking for?
  18. I kind of go by the hide the knot measure. It looks a little off depending what you're going to sew the exterior with. I have been using 92 on the interior and 207 on the exterior. Ideally it would be nice to have only one size difference between the interior and exterior thread but depending on the thickness to hide the knot can dictate that. I just ordered 138 last night to use for exteriors because the overall thickness was getting borderline on hiding the 207. Having matching colored thread can hide the size difference better than a contrasting thread will look.
  19. Tag the person so they'll get a notice like this, @Hauptmann187.
  20. Be patient and get a cylinder arm, you'll be happier in the end.
  21. Tag the person so they get a notice @loganreal
  22. Did you notice she's down under? Guessing the market could be different.
  23. You want the best bang for a buck, get a cylinder arm. It will do everything you want easier than a flatbed. And it will keep it's value really close to what you pay for one.
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