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Everything posted by mikesmith648

  2. I will take the Springfield 1911 operator and the Springfield 1911 A1 5" my email is michaelsmith648@yahoo.com
  3. I would first off call and see if possible to exchange it.........they said it would fit and doesn't... putting a strap would hold it but it should be made to fit the gun you have...I can put a strap on for you but I would call them first
  4. I use neoprene
  5. It is IDENTICLE to my 15-91. It will sew 4-5 oz but you might have to help it along at times. Make sure you use leather point needles and make sure to strop them occasionally to keep them sharp!!
  6. A lot of it is practice. If you subscribe to the Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal, Chan Geer usually does a tutorial on some aspect of Basketweave in most of the latest issues. There are also some tutorials on here if I am not mistaken.
  7. At least now I know that getting you socks for Xmas is a good idea!!!
  8. I have some of the black short post line 20...........how many you looking for?
  9. Puttin a little wax occasionally after stropping helps it glide better also.
  10. you can also make your own paper and it will look better and more period correct.......take paper and put in blender with water........shred it in the blender and then drain excess water....put on clean cookie sheets and allow to dry after pressing it flat to the thickness you want.........after dry juust peel out of cookie sheet and instant paper!!
  11. I would be interested in getting one of the swivel knives for my collection.
  12. There are many choices open to you, and being in Amarillo.............have you talked to Panhandle leather??? They are right there in town! Also Not a big distance from Amarillo to SLC either....or call and get it shipped............I have also found that in some instances I can get the same "Tandy" stuff from SLC cheaper than I can buy the identicle and sometimes "Tandy" brand name product from Tandy itself.......ok.........RANT over,.,.....carry on!!
  13. Darn.............and I was looking forward to making a belly dancing outfit!!
  14. http://tuffcase.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=63
  15. One trick I have used is to get a large cooler that I have and put ice in the bottom........I put a couple of tupperware cake covers upside dowm in ther and put leather on top.....keeps it cool without exposing it to the wet ice as it melts.....drain the water off daily and add more ice as long as you need it. Also Listerene added to the casing solution helps prevent any chance of mold growing.
  16. Let the contact cement fully dry before putting together..... this will prevent any seepage.
  17. I have one I might consider selling. Not sure on price as yet but open to offers.
  18. Good advice Ray!
  19. I have sewed this close but it requires that the foot be only on one side and this allows the needle to sew right up next to things like in this pic.
  20. Welcome from the Brazos valley part of Texas
  21. I am going to get a patent for "dead animal skins that have been treated and preserved for functional and decorative use"....................... WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. they did knives as well at my daughters wedding...........and then she conned me into making sheaths for them.......conniving little brat!! But whats a Dad to do??
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