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Everything posted by sideforce

  1. He has a Facebook page with contact info https://www.facebook.com/pg/ProEdgeBurnishers/about/?ref=page_internal
  2. In this world of wide-open media and communication, if one desires to keep a technique or design secret, then they should not put it out there with an expectation it won't be used. YouTube is an excellent resource for information, techniques, and skills. I've learned and benefited from the efforts others have made to put it out there. Particle, I thank you for your efforts to share the craft, for without sharing it will die out. As Rhale stated, "Some people just like to complain." Let them, most of it is ego-driven, desiring acclaim for creating something, that for the most part has already been done before. Are there truly any original ideas remaining?
  3. Lots of questions, I'd suggest doing some research. Al Stohlman has a great book on making holsters. In the meantime: Thread - I use 1.0mm Ritza Polyester "Tiger Thread" for holsters along with a Size 1/0 John James harness needle. Awls: visit Tandy, in person or online for an inexpensive, but good quality awl.
  4. There's this option from Leatherely on Etsy, $6, https://www.etsy.com/listing/638195406/pattern-pdf-how-to-make-leather-belt-bag?ga_search_query=Leather%2BPattern&ref=shop_items_search_2
  5. From Tandy Leather Leathercraft Library. Tandy Sporran Pattern
  6. Built a shoulder rig for a friend with removable dual mag pouch, used Chicago Screws to mount it to the strap. Mayhap you could use the strap guide in Stohlman's holster book to manage the shoulder and tail strap, centering the weight in the middle of the shoulders. The holster could be figured to attach the same as the mag pouches. Perhaps the holster could attach on the leading edge to the suspender with a down strap to the belt on the bottom rear of the holster. Not sure that would be stable though.
  7. Not finding your link to Aluminum Mold Guns
  8. .08 Tiger thread would work. Depends on the stitches per inch (spi) used. For 6 spi use 1.0 Rita Tiger thread, for 8 spi I drop to .08.
  9. Slick. I wonder if there are shorter clips for parallel carry?
  10. Made a cheek riser for my Dad's rifle, lined with Elk hide. To stop the sliding he used the hook side of velcro, sticking it to the stock. Keeps it all in place well. If taken off the adhesive should clean up well with a bit of alcohol and rubbing.
  11. Made the shoulder harness from Stohlman's book as a replacement for a Bianchi holster. Used Chicago screws for adjustment. Wasn't sure about the small strap routing plate, but it worked swimmingly.
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