Don't forget used tools. I have made some excellent purchases from folks on this site. I also check out flea markets and antique stores. ASK! Surprising what people have and don't want. One of my best all time tool purchases was at an auction years ago, three boxes of tools, leather and books. Some of my most prized, I got for $70.00!! No one at the auction (besides me) knew what those boxes were (or cared)....when the time came for bidding, I asked if all three boxes could be auctioned for "one money". Auctioneer says "sure". I said $ one else says anything! I went home and inventoried. Retail pricing (back then) added up to $800.00. I have several stories like this.
I have told my hot wife and my adult kids: when I pass, Please sell these tools to someone that appreciates and will use them. PLEASE don't have a yard sale!
Good luck!! (and yes, I have more tools than I use, and some I may never use. For me, the hunt is so much fun)
Chuck Dorset, Weaver Leather supply has some good videos. Make Leather Supply (he uses very few tools for his projects)