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Everything posted by eglideride

  1. Here is my version. (Not my drawing.) Arkansas Hogs variant. I like yours a lot!! You did a great job on the tooling.
  2. Great idea! Nice work.
  3. Thanks! Ended up pretty big. I sized it to meet the 'personal' bag parameters so it wouldn't be charged/considered a carry on.
  4. I just finished this "cross the body" type man bag for a trip to London in a couple of months. My pattern, somewhat styled after a motorcycle saddle bag. Hand and machine sewn.
  5. Awesome design and execution. Enjoyed following along.
  6. Brilliant! Always learn something on this site, Thanks!
  7. Very cool!
  8. Funny story, I made and used a phone holster like this several years ago. Went into a building, security guy stopped me and had me turn around... He goes "Oh its a phone holder, I thought you had a pistol" We both laughed about it....
  9. That might have been Black River Laser.
  10. eglideride

    Shop apron.

    Very nice!
  11. Excellent shading/tones...great work!
  12. Don't forget used tools. I have made some excellent purchases from folks on this site. I also check out flea markets and antique stores. ASK! Surprising what people have and don't want. One of my best all time tool purchases was at an auction years ago, three boxes of tools, leather and books. Some of my most prized, I got for $70.00!! No one at the auction (besides me) knew what those boxes were (or cared)....when the time came for bidding, I asked if all three boxes could be auctioned for "one money". Auctioneer says "sure". I said $70.00....no one else says anything! I went home and inventoried. Retail pricing (back then) added up to $800.00. I have several stories like this. I have told my hot wife and my adult kids: when I pass, Please sell these tools to someone that appreciates and will use them. PLEASE don't have a yard sale! Good luck!! (and yes, I have more tools than I use, and some I may never use. For me, the hunt is so much fun) Chuck Dorset, Weaver Leather supply has some good videos. Make Leather Supply (he uses very few tools for his projects) http://makesupply-leather.com/
  13. Nice! "Skin that smoke wagon...... see what happens!"
  14. Yeah, I can identify! I just finished (5) guitar straps...one of them sucks- that one will be mine. Same for a small biker wallet last week....my 'brother by another mother' gets the "good" one. Identical, with the wonky stitch line is mine.....I don't pitch the not quite right stuff...I keep it, use it or hang it on the wall, or throw it in a drawer. Reminds me to slow down, think things through. Yours looks great. Most people don't "see" the mistakes we know we made!
  15. I have a set of these. Work great on small projects. (I don't hand sew often either) As mentioned above- not recommended for thicker projects.
  16. Always very cool stuff- love your style and execution.
  17. looks great! Love shop pics!
  18. Weaver sells these for $21.50 per size/set. But hey, if AS brand is what you want!.......
  19. eglideride

    Dice Bags

  20. Little tiny screw...created a big problem. Bought this 3200 from you Bob...6 years ago? Has worked flawlessly. (Well, till now haha!) Thanks!
  21. Thanks to this board and contributors. Long story, short version. I spent way too long trying to fix my machine thread jam. Spent quite a bit of time reading this forum today. Cant say which post or which person but they mentioned that "the little screw on the shuttle hook assembly can come loose over time". Well, TA DA! That was it...the screw had loosened just enough to be just a hair above the surface. Which in turn snagged the thread and jammed the machine. I won't admit publicly how much time I spent trying to figure this out... Thanks to this forum and contributors! David (Pic taken after the screw was tightened back down)
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