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Everything posted by toxo

  1. How lucky was I to find someone like Mike who is as helpful as anyone could ask for AND has the same machine? Still fine tuning. There is a learning curve and if you change the height you have to remember to re-focus the laser. It's fairly slow but you can do a few lines and pause it to see if it's right then change the settings and carry on. I'm not artistic so stuff like this is a way i can customise my projects.
  2. Not had time to look at software yet.
  3. Will do mate. Will have to eat humble pie re the size boxes. Turns out the num pad isn't working on the laptop and can't get it to work. Can input using the top numbers.
  4. I was looking on Goods Japan for some edge treatment. They sell a gum trag alternative in powder form and, amongst other things they advise making up small batches as and when needed because bacteria transferred from outside (from leather etc) can cause the product to "spoil". Has anyone come across this? Does "spoiling" reduce the efficacy?
  5. Mike, you are one clever man. God knows how long this would've taken me. Burning as I speak. almost there on card. Extremely anxious about ruining a really nice wallet though.
  6. You're as soppy as I am. She was a Westie. Maybe around 40mm width for my wallet constrain proportions. If you've cracked the text thing a name would be nice. When you say carton do you mean cardboard as in box?
  7. Thanks Mike. Message sent. The sellers (laser) manufacturer wants a vid of the non input once you wipe the either of the size boxes. I'd like to be able to carve the pic one day but laser for sure if it'll look good. Which pic would you use for laser the photo or the grey?
  8. I've got it this far. Mike I'll look at yours presently.
  9. Here's a photo of the nearest I've ever come to a soul mate. She understood everything I said and when I came home she would run off to find my slippers and bring them to me. She died due to the complacency of the vet and I will forever feel guilty because it wasn't her time. She was like an 11yr old puppy. Anyway. I'm using Fireworks MX 2004 and have almost finished erasing the background. I want to turn it into a sketch/line art so I can put it onto leather. I haven't used F/Ws in anger for a long long time but I seem to remember you could do it by taking away more and more colours but I can't do it. Can anyone help?
  10. A word lover as well! You must be a bruvva from anuvva muvva,
  11. That looks like a nice piece of kit Rob and I guess that's the sort of price needed if you don't want crap but I've decided to use what I've got until I'm sure I need one. There are two compressors in the shed and although the space is a bit limited I can at least hang things up and not have to worry about overspray. Thanks for the thought.
  12. Liking the thinking Mike. In fact I used to be you. Used to be a fabricator/welder. slowed down too much these days. A lot easier to open the door and take the box.
  13. I have at least one airbrush somewhere and I fancy having a bash at some coloured dyes/paints. So recommends please for a budget airbrush compressor that is fairly quiet. I have a big one in the shed but I can't fire that up indoors when I'm often at it late at night.
  14. Just paint on the laptop. I have fireworks which I love on the vista machine but don't think it'll copy over. Maybe d/load gimp.
  15. My dogs start telling me off If I haven't started cooking their minced rabbit by 5.30pm. This comp is W7 sp1. The size window thing didn't work. Once I wipe one of the boxes it won't allow any input at all. This (I have a girl friend who's all wolf) printed at 60 x 90 inches. actual size = 60mm x 90mm imported from elsewhere.. A bit sooty cos I smudged it but at least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  16. Now you're talking! The ladies adore the massage. Here's something I knocked up today. Quite pleased with myself actually because it'll take different sized bottles just by tightening the belt. Started out with belt loops hence the holes. Colouring to follow.
  17. My God man! Your brain must be at least twice the size of mine. I'm gonna have to print this and ingest ingest it bit by bit. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help and perseverance. I don't know what was closer, sending it back or chucking it in the bin. If I can make it work the excitement will come back. The thing seems to have the power required. Dogs dinner beckons. I'll have a go later. Thanks again Mike.
  18. My first post was in reference to making patterns bigger than one A4 page. My second post was reply to your query.
  19. OK. Brain is still fried. I think the difference was the first time I saved and d/loaded 7z. Which is why there were files in the program. After deleting everything I d/loaded again but opened with 7z which brought me to the interface asking where to extract to. From that list of files I installed driver.exe after ignoring the thing saying it couldn't do it. When I first got the key and inserted it in the console I got nada. No pictures, nothing. I did later and assumed because of installing driver exe. Anyway still no .exe showing on the files on the key. At this point I had to go lay down in a darkened room. This morning I felt brave enough to face it again. And I nearly fell down when I clicked Diao with no .exe and the interface came up. Took a while to find out how to change to english but the interface on the screen isn't the same as in the handbook. print screen doing nothing. Worked out how to get image in the interface but can't resize beyond what's there in the window approx 10mm. If i wipe to put in new parameters it won't let me input anything.
  20. Sorry JLS, he's nitekore on youtube. On Etsy he's Dieselpunkro. Also on Leatherpatterns.com and he has a thriving facebook group also. His name is Tony See and he's a very helpful chap. Don't know if steampunk or dieselpunk is a thing over there. He's about punching holes and handstitching and although the f/b group kinda frown on machines, a lot of his designs will lend themselves to machining at least in part. My post Motoko3 at last is one of Tonys. https://www.etsy.com/uk?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=etsy_e&utm_campaign=Search_UK_Brand_Google_HP_General-Brand_Core_General_Exact&utm_ag=A1&utm_custom1=b70041f0-baf3-4798-9b16-e7c309081b66&utm_content=go_1448964936_57199718635_319534134681_aud-440949173404:kwd-1818581752_c_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo8a02K_k5AIVWIXVCh0BDA4NEAAYASAAEgLLn_D_BwE https://www.leather-patterns.com/
  21. when I downloaded 7zip there was four or five files in there as I said above somewhere. Anyway I chose 7zFM (file manager). Anyway, today I opened it instead of saving it worked insofar as it listed the files. I was able to double click .exe from the 7zip page where it asks where to extract and windows (I think) started extracting/installing then stalled and came up with can't do one particular file. I took no notice and installed anyway and it did it.. Still nowhere with the rest but the pics came up on the console where I burn't through 2.5mm on lowest power and lowest depth because the image was tiny. So still waiting on my computer guru to come up with an answer.
  22. Back on the laptop. D/loaded again with 7zFM Is that the right one? all the same except I managed to install the Driver.exe file. Which at least enabled me to burn a piece of leather enough to let me know I need the software.
  23. Still have it on winrar but tried to extact to the usb key/downloads/documents. All arrived with no .exe.
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